Boersma, Maarten; Renz, Jasmin (2016): Mesozooplankton abundances at time series station Helgoland Roads, in 2014 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Boersma, Maarten; Greve, Wulf; Renz, Jasmin; Ecker, Ursula; Kirstein, Inga V (2017): Mesozooplankton abundances at time series station Helgoland Roads since 1974 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Biological Institute Helgoland, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Further details:
Latitude: 54.188330 * Longitude: 7.900000
Date/Time Start: 2014-01-08T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-12-17T10:38:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 10 m
HelgolandRoads2014 (Kabeltonne) * Latitude: 54.188330 * Longitude: 7.900000 * Date/Time Start: 2014-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-12-31T23:59:59 * Elevation: -10.0 m * DEIMS ID: * O2A Registry URI: * Location: German Bight, North Sea * Campaign: LTER_HelgolandRoads (Kabeltonne, Long-term Ecological Research Helgoland Roads) * Basis: Marine Station Helgoland * Method/Device: Monitoring (MON)
The data provided here represents a summary of species and taxonomic groups. Species and groups added together are shown in the parameter comments (see "Further details").
Empty cells = taxon was not investigated in this sample. Pantopoda, Anthozoa, Noctiluca and Ostracoda were not investigated in 2014, there are therefore no values for this taxon included here.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode | ||
2 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode – top | |
3 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode – bottom | |
4 | Copepoda, nauplii | Copepoda naup | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
5 | Acartia spp. | Acartia spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
6 | Calanus spp. | Calanus spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
7 | Centropages spp. | Centropages spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
8 | Pseudocalanus spp. | Pseudocalanus spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | contains Paracalanus spp. |
9 | Temora longicornis | T. longicornis | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
10 | Oithona spp. | Oithona spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
11 | Copepoda indeterminata | Copepoda indet | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
12 | Cyclopoida indeterminata | Cyclopoida indet | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
13 | Harpacticoida | Harpacticoida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
14 | Copepoda, other | Copepoda oth | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | other copepod species, see comments in Further Details |
15 | Amphipoda | Amphipoda | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
16 | Cirripedia | Cirripedia | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
17 | Cladocera | Cladocera | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
18 | Cumacea | Cumacea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
19 | Decapoda, zoea | Decapoda zoea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
20 | Decapoda, megalopa | Megalopa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
21 | Isopoda | Isopoda | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
22 | Mysidacea | Mysidacea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
23 | Annelida | Annelida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
24 | Appendicularia | Appendic | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
25 | Bryozoa | Bryozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
26 | Ctenophora | Ctenophora | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
27 | Chaetognatha | Chaetognatha | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
28 | Coelenterata | Coelenterata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
29 | Echinodermata, larvae | Echinod larv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
30 | Echinodermata, juvenile | Echinod juv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
31 | Eggs indeterminata | Eggs indet | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
32 | Fish eggs | Fish eggs | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
33 | Fish larvae | Fish larv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
34 | Hydrozoa | Hydrozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
35 | Mollusca | Mollusca | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
36 | Nemertea | Nemertea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
37 | Tunicata | Tunicata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
38 | Cephalochordata | Cephalochordata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
39 | Phoronida | Phoronida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
40 | Plathelminthes | Plathelminthes | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
41 | Mesozooplankton, other groups | Mesozoopl oth | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1900 data points