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Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Selgrath, Jennifer C; Gergel, Sarah E; Vincent, Amanda C J; Phinn, Stuart R (2016): Habitat map of Danajon Bank, Philippines, derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image and georeferenced point intercept transect and spot-check survey field data, using an object-based image classification method [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Selgrath, Jennifer C; Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Gergel, Sarah E; Vincent, Amanda C J (2016): Mapping for coral reef conservation: comparing the value of participatory and remote sensing approaches. Ecosphere, 7(5), e01325,

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A mosaic of two WorldView-2 high resolution multispectral images (Acquisition dates: October 2010 and April 2012), in conjunction with field survey data, was used to create a habitat map of the Danajon Bank, Philippines (10°15'0'' N, 124°08'0'' E) using an object-based approach.
To create the habitat map, we conducted benthic cover (seafloor) field surveys using two methods. Firstly, we undertook georeferenced point intercept transects (English et al., 1997). For ten sites we recorded habitat cover types at 1 m intervals on 10 m long transects (n= 2,070 points). Second, we conducted geo-referenced spot check surveys, by placing a viewing bucket in the water to estimate the percent cover benthic cover types (n = 2,357 points). Survey locations were chosen to cover a diverse and representative subset of habitats found in the Danajon Bank. The combination of methods was a compromise between the higher accuracy of point intercept transects and the larger sample area achievable through spot check surveys (Roelfsema and Phinn, 2008, doi:10.1117/12.804806).
Object-based image analysis, using the field data as calibration data, was used to classify the image mosaic at each of the reef, geomorphic and benthic community levels. The benthic community level segregated the image into a total of 17 pure and mixed benthic classes.
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Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Phinn, Stuart R; Jupiter, Stacy D; Comley, James; Albert, Simon (2013): Mapping coral reefs at reef to reef-system scales, 10s–1000s km**2, using object-based image analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(18), 6367-6388,
Further details:
Documentation of habitat map for the Danajon Bank, Philippines. hdl:10013/epic.48507.d001
Latitude: 10.250000 * Longitude: 124.164000
Danajon_Bank * Latitude: 10.250000 * Longitude: 124.164000 * Location: Philippines * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
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