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Freeman, Roy; Mueller, Stephan (1992): A continent revealed - The European Geotraverse - Link to Atlas of compiled data [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The continent of Europe has a complex geological history of successive tectonic events. Over several thousand million years these have formed the present day configuration of major tectonic provinces. A Continent Revealed unravels this history by presenting and interpreting the results of the European Geotraverse (EGT) a unique study of the continent of Europe and the first comprehensive cross section of continental lithosphere. This illustrated book has been put together by key workers in the EGT project. It uses the wealth of information yielded by the ten years of experiments, study centres and workshops to provide a concise and thought provoking account of the geological processes that created the European continent. It provides a summary of the European Geotraverse, and at the same time a starting point for further work.
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Ahjos, T; Arca, S; Balling, Niels; Berktold, A; Bonnin, Jerome; Cermak, Vladimir; Della Vedova, Bruno; Dost, Bernard; Eva, C; Fréchet, J; Freeman, Roy; Galdéano, A; Gregersen, S; Gubler, F; Hahn, A; Hjelt, S-E; Jenatton, L; Kakkuri, J; Klingelé, E; Korja, T; Lahmeyer, B; Langer, H; Leydecker, G; Lucazeau, Francis; Mouge, P; Olafdottir, B; Pajunpää, K; Pasquale, V; Paulssen, H; Pavoni, N; Pellis, G; Rasmussen, T; Ritter, E; Roth, P H; Schulz, Ruediger; Spakman, W; Suhadolc, P; Thouvenot, F; Uski, M; Verdoya, M; Wonik, Thomas; Zippelt, K (1992): A continent revealed - The European Geotraverse - Atlas of compiled data (edited by Roy Freeman and Stephan Mueller, illustrations by Sue Button) [dataset]. European Science Foundation, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 251 41923 9 (boxed set), ISBN 0 521 42948 X (paperback), 25 maps, booklet, CD-ROM, hdl:10013/epic.43139.d001
Median Latitude: 50.400000 * Median Longitude: 16.550000 * South-bound Latitude: 30.200000 * West-bound Longitude: 8.900000 * North-bound Latitude: 70.600000 * East-bound Longitude: 24.200000
The_European_Geotraverse * Latitude Start: 70.600000 * Longitude Start: 24.200000 * Latitude End: 30.200000 * Longitude End: 8.900000
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