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Shipboard Scientific Party (1962): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from PROA Expedition stations [dataset]. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography (1962): PROA Expedition April-August 1962, list of core and dredge samples, R/V Spencer F. Baird. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, unpublished, 64 pp,

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Published: 1962 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2016-06-04

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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the PROA Expedition in April 1962 until August 1962 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 180 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Further details:
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: 5.834533 * Median Longitude: -179.504386 * South-bound Latitude: -20.333000 * West-bound Longitude: 135.100000 * North-bound Latitude: 58.000000 * East-bound Longitude: -161.058344
Date/Time Start: 1962-04-18T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1962-08-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.510 m
PROA-009D  * Latitude: 8.445133 * Longitude: 137.820933 * Date/Time: 1962-04-18T00:00:00 * Elevation: -7750.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: PROA * Basis: Spencer F. Baird * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
PROA-011P  * Latitude: 6.133000 * Longitude: 136.183000 * Date/Time: 1962-04-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4600.0 m * Recovery: 4.3 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: PROA * Basis: Spencer F. Baird * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
PROA-011PG  * Latitude: 6.133000 * Longitude: 136.183000 * Date/Time: 1962-04-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4600.0 m * Recovery: 0.18 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: PROA * Basis: Spencer F. Baird * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Latitude of eventLatitude
Longitude of eventLongitude
Elevation of eventElevationm
Method/Device of eventMethod/Device
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topm
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botm
10 PositionPositionVisual description
11 Deposit typeDeposit type
12 Quantity of depositQuantity
13 SizeSize
14 Substrate typeSubstrate
15 Sediment typeSediment
16 CommentComment
17 DescriptionDescription
18 Uniform resource locator/link to imageURL image
467 data points


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Elevation [m]



Depth sed [m]

Depth top [m]

Depth bot [m]
Deposit type
URL image
PROA-009D 8.4451137.8209-7750DredgePROA-009D-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coatingSeveralPebble; breccia basaltCalcareous oozeLight brown, slightly gritty clay.Manganese coated pebbles, coating contains breccia basalt. Challenger deep of the Mariana Trench
PROA-009D8.4451137.8209-7750DredgePROA-009D-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coating1Pebble; pumiceCalcareous oozeLight brown, slightly gritty clay.Manganese coated pumice pebble. Challenger deep of the Mariana Trench
PROA-011P 6.1330136.1830-4600Piston corerPROA-011P-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Mn nodule at top. (Cronan)
PROA-011P6.1330136.1830-4600Piston corerPROA-011P-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coating1StoneManganese covered stone or manganese nodule top of piston core.
PROA-011PG 6.1330136.1830-4600Gravity corerPROA-011PG-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Mn nodule
PROA-015D 7.7670135.1000-6700DredgePROA-015D-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coating2Pebble; pumice, pyroclastic2 Mn coated pebbles. Pebbles of pumice and other pyroclastic sediment. East flank of Palau Trench.
PROA-029D -5.9000152.4500-7750DredgePROA-029D-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coating3Fragment; pumiceMudDark brown mud3 small pieces of black pumice. South side of New Britain Trench.
PROA-PC7 -20.3330170.7670-3140CorePROA-PC7-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn coatingSeveralPebble; pumiceMudMedium brown silty mudContaining small dark coated pebbles (Mn ?)
PROA-063PG -7.8000174.4170-5265Gravity corerPROA-063PG-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at top
PROA-072D -11.3170178.2000-770DredgePROA-072D-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Mn nodule (Manheim, 1985)
PROA-072D-11.3170178.2000-770DredgePROA-072D-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crust2LargeRock; fossil coralTwo large chunks and several small fragments of Mn-coated reef rock. On the edge of a drowned
PROA-079P -4.8500174.0170-4895Piston corerPROA-079P-10.2800.260.30BuriedMn nodule1Red clay26-30 Mn nodule (Cronan)
PROA-084P -2.1000171.4000-3985Piston corerPROA-084P-12.2852.042.53In sedimentMn rich layerCalcareous ooze204-253 Mn rich layer
PROA-099P 3.1836179.3500-5391CorePROA-099P-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleFewFragmentClaySmall lumps of yellowish, grayish and brown semiconsolidated clay.Few cc. of small Mn nodule fragments
PROA-101P 6.0330-178.5830-5097Piston corerPROA-101P-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Zeolitic clayZeolitic clay. Brown clay overlying light buff, highly zeolitic, non-fossiliferous clay.Mn nodule on top.
PROA-101P6.0330-178.5830-5097Piston corerPROA-101P-20.0150.000.03BuriedMn noduleSeveralZeolitic clayZeolitic clay. Brown clay overlying light buff, highly zeolitic, non-fossiliferous clay.Non-fossiliferous clay, overlying manganese nodules.
PROA-102C1 58.0000-177.5767-5267Photo/VideoPROA-102C1-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleManyBottom photograph with Mn noduleshdl:10013/epic.47814.d001
PROA-102C2 58.0000-177.5767-5267Photo/VideoPROA-102C2-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleManyBottom photograph with Mn noduleshdl:10013/epic.47814.d002
PROA-103V 3.6170-176.3000-5000PROA-103V-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1SmallClayBuff claySmall Mn nodule and Foraminifera. Flat at bottom of 200 fm. hill
PROA-105G 0.2500-179.7170-5045Gravity corerPROA-105G-10.0200.000.04BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous ooze0-4 Mn nodule (Cronan)
PROA-105G0.2500-179.7170-5045Gravity corerPROA-105G-20.8000.780.82BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous ooze78-82 Mn nodule (Cronan)
PROA-108P -3.5170-178.4170-5582Piston corerPROA-108P-13.5103.963.06BuriedMn noduleSeveralClayTerrigenous mud, brown clay.Several Mn nodules at 396 (Cronan)
PROA-108PG -3.5170-178.4170-5582Gravity corerPROA-108PG-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Siliceous oozeSiliceous ooze, brown clay throughout; highly radiolarian in the upper part, sparsely fossiliferous below.Mn nodule on top (Cronan).
PROA-108C -3.5530-178.4183-5560Photo/VideoPROA-108C-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleManyBottom photograph with Mn noduleshdl:10013/epic.47814.d003
PROA-112P -8.0330-175.6500-5269Piston corerPROA-112P-12.1902.182.20BuriedMn nodule1Terrigenous mud218-220 Mn nodule
PROA-113PG -9.5664-176.2166-4837Gravity corerPROA-113PG-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleFewUp to 2.0 cmSmall number of Mn nodules up to 2.0 cm diam.. On a high in an area of 250 fm. relief. (Cronan)
PROA-113P -9.5664-176.2166-4837CorePROA-113P-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralUp to 3.0 cmZeolitic clayZeolitic brown clay with few corroded foraminifera and very altered, radiolariaCatcher sample with several Mn nodules up to 3 cm diam.
PROA-113V -9.5664-176.2166-4865PROA-113V-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral2.0 cmMudFew cc. of mottled brown mud2 cm. Mn nodules. On a high in an area of 250 fm. relief
PROA-116P -8.8170-168.5500-4550CorePROA-116P-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleFewFragmentFew chunks of Mn nodules up to 4 cm across with few forams adhering
PROA-116P-8.8170-168.5500-4550CorePROA-116P-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crust1Consolidated sedimentMn crust (Manheim, 1985)
PROA-123G -5.1506-165.7115-3680Gravity corerPROA-123G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleFewFragmentA few tiny fragments of Mn nodule.
PROA-137G 7.0670-171.7000-5386Gravity corerPROA-137G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralFragmentNo core; fragmented Mn nodules in catcher. Near top of irregular hill with 400 fm. relief, falling off steeply. (Cronan). Mn fragment (Manheim, 1985)
PROA-139G 8.1000-170.4170-5444Gravity corerPROA-139G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Radiolarian oozeRadiolarian ooze (may be calcareous near top)Mn nodule on top (Cronan). On large, rather flat plateau.
PROA-141G 9.1330-168.6830-5205Gravity corerPROA-141G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1ClaySlightly zeolitic clay; at bottom practically non-fossiliferousMn nodule at top. Practically flat bottom.
PROA-147V 10.5000-165.5500-4341PROA-147V-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule12.0 cmForaminiferal oozeMn nodule (2 cm.) Flat bottom.
PROA-147G 10.5000-165.5500-4341Gravity corerPROA-147G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at top. (Cronan)
PROA-147G10.5000-165.5500-4341Gravity corerPROA-147G-20.1700.170.17BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at 17 (Cronan)
PROA-147G10.5000-165.5500-4341Gravity corerPROA-147G-30.4600.460.47BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at 45-47 (Cronan)
PROA-147G10.5000-165.5500-4341Gravity corerPROA-147G-40.8300.830.83BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at 83. (Cronan)
PROA-148G 11.0170-164.9330-4835Gravity corerPROA-148G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Zeolitic clayZeolitic clay, at the bottom non-fossilferous.Mn at top (Cronan).
PROA-150G 9.5830-166.9000-5139Gravity corerPROA-150G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Siliceous oozeMn nodule at 0-3 cm
PROA-151G 8.5670-168.8670-4397Gravity corerPROA-151G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule on top (Cronan)
PROA-156G 10.3830-170.9500-4469Gravity corerPROA-156G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule on top (Cronan)
PROA-156G10.3830-170.9500-4469Gravity corerPROA-156G-20.8800.870.89BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at 87-89 (Cronan)
PROA-156G10.3830-170.9500-4469Gravity corerPROA-156G-31.0301.021.04BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous oozeMn nodule at 102-104 (Cronan)
PROA-157G 10.3330-172.1000-5106Gravity corerPROA-157G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Siliceous oozeMn nodule on top
PROA-159G 11.3830-172.7830-5380Gravity corerPROA-159G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Zeolitic clayBrown zeolitic clay at the bottom, few radiolaria. Almost flat bottom, very gentle slope.Mn nodule on top (Cronan)
PROA-160G 11.5170-172.8170-4837Gravity corerPROA-160G-10.8750.860.89BuriedMn nodule1ClayBrown clay.Mn nodule at 86-89 (Cronan)
PROA-161G 12.2670-172.8000-2708Gravity corerPROA-161G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn fragmentFewClayCore appears to be brown clay throughout, at the bottom zeolitic, manganiferous and practically non-fossiliferous. In a valley among seamounts.Only a few fragments of Mn near the top of a seamount. (Cronan)
PROA-162G 12.5170-172.8500-5464Gravity corerPROA-162G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSmallClayBrown clayAt least one small Mn nodule at top. (Cronan)
PROA-167G 14.4330-168.8170-5435Gravity corerPROA-167G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Zeolitic clayHighly zeolitic clay and practically non-fossiliferous at the bottom. At the base of a seamount.Mn nodule at the top
PROA-168G 14.9330-167.5670-4315Gravity corerPROA-168G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule1Zeolitic clayAt the bottom, highly zeolitic, practically non-fossiliferous clay. Hummocky bottom, 20 fm. relief.Mn nodule at the top.
PROA-169G 15.6600-166.6670-5440Gravity corerPROA-169G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralNo core. Fragmentary Mn nodules. Flat area at the base of a seamount. (Cronan)
PROA-169G15.6600-166.6670-5440Gravity corerPROA-169G-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn fragmentSeveralMn fragment (Manheim, 1985)
PROA-175G 19.0170-161.0583-4924Gravity corerPROA-175G-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crust1ClaySlightly zeolitic, silty clay with few, extremely altered Radiolaria. Area of irregular hills ranging to-200 fm. relief.Surface of core indurated with Mn.