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Detmers, Jan; Strauss, H; Schulte, U; Bergmann, A; Knittel, Katrin; Kuever, Jan (2016): Hydrochemical and microbiological properties of groundwater from pristine aquifer sampled at the Lower Rhine Embayment [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Detmers, J et al. (2003): FISH shows that Desulfotomaculum spp. are the dominating Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Pristine Aquifer. Microbial Ecology, 47(3),

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The hydrochemistry and the microbial diversity of a pristine aquifer system near Garzweiler, Germany next to the open-pit lignite mine Garzweiler 1, were characterized. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data indicate a recent activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Tertiary marine sands. The community structure in the aquifer was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Up to 7.3 x 10**5 cells/ml were detected by DAPIstaining. Bacteria (identified by the probe EUB338) were dominant, representing 51.9% of the total cell number (DAPI). Another 25.7% of total cell were affiliated with the domain Archaea as identified by the probe ARCH915. Within the domain Bacteria, the beta-Proteobacteria were most abundant (21.0% of total cell counts). Using genusspecific probes for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), 2.5% of the total cells were identified as members of the genus Desulfotomaculum. This reflects the predominant role these microorganisms have been found to play in sulfatereducing zones of aquifers at other sites. Previously, all SRB cultured from this site were from the spore-forming genera Desulfotomaculum and Desulfosporosinus. Samples were taken after pumping for >= 40 min and after parameters such as temperature, pH, redox potential, oxygen and conductivity of the groundwater had remained stable for >= 15 min due to recharge of aquifer water. Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)- stained cells were performed as described in Snaidr et al., (1997, Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800-1000 DAPI stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations and oligonucleotide probes used please see further details.
Latitude: 51.128512 * Longitude: 6.849289
Minimum DEPTH, water: 120 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 125 m
LRG * Latitude: 51.128512 * Longitude: 6.849289 * Location: Rhine, Germany, Europe * Method/Device: Sampling Well (WELL) * Comment: Position is estimated from map.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Sample IDSample IDDetmers, Janof well
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermDetmers, JanGeocode
6pHpHDetmers, Jan
7Temperature, waterTemp°CDetmers, Jan
8OxygenO2µmol/lDetmers, Janoriginal unit = mg/l
9Nitrate[NO3]-mg/lDetmers, Jan
10Sulfate[SO4]2-mg/lDetmers, Jan
11δ34S, sulfateδ34S [SO4]2-‰ CDTDetmers, Jan
12Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCmg/lDetmers, Jan
13δ13C, dissolved inorganic carbonδ13C DIC‰ PDBDetmers, Jan
14Prokaryotes, abundance as single cellsProk cell abund109 #/cm3Detmers, JanEpifluorescence microscopy after DAPI staining
15Bacteria, targeted with EUB338 l oligonucleotides FISH-probeEUB338 I%Detmers, JanFluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
16Archaea, targed with ARCH915 oligonucleotide FISH-probeARCH915%Detmers, JanFluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
48 data points

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