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Glockhoff, Carolyn (1978): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from ANTIPODE Expedition stations [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Deep-sea sediment cores from Scripps Institution of Oceanography's ANTIPODE Expedition were described to identify visually distinct units based on color, texture, or other feature, sedimentary structures, lithology and abundance of component grains, and paleontology. Sixty-eight cores were examined, of which 34 are large diameter piston cores. Photographs and graphic lithology legs are included as PLATES 1-48. ANTIPODE Expedition recovered cores from: the Monterey-Ascension Fan, the Northeast Pacific, the Aleutians, the Northwest Pacific, the Philippine Sea, Indonesia, the Tonga Ridge, the Seychelles, Chagos Archipelago, the Mid-Indian Ridge, the Bay of Bengal, near Sumatra, and near the Cocos Island in the Indian Ocean. The purpose of this report is to present sufficient basic data on ANTIPODE cores for invesiigators to choose samples for their own research.
Related to:
Glockhoff, Carolyn (1978): Description of cores from the Pacific and Indian oceans taken on ANTIPODE expedition. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Reference Series, 78-17, 211 pp,
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: -2.033654 * Median Longitude: 101.160711 * South-bound Latitude: -30.443000 * West-bound Longitude: 53.142000 * North-bound Latitude: 46.680000 * East-bound Longitude: -177.517000
Date/Time Start: 1970-08-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1971-08-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 7.28 m
ANTP-045P (ANTP03MV-045P)  * Latitude: 46.680000 * Longitude: 161.965000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5676.0 m * Recovery: 732 cm * Location: Northwestern Pacific Ocean * Campaign: ANTIPODE * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
ANTP-045PG (ANTP03MV-045PG)  * Latitude: 46.680000 * Longitude: 161.965000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5676.0 m * Recovery: 130 cm * Location: Northwestern Pacific Ocean * Campaign: ANTIPODE * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
ANTP-048D (ANTP03MV-048D)  * Latitude: 35.205000 * Longitude: 158.932000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-13T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3094.0 m * Location: Northwestern Pacific Ocean * Campaign: ANTIPODE * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventGlockhoff, Carolyn
Date/Time of eventDate/TimeGlockhoff, Carolyn
Latitude of eventLatitudeGlockhoff, Carolyn
Longitude of eventLongitudeGlockhoff, Carolyn
Elevation of eventElevationmGlockhoff, Carolyn
Method/Device of eventMethod/DeviceGlockhoff, Carolyn
Sample IDSample IDGlockhoff, Carolyn
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGlockhoff, CarolynGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmGlockhoff, Carolyn
10 Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmGlockhoff, Carolyn
11 PositionPositionGlockhoff, Carolyn
12 Deposit typeDeposit typeGlockhoff, Carolyn
13 Quantity of depositQuantityGlockhoff, Carolyn
14 SizeSizeGlockhoff, Carolyn
15 Substrate typeSubstrateGlockhoff, Carolyn
16 Sediment typeSedimentGlockhoff, Carolyn
17 CommentCommentGlockhoff, Carolyn
18 DescriptionDescriptionGlockhoff, Carolyn
19 Uniform resource locator/link to imageURL imageGlockhoff, Carolyn
673 data points


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Elevation [m]


Sample ID

Depth sed [m]

Depth top [m]
Depth bot [m]
Deposit type
URL image
ANTP-045P 1970-08-0546.6800161.9650-5676Piston corerANTP-045P- sedimentMn rich layerPalagonite and Fe-Mn oxide
ANTP-045PG 1970-08-0546.6800161.9650-5676Gravity corerANTP-045PG- sedimentMn micronoduleVolcanic ashVolcanic ash and Mn micronodules
ANTP-048D 1970-08-1335.2050158.9320-3094DredgeANTP-048D- sedimentMn micronoduleVolcanic ashVolcanic ash and manganese. Recent benthic forams.
ANTP-050D 1970-08-1432.6980158.2630-2607DredgeANTP-050D- noduleManySiliceous ooze450 kg of Mn nodules
ANTP-050D1970-08-1432.6980158.2630-2607DredgeANTP-050D- crustSeveralConsolidated oozeSiliceous ooze10 kg of Mn encrusted siliceous ooze
ANTP-057D 1970-09-0618.9670135.8020-3939DredgeANTP-057D- noduleManyCalcareous ooze150 kg of Mn nodules
ANTP-057D1970-09-0618.9670135.8020-3939DredgeANTP-057D- crustSeveralConsolidated oozeCalcareous oozeMn encrusted sediment (calcareous ooze)
ANTP-058D 1970-09-0618.9530135.7930-3555DredgeANTP-058D- noduleManyCalcareous ooze50 kg of Mn nodules
ANTP-058D1970-09-0618.9530135.7930-3555DredgeANTP-058D- crustSeveral3.0 cm thickConsolidated oozeCalcareous ooze10 kg of Mn encrusted sediment (calcareous ooze) with 3.0 cm thick crust
ANTP-059P 1970-09-0718.4570135.5070-3761Piston corerANTP-059P- crust15.5x3.0 cmClayThe interval 19-27 cm is a manganese crust with clay, with the largest piece of manganese 5.5x3.0 cm in size.
ANTP-059P1970-09-0718.4570135.5070-3761Piston corerANTP-059P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClay200-202 Mn micronodules
ANTP-059P1970-09-0718.4570135.5070-3761Piston corerANTP-059P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClay310-312 Mn micronodules.
ANTP-061D 1970-09-0818.2970135.2530-2593DredgeANTP-061D- noduleSeveralHardground25 kg of Mn nodules
ANTP-061D1970-09-0818.2970135.2530-2593DredgeANTP-061D- crustSeveralRock; volcanicsHardground100 kg Mn encrusted, altered silicic volcanics and volcanic sandstone.
ANTP-062D 1970-09-0818.2750135.2050-3146DredgeANTP-062D- nodule6SmallCore; shark tooth5 or 6 small Mn nodules. One with shark's tooth within.
ANTP-077D 1970-10-29-18.343063.6430-3465DredgeANTP-077D- noduleMany10 kg of Mn nodules collected by R. L. Fisher
ANTP-077D1970-10-29-18.343063.6430-3465DredgeANTP-077D- crustSeveralThickRock; basaltVariously weathered porphyritic basalts with fairly thick Mn crust
ANTP-086D 1970-11-03-17.590065.6570-2710DredgeANTP-086D- crustSeveralFragmentRock; gabbroFresh coarse-grained gabbro fragments, some coated with Mn.
ANTP-81C1 1970-11-01-18.036465.5500-1226Photo/VideoANTP-81C1- crustSeveralLargeRock; basaltLarge Mn coated basalt blockshdl:10013/epic.46873.d001
ANTP-81C5 1970-11-01-18.041465.5667-327Photo/VideoANTP-81C5- slabSeveralMn slabshdl:10013/epic.46873.d002
ANTP-81C51970-11-01-18.041465.5667-327Photo/VideoANTP-81C5- coatingSeveralBlockMn coated blockshdl:10013/epic.46873.d002
ANTP-81C6 1970-11-01-18.041465.5667-823Photo/VideoANTP-81C6- slabManyField of Mn slabshdl:10013/epic.46873.d003
ANTP-81C7 1970-11-01-18.041165.5783-823Photo/VideoANTP-81C7- noduleManyField of Mn nodules, flat in shapehdl:10013/epic.46873.d004
ANTP-106D 1970-12-01-26.935061.4930-5400DredgeANTP-106D- crust6FragmentClayMedium brown clay with small amount of light brown calcareous oozeApprox. 6 pieces of Mn crust.
ANTP-109D 1970-12-03-27.980060.8030-5865DredgeANTP-109D- noduleSeveralTooth; sharkMn nodules. Several shark's teeth found in nodules.
ANTP-109D1970-12-03-27.980060.8030-5865DredgeANTP-109D- slabSeveralLargeLarge Mn slabs
ANTP-109D1970-12-03-27.980060.8030-5865DredgeANTP-109D- crustSeveralConsolidated sedimentPotatoe-like Mn coated sediment. Mn crust very often cited.
ANTP-110D 1970-12-04-28.757061.5170-2240DredgeANTP-110D- coatingSeveralBoulder; consolidated oozeCalcareous oozeSeveral boulder-sized pieces of semi-consolidated, tan-white calcareous ooze with partial very thin Mn coating.
ANTP-112D 1970-12-05-29.228062.0430-2465DredgeANTP-112D- coatingSeveralFragment; weathered basaltExtremely weathered vesicular slightly vesicular basalt and coarse sediment fragments all Mn coated.
ANTP-113D 1970-12-06-29.307060.6600-5780DredgeANTP-113D- coatingSeveralFragment; basalt, consolidated sedimentWeathered basalt, Mn crusts on angular fragments and breccias. Mn-coated sediments, both soft and firm.
ANTP-114D 1970-12-06-29.305060.6220-4695DredgeANTP-114D- coatingManyRock; weathered basalt75 kg of coarse-grained weathered basalt and altered amorphous serpentinites all coated with Mn.
ANTP-114D1970-12-06-29.305060.6220-4695DredgeANTP-114D- crustSeveralLargeConsolidated sedimentLarge Mn coated wafers of sediment. Mn coating throughout. Several shark's teeth.
ANTP-115D 1970-12-06-29.230060.5530-3190DredgeANTP-115D- crustFewSmall amount of Mn crust
ANTP-117D 1970-12-08-30.443060.8070-5820DredgeANTP-117D- coatingSeveralRock; serpentinite10 kg of Mn coated coarse-grained serpentinite
ANTP-116C1 1970-12-07-29.209760.5117-2548Photo/VideoANTP-116C1- noduleManyMn nodules field, dense. Nodules with rough surface. could be pumice coated pebbles.hdl:10013/epic.46873.d005
ANTP-116C2 1970-12-07-29.210660.5117-2546Photo/VideoANTP-116C2- noduleManyMn nodules field, dense. Nodules with rough surface. could be pumice coated pebbles.hdl:10013/epic.46873.d006
ANTP-118C1 1970-12-09-29.658961.2600-3057Photo/VideoANTP-118C1- coatingSeveralLargeBlockCalcareous oozeCoral debris amid calcareous oozeLarge Mn coated blockshdl:10013/epic.46873.d007
ANTP-118C4 1970-12-09-29.625561.2466-2120Photo/VideoANTP-118C4- coatingSeveralBlockCalcareous oozeMn coated blocks amid calcareous oozehdl:10013/epic.46873.d008
ANTP-121C3 1971-01-17-11.016170.4933-2819Photo/VideoANTP-121C3- noduleManyCalcareous oozeField of Mn nodules semi-buried in oozehdl:10013/epic.46873.d009
ANTP-124DB 1971-01-22-14.200066.3930-2910DredgeANTP-124DB- crust2FragmentTwo chips of Mn crust and one rounded fragment of pumice.
ANTP-133D 1971-01-28-8.650067.6500-2130DredgeANTP-133D- crustFewRock; basaltSmall quantity of basalt with Mn crusts on baked, glassy chips and multiple layers.
ANTP-136D 1971-01-03-10.092066.4180-2410DredgeANTP-136D- coatingSeveralFragmentRock; serpentinite5 kg. of angular fragments of Mn coated serpentinized basalt.
ANTP-145D 1971-02-05-7.325057.9300-2430DredgeANTP-145D- crustSeveralThickCoral75 kg. of thickly Mn encrusted reef material. Mn crust very often cited.
ANTP-153D 1971-02-12-2.040053.1420-4445DredgeANTP-153D- noduleSeveralWell rounded, dense and thick Mn nodules. Ear bone, shark's teeth.
ANTP-175P 1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P- nodule11.0x2.0 cm4-6 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules. Manganese nodules are located at 4-6 cm (size 1.0x2.0 cm)
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P- noduleSeveral2.0x2.5 cm5-7 Manganese nodules are located at 5-7 cm (size 2.0x2.5 cm)
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P- nodule114-17 Mn nodule
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P- noduleSeveral2.0x2.5 cmManganese nodules are located at 25-27 cm (size 2.0x2.5 cm
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P-51.311.301.32BuriedMn nodule1130-132 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P-62.302.292.30BuriedMn nodule11.0x2.5 cmAnother Mn nodule at 229-230 cm (1.0x2.5 cm)
ANTP-175P1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Piston corerANTP-175P-73.423.413.43In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveral341-343 Mn micronodules
ANTP-175PG 1971-06-01-10.752095.1780-4690Gravity corerANTP-175PG- sedimentMn rich layerA black micro-manganese layer is located at 3 cm
ANTP-187P 1971-07-057.4970127.4320-7113Piston corerANTP-187P- sedimentMn micronoduleClayModerate yellowish brown clay with Mn micronodulesSeveral Mn micronodules layers.
ANTP-187PG 1971-07-057.4970127.4320-7113Gravity corerANTP-187PG- nodule20.5 cmClayTwo manganese nodules, 5 mm diameter, are located at 3 cm
ANTP-187PG1971-07-057.4970127.4320-7113Gravity corerANTP-187PG- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayA manganese silty clay layer rich in micronodules at 10 cm.
ANTP-198P 1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Piston corerANTP-198P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous clayFine red siliceous clay with Mn micronodules in the upper portion10-12 Mn micronodules
ANTP-198P1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Piston corerANTP-198P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous clayFine red siliceous clay with Mn micronodules in the upper portion200-202 Mn micronodules
ANTP-198P1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Piston corerANTP-198P- noduleSiliceous clayFine red siliceous clay with Mn micronodules in the upper portion300-302 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules
ANTP-198P1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Piston corerANTP-198P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous clayFine red siliceous clay with Mn micronodules in the upper portion410-412 Mn micronodules.
ANTP-198PG 1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Gravity corerANTP-198PG- nodule11.0 cm0-2 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules. A 1 cm manganese nodule rests at the top of the sediment.
ANTP-198PG1971-07-0915.3000133.3330-4663Gravity corerANTP-198PG- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveral102-104 Mn micronodules
ANTP-201PG 1971-07-0117.0670133.2600-5721Piston corerANTP-201PG- nodule2Two Mn nodules in weight stand.
ANTP-201PG1971-07-0117.0670133.2600-5721Piston corerANTP-201PG-23.690.057.32BuriedMn noduleSeveralA manganese layer at 5-7 with nodules or crust? and clay lies at the top. Nodules sent to Calvert in 1982 and Fisk in 1979.
ANTP-201PG1971-07-0117.0670133.2600-5721Piston corerANTP-201PG-30.940.930.95BuriedMn nodule12.5 cmAnother manganese nodule 2.5 cm in diameter lies at 93-95 cm.
ANTP-201PG1971-07-0117.0670133.2600-5721Piston corerANTP-201PG- nodule1100-102 Mn nodule in Mn rich layer.
ANTP-201P 1971-07-0117.0670133.2600-5721Gravity corerANTP-201P- noduleSeveralMn nodules at top
ANTP-204P 1971-07-0117.0600134.7920-4844Piston corerANTP-204P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayFine clay with indurated material110-146 Mn micronodules
ANTP-204P1971-07-0117.0600134.7920-4844Piston corerANTP-204P-22.512.502.52BuriedMn nodule1ClayFine clay with indurated material250-252 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules
ANTP-204P1971-07-0117.0600134.7920-4844Piston corerANTP-204P-31.991.462.52In sedimentMn rich layerSeveralClayFine clay with indurated material146-252 Successive Mn rich layers
ANTP-204P1971-07-0117.0600134.7920-4844Piston corerANTP-204P- slab1ClayFine clay with indurated material207-209 Mn slab + Mn micronodules
ANTP-204PG 1971-07-0117.0600134.7920-4844Gravity corerANTP-204PG- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayModerate brown clay with indurated clay and ashIn upper 10 cm plus Mn micronodules.
ANTP-212P 1971-07-1316.9080138.9750-3924Piston corerANTP-212P- nodule23.0-6.0 cmThe top 5 cm of this core is two manganese nodules, size 4.0x3.0 cm and 6.0x4.0 cm. Mn nodules sent to Calvert.
ANTP-212P1971-07-1316.9080138.9750-3924Piston corerANTP-212P- nodule10.2 cm5-19 Mn nodule + Mn micronodules. A 2 mm Mn nodule is located at 11 cm
ANTP-212P1971-07-1316.9080138.9750-3924Piston corerANTP-212P- nodule10.8 cmAn 8 mm Mn nodule at 16 cm.
ANTP-212P1971-07-1316.9080138.9750-3924Piston corerANTP-212P-41.440.951.94In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveral95-194 Mn micronodules
ANTP-212PG 1971-07-1316.9080138.9750-3924Piston corerANTP-212PG- noduleSeveralPieces of Mn in catcher only, in fact Mn nodules later analysed by Fisk
ANTP-213P 1971-07-1316.7520139.4850-3697Piston corerANTP-213P- nodule1ClayCalcareous clay, compressed at top with Mn micronodules below.An Mn nodule on top, sent to Calvert
ANTP-213P1971-07-1316.7520139.4850-3697Piston corerANTP-213P-20.670.071.27In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayCalcareous clay, compressed at top with Mn micronodules below.7-117 Several Mn micronodule layers
ANTP-219P 1971-07-1416.3500142.3330-4010Piston corerANTP-219P- noduleSeveral0-2 Mn nodules with pumice. A manganese layer (0-2 cm)
ANTP-219P1971-07-1416.3500142.3330-4010Piston corerANTP-219P- nodule32.5 cm3 nodules (2.5 cm) occupy the top 5 cm.
ANTP-219PG 1971-07-1416.3500142.3330-4010Gravity corerANTP-219PG-10.880.751.01In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralPalagonite with Mn micronodules
ANTP-224D 1971-08-29-19.1670-177.5170-2050DredgeANTP-224D- coatingSeveralRock; siltstoneMudLarge amount of brown foraminiferal mud which looks like silstone.Half a bag of well-indurated siltstone with Mn crusts. Moderate amount of altered grey pumice.