Siegel, Herbert; Brust-Möbius, Juliane; Ohde, Thomas; Gerth, Monika (2016): Incident irradiance above water and upward radiance below the water surface during METEOR cruise M103/2 at station M103/2_123 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2016-01-19 • DOI registered: 2019-12-20
Further details:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn (BMBF), grant/award no. 03F0650: Geochemistry and ecology of the Namibian upwelling system
Latitude: -19.762000 * Longitude: 11.345000
Date/Time Start: 2014-02-03T07:11:22 * Date/Time End: 2014-02-03T07:11:22
M103/2_123_SMSR * Latitude: -19.762000 * Longitude: 11.345000 * Date/Time: 2014-02-03T07:11:22 * Location: Namibia upwelling, Southeast Atlantic * Campaign: M103/2 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference (SMSR)
The incident irradiance above water Es (lambda) and the upward radiance just below the water surface Lu (lambda,0-) were measured with Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) in 13 channels between 412 nm and 700 nm. All measurements were made according to the recommendations of the SeaWiFS validation team (Mueller and Austin 1995). The sampling data rate was 6 Hz.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Radiance, upward at 619.6 nm | Lu_619.6 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
2 | Radiance, upward at 412.1 nm | Lu_412.1 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
3 | Radiance, upward at 670.1 nm | Lu_670.1 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
4 | Radiance, upward at 442.7 nm | Lu_442.7 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
5 | Radiance, upward at 519.5 nm | Lu_519.5 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
6 | Radiance, upward at 489.8 nm | Lu_489.8 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
7 | Radiance, upward at 509.8 nm | Lu_509.8 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
8 | Radiance, upward at 565.7 nm | Lu_565.7 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
9 | Radiance, upward at 554.2 nm | Lu_554.2 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
10 | Radiance, upward at 590.6 nm | Lu_590.6 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
11 | Radiance, upward at 665.1 nm | Lu_665.1 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
12 | Radiance, upward at 683.4 nm | Lu_683.4 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
13 | Radiance, upward at 699.6 nm | Lu_699.6 | µW/cm2/nm/sr | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
14 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 620.7 nm | Ei_620.7 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
15 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 411.6 nm | Ei_411.6 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
16 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 670.9 nm | Ei_670.9 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
17 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 443.1 nm | Ei_443.1 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
18 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 520.8 nm | Ei_520.8 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
19 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 490.5 nm | Ei_490.5 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
20 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 509.3 nm | Ei_509.3 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
21 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 565.6 nm | Ei_565.6 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
22 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 555.5 nm | Ei_555.5 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
23 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 589.4 nm | Ei_589.4 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
24 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 664.6 nm | Ei_664.6 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
25 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 683.6 nm | Ei_683.6 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) | |
26 | Spectral irradiance, incident at 700.2 nm | Ei_700.2 | W/m2/nm | Siegel, Herbert | Satlantic surface reference (SMSR-SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference) |
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