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Shipboard Scientific Party (1973): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from BENTHIFACE Expedition stations [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography (1973): BENTHIFACE (1973) Expedition, Core List, R/V Melville. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, unpublished, 22 pp,

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The cores described in this report were taken on the BENTHIFACE Expedition in June 1973 to July 1973 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Melville. A total of 128 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Further details:
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: 12.864381 * Median Longitude: -113.497871 * South-bound Latitude: 9.855000 * West-bound Longitude: -121.062000 * North-bound Latitude: 15.523000 * East-bound Longitude: -106.057000
Date/Time Start: 1973-06-08T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1973-07-03T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.74 m
BNFC03BX (BNFC02MV-003BX)  * Latitude: 15.523000 * Longitude: -106.057000 * Date/Time: 1973-06-08T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3286.0 m * Recovery: 1 cm * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: BENTHIFACE (BNFC02MV) * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
BNFC05G (BNFC02MV-005G)  * Latitude: 13.642000 * Longitude: -106.315000 * Date/Time: 1973-06-09T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3220.0 m * Recovery: 161 cm * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: BENTHIFACE (BNFC02MV) * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
BNFC07G  * Latitude: 11.561670 * Longitude: -107.586700 * Date/Time: 1973-06-10T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3425.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: BENTHIFACE (BNFC02MV) * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: Monegasque Trawl (MTRW)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventSIO
Date/Time of eventDate/TimeSIO
Latitude of eventLatitudeSIO
Longitude of eventLongitudeSIO
Elevation of eventElevationmSIO
Method/Device of eventMethod/DeviceSIO
Sample IDSample IDSIO
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSIOGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmSIO
10 Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmSIO
11 PositionPositionSIO
12 Deposit typeDeposit typeSIO
13 Quantity of depositQuantitySIO
14 SizeSizeSIO
15 Substrate typeSubstrateSIO
16 Sediment typeSedimentSIO
17 CommentCommentSIO
18 DescriptionDescriptionSIO
596 data points


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Elevation [m]


Sample ID

Depth sed [m]

Depth top [m]
Depth bot [m]
Deposit type
BNFC03BX 1973-06-0815.5230-106.0570-3286Box corerBNFC03BX- nodule1Small fragment0-1 cm. Small piece of Mn nodule only
BNFC05G 1973-06-0913.6420-106.3150-3220Gravity corerBNFC05G- nodule3Calcareous-siliceous clayYellowish brown, dark yellowish brown, light yellowish brown calcareous-siliceous clay. Large forams, nannos and (recent) rads.3 Mn nodules in catcher
BNFC05G1973-06-0913.6420-106.3150-3220Gravity corerBNFC05G-21.401.401.40BuriedMn nodule1Calcareous-siliceous clayYellowish brown, dark yellowish brown, light yellowish brown calcareous-siliceous clay. Large forams, nannos and (recent) rads.Mn nodule at 140 cm
BNFC09P 1973-06-1110.2580-108.9680-3377Piston corerBNFC09P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous-calcacareous clayRed siliceous-calcacareous clayRed siliceous-calcacareous clay with Mn micronodules
BNFC09PG-1 1973-06-1110.2580-108.9680-3377Gravity corerBNFC09PG-1- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous-calcacareous clayDark brown siliceous-calcacareous clayDark brown siliceous-calcacareous clay with Mn micronodules
BNFC09PG-2 1973-06-1110.2580-108.9680-3377Gravity corerBNFC09PG-2- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous-calcacareous clayDark brown siliceous-calcacareous clay with forams, rads and diatomsDark brown siliceous-calcacareous clay with Mn micronodules. Also forams, rads and diatoms
BNFC10BX 1973-06-1110.2500-109.0000-3348Box corerBNFC10BX- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous clayDark brown siliceous clay with some forams increasingly abundant toward bottom.Dark brown siliceous clay with Mn micronodules and some forams increasingly abundant toward bottom
BNFC12PG-1 1973-06-129.8550-109.1150-3481Gravity corerBNFC12PG-1- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous-calcacareous clayVery dark grayish siliceous-calcareous clay with rads (quaternary), diatoms and forams.Very dark grayish siliceous-calcareous clay with Mn micronodules and rads (quaternary), diatoms and forams
BNFC14P 1973-06-1210.7000-109.1000-5118Piston corerBNFC14P- noduleSeveralFragmentBiosiliceous clayDark brown to very dark grayish brown biosiliceous clay with Fe oxides and volcanic shards and quartz/feldspar dust.Bulk core-catcher sample (total recovery.) Mn nodule fragments and clay mixture
BNFC15P 1973-06-1311.6780-109.7580-3789Piston corerBNFC15P- noduleSeveralBiosiliceous clayMottled dark reddish brown to brown biosiliceous clay and oozeMn nodules in weight stand
BNFC17P 1973-06-1411.1800-109.6050-3522Piston corerBNFC17P- noduleFewSiliceous-calcacareous oozeDark brown siliceous-calcareous ooze.Some Mn nodules in weight stand
BNFC17P1973-06-1411.1800-109.6050-3522Piston corerBNFC17P-20.500.490.50BuriedMn nodule1Siliceous-calcacareous oozeDark brown siliceous-calcareous ooze.An indurated nodule at 49-50cm. Sediment contains abundant Fe oxides
BNFC18P 1973-06-1410.7000-108.5300-3551Piston corerBNFC18P- noduleSeveralRadiolarian clayDark yellowish brown radiolarian clayManganese nodules present
BNFC18PG-1 1973-06-1410.7000-108.5300-3551Gravity corerBNFC18PG-1- noduleSeveralRadiolarian clayMn nodules with some radiolarian clay. Core-catcher only
BNFC18PG-2 1973-06-1410.7000-108.5300-3551Gravity corerBNFC18PG-2- noduleSeveralRadiolarian clayMn nodules with some radiolarian clay. Core-catcher only
BNFC19BX 1973-06-1510.7270-108.5420-3172Box corerBNFC19BX- noduleSeveralClayBrown clayBrown clay with manganese nodules. Disturbed
BNFC25P 1973-06-1610.3750-108.6400-2693Piston corerBNFC25P-10.960.940.97BuriedMn nodule14.0x4.0x4.0 cmForaminiferal oozeForaminferal ooze with large 4x4x4 cm Mn nodule at 94-97 cm
BNFC29G 1973-06-1710.4020-108.7930-1130Gravity corerBNFC29G- crustFewFragmentForaminiferal oozeNo core. Total recovery comprised few frags of black Fe/Mn crust with a few foraminifer fragments
BNFC32G 1973-06-1710.4100-108.7750-1423Gravity corerBNFC32G- noduleSeveralFragmentForaminiferal oozeFragments of Mn nodules with a few forams
BNFC38G 1973-06-189.9700-108.8500-1258Gravity corerBNFC38G- grainFewSandCore-catcher only. Teaspoon of manganese and sand with small amount of organic material
BNFC46G 1973-06-1910.5120-109.1330-3200Gravity corerBNFC46G- crustFewFragmentRockForaminiferal sandGraded, bedded, tan foraminiferal sandGraded, bedded, tan foraminiferal sand with a few rock or Mn fragments
BNFC48G 1973-06-1910.4850-109.5120-1322Gravity corerBNFC48G- crustFew1.0 cmForaminiferal oozeHalf teaspoonful of Mn chips and foraminifers; one piece of Mn about the size of a (U.S.) penny; slight green color to some forams
BNFC53P 1973-06-2411.8700-110.0020-3891Piston corerBNFC53P- noduleMany2.0-3.0 cmSiliceous-calcareous clayDark yellowish brown biosiliceous-biocalcareous clay with traces of Fe oxidesMn nodules at top approx. 2-3 cm diameter. Nodules covered entire area of the box
BNFC54BX 1973-06-2411.8600-110.0070-3886Box corerBNFC54BX- noduleMany2.0-3.0 cmSiliceous-calcareous oozeDark brown biosiliceous/calcareous ooze with Fe oxides and volcanic shards. Calcareous component is small foraminifer fragments and nannos. Some possible authigenic silicate.Mn nodules on top, approx. 2-3 cm diameter. Nodules covered entire area of the box [surface]
BNFC56BX 1973-06-2513.3680-114.0830-4105Box corerBNFC56BX- noduleManyRadiolarian clayDark brown radiolarian clay with mMany Mn nodules 'in situ'. See pdf, page 57 (photos)
BNFC57PG-1 1973-06-2613.4020-114.0900-4098Gravity corerBNFC57PG-1- crust10Up to 6.0x4.0x4.0 cmMn crustings, approx. 10 pieces, the largest 6 x 4 x 4 cm
BNFC58P 1973-06-2613.5350-114.3450-4003Piston corerBNFC58P- nodule12.0x2.0x2.0 cmBiosiliceous clayBrown, very dark greyish brown, and light yellowish brown mottling including some leach mottling). biosiliceous clay to ooze with silt-sized Fe oxides to 15% in dark zones.2x2x2 cm Mn nodule on top
BNFC58P1973-06-2613.5350-114.3450-4003Piston corerBNFC58P-22.732.732.73BuriedMn nodule1Biosiliceous clayBrown, very dark greyish brown, and light yellowish brown mottling including some leach mottling). biosiliceous clay to ooze with silt-sized Fe oxides to 15% in dark zones.Another Mn nodule at 273-273 cm
BNFC59P 1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P- noduleSeveralUp to 10.0x6.0x6.0 cmBiosiliceous clayBrown and very pale brown siliceous (?) clayMn nodules in weight stand from 10 x 6 x 6 cm
BNFC59P1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P-20.500.001.00In sedimentMn micronoduleManyBiosiliceous clayBrown and very pale brown siliceous (?) clayBrown and very pale brown siliceous (?) clay with Mn micronodules throughout
BNFC59P1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P-33.422.853.99In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralZeolitic clayVery pale brown, very dark and dark grayish brown clayManganese micronodules between 285 and 399cm
BNFC59P1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P-45.214.605.82In sedimentMn micronoduleManyZeolitic clayDark gray clay. Extensive very dark gray and grayish brown burrow mottlingMn micronodules throughout
BNFC59P1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P-57.557.207.90In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralZeolitic clayDark yellowish brown, yellowish brown and very pale brown clay. Moderate to extensive burrowing throughout. brown layers between 780-790cm may be burrows split along axis.Mn micronodules common between 720-790cm
BNFC59P1973-06-2714.5300-117.2580-4076Piston corerBNFC59P-68.748.109.37In sedimentMn micronoduleFewZeolitic clayDark brown zeolitic(?) clay. Slight very pale brown burrow mottlingA few Mn micronodules
BNFC60P 1973-06-2914.5730-117.3670-4078Piston corerBNFC60P-13.593.503.68In sedimentMn micronoduleManyClayDark reddish gray clayMn micronodules throughout
BNFC61BXA 1973-06-2914.6050-117.3700-4065Box corerBNFC61BXA- noduleSeveralUp to 10.0 cmClayBrown clayOne large (10cm diameter) Mn nodule on top and several smaller ones
BNFC62P 1973-06-2914.6070-117.2930-4035Piston corerBNFC62P- sedimentMn micronoduleManyClayDark brown clay. slight pale brown mottlingMn micronodules at 2-4, 7- 8, and 29 -31cm
BNFC62P1973-06-2914.6070-117.2930-4035Piston corerBNFC62P-20.360.320.39BuriedMn noduleSeveralClayDark brown clay. slight pale brown mottlingMn nodules/crusts comprise entire interval 32-39cm
BNFC62P1973-06-2914.6070-117.2930-4035Piston corerBNFC62P-30.450.400.49BuriedMn crustSeveralConsolidated clayClayDark brown clay. slight pale brown mottlingCrumbly Mn also common 40-49cm
BNFC63BXA 1973-06-2914.5470-117.2700-4079Box corerBNFC63BXA- noduleMany0.0-3.0 cmSiliceous oozeDark brown siliceous ooze or clay.Many Mn nodules on the surface, 0-3 cm diameter
BNFC63BXB 1973-06-2914.5470-117.2700-4079Box corerBNFC63BXB- noduleMany0.0-3.0 cmSiliceous oozeDark brown siliceous ooze or clay.Many Mn nodules on the surface, 0-3 cm diameter
BNFC64G 1973-06-2914.5530-117.2870-4026Gravity corerBNFC64G- crustSeveralFragmentBiosiliceous clayDark grayish brown to dark brown biosiliceous clay with quartz/feldspar dust and possible authigenic silicate. Silt-sized Fe oxidesMn chips at top
BNFC68FF 1973-06-3014.5270-117.3530-4083Free fall corerBNFC68FF- noduleManyUp to 1.0 cmClayBrown/dark brown clay. Slight yellowish brown burrow mottling.One 1 cm Mn nodule at top. Several small Mn nodules seen 'in situ
BNFC70FF 1973-06-3014.5300-117.3270-3988Free fall corerBNFC70FF- noduleSeveralClayBrown-dark brown fe oxidic clay with minute zeolites and volcanic shardsMn nodules on top
BNFC70FF1973-06-3014.5300-117.3270-3988Free fall corerBNFC70FF- noduleSeveralBiosiliceous clayVery dark grayish brown biosiliceous clay to ooze with Fe oxides (silt-sized grains) and authigenic (?) silicate in radiolarian castsMn nodules at 26-27cm
BNFC71FF 1973-06-3014.5330-117.3200-3964Free fall corerBNFC71FF- nodule1ClayBrown clay. White and very pale brown (burrow) mottles.At least one Mn nodule on top
BNFC72BXA 1973-06-3014.5770-117.3100-4006Box corerBNFC72BXA- noduleManyUp to 1.5 cmSiliceous clayDark brown siliceous clay.Many small Mn nodules at top, diam. Max 1.5 cm
BNFC72BXB 1973-06-3014.5770-117.3100-4006Box corerBNFC72BXB- nodule11.0 cmSiliceous clayBrown-dark brown siliceous clay.One 1 cm Mn nodule near top
BNFC73P 1973-06-3014.5570-117.3030-3694Piston corerBNFC73P-14.784.764.79In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous oozeDark yellowish brown siliceous ooze. Slight yellow burrow mottling.Mn micronodules
BNFC73P1973-06-3014.5570-117.3030-3694Piston corerBNFC73P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous oozeDark yellowish brown siliceous ooze. Slight yellow burrow mottling.Mn micronodules
BNFC73P1973-06-3014.5570-117.3030-3694Piston corerBNFC73P- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous oozeDark yellowish brown siliceous ooze. Slight yellow burrow mottling.Mn micronodules
BNFC73PG 1973-06-3014.5570-117.3030-3694Gravity corerBNFC73PG- noduleSeveralClayBrown-dark brown clay with authigenic (?) silicate, rad, diatom, and sponge spicule fragments. Volcanic shards, Fe oxides and possible minute zeolites. Moderate mottling.Mn nodules at top.
BNFC74BX 1973-06-3014.5870-117.3370-3944Box corerBNFC74BX- noduleManyBiosiliceous clayDark brown biosiliceous clay.Many Mn nodules on top
BNFC77FF 1973-07-0114.6120-117.3600-4087Free fall corerBNFC77FF- nodule1SmallClayDark reddish brown clay with possible authigenic silicate. Volcanic shards, traces bio siliceous microfossils.Small Mn nodule at top
BNFC77FF1973-07-0114.6120-117.3600-4087Free fall corerBNFC77FF- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark reddish brown clay with possible authigenic silicate. Volcanic shards, traces bio siliceous microfossils.Fe oxide-Mn micronodules
BNFC77FF1973-07-0114.6120-117.3600-4087Free fall corerBNFC77FF-30.820.551.09In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralRadiolarian clayDark brown radiolarian clay with possible authigenic silicate.Fe oxides and Fe-Mn micronodules
BNFC78FF 1973-07-0114.6120-117.3480-3968Free fall corerBNFC78FF- noduleSeveralSmallBiosiliceous clayDark brown biosiliceous clay with possible authigenic silicate, Fe oxides, volcanic shards. Most diatoms and rads are fragmented.Small Mn nodules at top
BNFC81G 1973-07-0114.5850-118.5550-4169Gravity corerBNFC81G- nodule4Siliceous clayMn fragments at top with 3 or 4 Mn nodules at top
BNFC84P 1973-07-0315.0930-120.7480-4207Piston corerBNFC84P- noduleSeveralClayBrown to dark reddish brown clay with possible authigenic silicate, Fe oxides, volcanic shards, and few foram fragments.Mn nodules at top
BNFC84PG 1973-07-0315.0930-120.7480-4207Gravity corerBNFC84PG- noduleSeveralClayDark brown clay with light yellowish brown mottles.Mn nodules at top
BNFC85BXB 1973-07-0314.6030-121.0320-4302Box corerBNFC85BXB- noduleSeveralBiosiliceous clayBrown biosiliceous clay with possible authigenic silicate, Fe oxides. Silicoflagels present.Mn nodules present at top of core
BNFC85BXB1973-07-0314.6030-121.0320-4302Box corerBNFC85BXB- sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralBiosiliceous clayBrown biosiliceous clay with possible authigenic silicate, Fe oxides. Silicoflagels present.Fe-Mn micronodules, minute volcanic shards and diatoms (mostly fragmented, though some are whole)
BNFC86P 1973-07-0314.5850-121.0620-4295Piston corerBNFC86P- noduleSeveralBiosiliceous clayBrown dark-brown and dark grayish brown mottled clay. possible authigenic silicate. Silt-sized Fe oxides, volcanic shards, minute zeolites and a few, but large radiolarian fragments.Mn nodules at top of core
BNFC86PG 1973-07-0314.5850-121.0620-4295Gravity corerBNFC86PG- noduleSeveralClayClay with Fe oxides, rads, diatoms, volcanic shards and possible authigenic silicate.Mn nodules at top
BNFC07G 1973-06-1011.5617-107.5867-3425Monegasque TrawlBNFC07G- crust2FragmentHard groundNo core. Barrel appears to have hit Mn crust, living two bits in weight stand