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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Liao, Yuantao; Lyle, Mitchell W (2015): (Supplement T1) Sedimentation and sediment redistribution on the Cocos Ridge during MV1014_transit01 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Liao, Y; Lyle, MW (2014): Late Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentation and sediment transport on the Cocos Ridge, eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology, 355, 1-14,

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Median Latitude: 5.456503 * Median Longitude: -85.941707 * South-bound Latitude: 4.819041 * West-bound Longitude: -86.025338 * North-bound Latitude: 6.098548 * East-bound Longitude: -85.858285
MV1014_transit01 * Latitude Start: 6.098548 * Longitude Start: -86.025330 * Latitude End: 4.819041 * Longitude End: -85.858285 * Location: Cocos Ridge * Campaign: MV1014 * Basis: Melville * Method/Device: ParaSound (PS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Common depth pointCDPLiao, Yuantao
2LATITUDELatitudeLiao, YuantaoGeocode
3LONGITUDELongitudeLiao, YuantaoGeocode
4Sediment thicknessSed thickmLiao, Yuantao
47578 data points

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