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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Profe, Jörn; Zolitschka, Bernd; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Frechen, Manfred; Ohlendorf, Christian (2015): Element log ratios derived from discrete X-ray fluorescence sample scanning on the Schwalbenberg II loess-paleosol sequence [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Profe, J et al. (2016): Geochemistry unravels MIS 3/2 paleoenvironmental dynamics at the loess–paleosol sequence Schwalbenberg II, Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 459, 537-551,

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Latitude: 50.557000 * Longitude: 7.236000
Minimum SECTION, height: 0.038 m * Maximum SECTION, height: 12.940 m
Schwalbenberg_II * Latitude: 50.557000 * Longitude: 7.236000 * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP) * Comment: loess-paleosol sequence
GEOPOLAR, Institute of Geography, Bremen: Pilot study for the geochemical characterization of loess-palaeosoil sequences (Project S3) - German Research Foundation (DFG)
1944 data points

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