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Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) (1976): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from SESAM cruise stations [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The cores and dredges described at this site were taken on the SESAM cruise from 30 April until 10 June 1976 by the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle from the R/V Marion Dufresne. A total of 55 cores, dredges and camera stations were recovered and are available at MNHN for sampling and study.
Related to:
MNHN (1976): SESAM Cruise - MD09, R/V Marion Dufresne, core list. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, unpublished,
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Further details:
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: -34.420542 * Median Longitude: 58.483333 * South-bound Latitude: -42.150000 * West-bound Longitude: 48.250000 * North-bound Latitude: -24.100000 * East-bound Longitude: 63.516670
Date/Time Start: 1976-01-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1976-12-05T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 12.500 m
MD09-02 (PS760089)  * Latitude: -24.633330 * Longitude: 53.450000 * Date/Time: 1976-01-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4897.0 m * Recovery: 13.2 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: MD09 (SESAM) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1972) * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
MD09-03 (PS760090)  * Latitude: -29.300000 * Longitude: 51.150000 * Date/Time: 1976-02-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4897.0 m * Recovery: 9.6 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: MD09 (SESAM) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1972) * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
MD09-04 (PS760091)  * Latitude: -30.000000 * Longitude: 50.550000 * Date/Time: 1976-02-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4785.0 m * Recovery: 17.75 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: MD09 (SESAM) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1972) * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventMNHN
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmMNHNGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmMNHN
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmMNHN
PositionPositionMNHNVisual description
Deposit typeDeposit typeMNHN
Quantity of depositQuantityMNHN
10 Substrate typeSubstrateMNHN
11 Sediment typeSedimentMNHN
12 CommentCommentMNHN
13 DescriptionDescriptionMNHN
850 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Depth top [m]

Depth bot [m]


Deposit type


MD09-02 MD-PS760089-10.7500.001.50In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayed detrital oozeClayed detrital ooze0-150 Clayed detrital ooze, brown with oxides and micronodules, rich in kalonite and amorphous components
MD09-03 MD-PS760090-10.0500.000.10BuriedMn crustSeveralFragmentClayed detrital oozeClayed detrital ooze, brown with oxides, amorphous components and ferrous smectites.0-10 Fragments of polymetallic crust
MD09-04 MD-PS760091-12.0000.004.00In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralRed clayRed clay with oxides0-400 Red clay with oxides (micronodules), amorphous components, ferrous smectites and biological silica.
MD09-06A MD-PS760093-15.4252.508.35In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralDetrital oozeBrown layed detrital ooze with iron-rich smectites250-835 Brown layed detrital ooze with iron-rich smectites, amorphous components and micronodules
MD09-06AMD-PS760093-28.3508.358.35BuriedMn noduleSeveralNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze, beige with coccoliths and discoasters835-835 Polymetallic nodules bed
MD09-06B MD-AT760004-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze with forams and diatoms0-0 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.5 cm, 72 Nod/m2, 3.8 kg/m2
MD09-06BMD-AT760004-20.0800.060.10BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze with forams and diatoms6-10 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.5 cm, 132 Nod/m2, 5 kg/m2
MD09-06BMD-AT760004-30.3700.340.40BuriedMn noduleSeveral4.5 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonate ooze with nannofossils, foraminifers and biogenous silica (less abundant downward)34-40 Mn nodules, spherical, 4.5 cm, 44 Nod/m2, 3.6 kg/m2
MD09-06BMD-AT760004-40.5750.550.60BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonate ooze with nannofossils, foraminifers and biogenous silica (less abundant downward)55-60 Mn nodules, 3.5 cm, 40 Nod/m2, 1.6 kg/m2
MD09-06BMD-AT760004-50.6700.630.71BuriedMn noduleSeveral5.5 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonate ooze with nannofossils, foraminifers and biogenous silica (less abundant downward)63-71 Mn nodules, 5.5 cm, 48 Nod/m2, 6.6 kg/m2.
MD09-11 MD-PS760098-17.2007.207.20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralNanno ooze and calcareous oozeAlternating nanno ooze and carbonaceous ooze layers with Fe smectite720-720 Micronodules layer
MD09-12A MD-PS760099-12.1502.152.15In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralCalcareous oozeClayed carbonaceous ooze, brown with nannofossils, oxides and amorphous components. Siliciclastics and zeoliths215-215 Micronodules layer
MD09-12B MD-AT760005-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; sedimentary materialNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze, beige, with biogenous silica and foraminifers0-0 Mn nodules, botryoidal, core: sedimentary material, 3.0 cm, 116 Nod/m2, 42 kg/m2.
MD09-12BMD-AT760005-20.1150.100.13BuriedMn noduleSeveral2.5 cmNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze, beige, with biogenous silica and foraminifers10-13 Mn nodules, botryoidal, 2.5 cm, 128 Nod/m2, 2.3 kg/m2.
MD09-12BMD-AT760005-30.5350.490.58BuriedMn noduleSeveral7.5 cmNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze, brown, with biogenous silica and foraminifers.49-58 Mn nodules, spherical, 7.5 cm, 32 Nod/m2, 11.6 kg/m2.
MD09-12BMD-AT760005-40.8250.800.85BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; sedimentary materialNannofossil oozeNannofossil ooze, beige, with foraminifers and phillipsite at the bottom of the unit. Traces of siliclastics.80-85 Mn nodules, spherical, core: sedimentary material, 3.0 cm, 524 Nod/m2, 37 kg/m2
MD09-13 MD-PS760100-112.50012.5012.50BuriedMn noduleSeveral4.0 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonaceous ooze with coccoliths, discoasters and Fe smectites1250-1250 Polymetallic nodules, spherical, 4.0 cm
MD09-14 MD-PS760101-15.1504.605.70In sedimentMn micronoduleManyNannofossil oozeBeige nannooze with foraminifers and biogenous silica (mostly diatoms).Beige nannooze with foraminifers and biogenous silica (mostly diatoms). Oxides and micronodules. More abundant at the base of the unit (460-570)
MD09-15CC MD-PS760102-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralFragmentNannofossil oozeCore catcher with fragments of polymetallic crust
MD09-17 MD-PS760104-12.0000.004.00In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralSiliceous claySiliceous clay brown with biogenous silica (mostly diatoms), siliciclastics and Fe smectites. Abundant micronodules.0-400 Siliceous clay brown with biogenous silica (mostly diatoms), siliciclastics and Fe smectites. Abundant micronodules.
MD09-17MD-PS760104-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule13.0 cmSiliceous claySiliceous clay brown with biogenous silica (mostly diatoms), siliciclastics and Fe smectites. Abundant micronodules.0-0 In core catcher, Mn nodule bed with 1 nodule flattened, 3cm.
MD09-17MD-PS760104-30.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule22.0 and 4.0 cmSiliceous claySiliceous clay brown with biogenous silica (mostly diatoms), siliciclastics and Fe smectites. Abundant micronodules.0-0 2 nodules 4.0 and 2.0 cm.
MD09-17MD-PS760104-44.5004.504.50BuriedMn nodule14.0 cmSiliciclastic clayBrown siliciclastic clay with Fe smectites. Phillipsite at the bottom of the unit.450-450 Mn nodule bed with one nodule of 4.0 cm.
MD09-17MD-PS760104-57.2007.207.20BuriedMn nodule10.5 cmSiliciclastic clayBrown siliciclastic clay with Fe smectites. Phillipsite at the bottom of the unit.720-720 One nodule 0.5 cm.
MD09-17MD-PS760104-67.5007.507.50BuriedMn noduleSeveral1.0-10.0 mmSiliciclastic clayBrown siliciclastic clay with Fe smectites. Phillipsite at the bottom of the unit.750-750 Millimetric Mn nodules
MD09-17MD-PS760104-78.2008.208.20BuriedMn noduleSeveral1.0-10.0 mmSiliciclastic clayBrown siliciclastic clay with Fe smectites. Phillipsite at the bottom of the unit.820-820 Millimetric Mn nodules
MD09-19 MD-PS760106-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralBio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze (diatoms abundant) with siliciclastics.0-0 Mn nodules bed, 3.0 cm
MD09-19MD-PS760106-26.2006.106.30In sedimentMn micronoduleManyBio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze (diatoms abundant) with siliciclastics.610-630 abundant micronodules
MD09-21A MD-CS760001-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralBio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics.Camera: Mn nodules bed, scattered.
MD09-21B MD-AT760007-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; sedimentary and ice rafted material.Bio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics.0-0 Mn nodules, botryoidal, 3.0 cm, 96 Nod/m2, 1.2 kg/m2, core: sedimentary and ice rafted material.
MD09-21BMD-AT760007-20.1300.130.13BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; sedimentary and ice rafted material.Bio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics.13-13 Mn nodules, botryoidal, 3.0 cm, 18 Nod/m2, 0.27 kg/m2, core: sedimentary and ice rafted material.
MD09-21BMD-AT760007-30.3200.320.32BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; sedimentary and ice rafted material.Bio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics.32-32 Mn nodules, botryoidal, 3.0 cm, 18 Nod/m2, 0.27 kg/m2, core: sedimentary and ice rafted material.
MD09-21BMD-AT760007-40.6550.650.66BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmCore; sedimentary and ice rafted material.Bio-siliceous oozeBrown bio-siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics.65-66 Mn nodules, botryoidal, 3.5 cm, 60 Nod/m2, 1.2 kg/m2, core: sedimentary and ice rafted material.
MD09-22 MD-PS760107-11.1001.101.10BuriedMn nodule23.5 cmDiatomiteBrown diatomite with siliclastics.110-110 Mn nodules bed, 2 nodules at 3.5 cm
MD09-23A MD-CS760002-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralRock; weathered basaltHard groundRocky basement composed of weathered basalt with polymetallic crusts
MD09-23AMD-CS760002-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralHard groundNodule beds in sediment-filled crevasses. (nodules)
MD09-23B MD-DR760013-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralRockCalcareous ooze and red clayBrown calcareous ooze and red clayMassive crusts in blocks
MD09-23BMD-DR760013-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleFewCalcareous ooze and red clayBrown calcareous ooze and red clayRare botryoidal and spherical nodules (crust)
MD09-25A MD-PS760108-10.0500.050.05BuriedMn nodule15.0 cmRed clayRed clay, oxide and micronodules rich. Biogenous silica at the top of the unit.5-5 One big nodule, 5.0 cm.
MD09-25CC MD-PS760108CC-10.1000.000.20In sedimentMn micronoduleManyDiatomiteBrown diatomite with siliciclastics, radiolarians and common micronodules0-20 In core catcher. Brown diatomite with siliciclastics, radiolarians and common micronodules. Palagonite in traces
MD09-25CCMD-PS760108CC-20.1000.100.10BuriedMn noduleSeveralDiatomiteBrown diatomite with siliciclastics, radiolarians and common micronodules10-10 Mn nodule bed.
MD09-26 MD-PS760109-10.1000.000.20BuriedMn crustFragmentRockSiliceous ooze0-20 Fragments of rocks with polymetallic crust
MD09-27 MD-AT760008-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmCore; volcanics or ice rafted materialSiliceous oozeBrown siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics. Carbonates near the top.0-0 Mn nodules bed, botryoidal, 3.5 cm, 438 Nod/m2, 8.4 kg/m2. Core: volcanics or ice rafted material. Rind: vernadite and birnessite (surface) and authigenic todorokite (cortex).
MD09-27MD-AT760008-20.2000.200.20BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; volcanics or ice rafted materialSiliceous oozeBrown siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics. Carbonates near the top.20-20 Mn nodules bed, botryoidal, 3 cm, 96 Nod/m2, 1.1 kg/m2. Core: volcanics or ice rafted material.
MD09-27MD-AT760008-30.5000.500.50BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; volcanics or ice rafted materialSiliceous oozeBrown siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics. Carbonates near the top.50-50 Mn nodules bed, botryoidal, 3 cm, 12 Nod/m2, 0.2 kg/m2. Core: volcanics or ice rafted material.
MD09-27MD-AT760008-40.6500.650.65BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmCore; volcanics or ice rafted materialSiliceous oozeBrown siliceous ooze with diatoms and siliclastics. Carbonates near the top.65-65 Mn nodules bed, botryoidal, 3 cm, 12 Nod/m2, 0.2 kg/m2. Core: volcanics or ice rafted material.
MD09-28 MD-PS760110-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralFragmentDiatomiteDiatomite rich siliciclastics.Fragments of polymetallic crusts in a diatomite rich siliciclastics.
MD09-30A MD-PS760111-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral1.5 cmRed clayRed clay with smectites, phillipsite and amorphous components. Kaolinite and quartz0-0 Mn nodules bed, 1.5 cm.
MD09-30AMD-PS760111-22.1502.102.20BuriedMn crust layer1Calcareous oozeWhite carbonaceous ooze with discoasters and detrital carbonates.210-220 Polymetallic crust
MD09-30CC MD-PS760111CC-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralDiatomiteBrown diatomite with foraminifers, coccoliths and radiolariansIn core catcher, 0-0 Mn nodules bed.
MD09-30C MD-PS760112-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crust layer1ClayBrown clay with Fe smectites, oxides and phillipsite0-0 Polymetallic crust
MD09-31 MD-PS760113-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn nodule22.0 cm and 3.0 cmSiliceous clayBrown siliceous clay with diatoms and siliciclastics0-0 Mn nodules layer. 2 nodules: 3.0 and 2.0 cm.
MD09-31MD-PS760113-28.7008.708.70BuriedMn noduleSeveralRed clayRed clay with phillipsite. Clinoptilolite at the base of the unite870-870 Mn nodules layer.
MD09-31MD-PS760113-39.1009.109.10BuriedMn crustSeveralFragmentRed clayRed clay with phillipsite. Clinoptilolite at the base of the unite910-910 Polymetallic crust fragments.
MD09-32 MD-CS760003-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleMany0-0 Camera. Dense Mn nodules field.
MD09-33 MD-CS760004-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustManyRock0-0 Camera. Rocks and gravels with polymetallic crusts
MD09-33MD-CS760004-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Camera. Rocks and gravels along with Mn nodules.
MD09-34A MD-AT760009-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn slabSeveral15.0 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonate ooze with nannofossils and biogenous silica.0-0 Mn slabs, 15.0 cm, 8 Nod/m2, 6 kg/m2
MD09-34B MD-CS760005-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleMany0-0 Camera. Dense nodule field.
MD09-34C MD-DR760014-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.0 cm up to 10.0 cmCalcareous oozeBrown calcareous ooze.Botryoidal shaped nodules, mean size 3 cm., and big cauliflower shaped nodules nearly 10 cm wide.
MD09-34D MD-CS760006-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleMany0-0 Camera. Field of close globular nodules
MD09-34DMD-CS760006-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn plateFew0-0 Camera. Sparse plate nodules.
MD09-35 MD-CS760007-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralRockHard groundIndurated bottom0-0 Camera. Indurated bottom with polymetallic cuirasses.
MD09-35MD-CS760007-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralHard groundIndurated bottom0-0 Camera. In the cracks, occurrence of sediments and crusty polymetallic nodules
MD09-35MD-CS760007-30.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleManyHard groundIndurated bottom0-0 Camera. Nodule field on bottom sediments
MD09-35MD-CS760007-40.0000.000.00SurfaceMn plateFewHard groundIndurated bottom0-0 Camera. Sparse plate nodules on bottom sediments
MD09-36A MD-AT760010-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral3.0-4.0 cmCalcareous oozeBrown carbonaceous-siliceous ooze with nannofossils, biogenous silica and oxides0-0 Mn nodules Botryoidal to spherical. 3.0-4.0 cm, 100 Nod/m2, 2.8 kg/m2.
MD09-36AMD-AT760010-20.5200.520.52BuriedMn noduleSeveral4.0 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils, oxides and phillipsite50-52 Mn nodules Botryoidal and spherical. 4.0 cm, >10 Nod/m2, >1.5 kg/m2.
MD09-36AMD-AT760010-30.6000.600.60BuriedMn noduleSeveral4.0 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils, oxides and phillipsite60-60 Mn nodules Botryoidal and spherical. 4.0 cm, >10 Nod/m2, >1.5 kg/m2.
MD09-36AMD-AT760010-40.7500.750.75BuriedMn noduleSeveral4.0 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils, oxides and phillipsite75-75 Mn nodules Botryoidal and spherical. 4.0 cm, >10 Nod/m2, >1.5 kg/m2.
MD09-36B MD-CS760008-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralRock0-0 Camera. Cuirasses on rocks.
MD09-36BMD-CS760008-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Camera. Nodules on bottom sediments
MD09-37 MD-CS760009-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Camera. Nodules
MD09-37MD-CS760009-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn plateFew0-0 Camera. Scattered Mn plates
MD09-37MD-CS760009-30.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralRock; basalt0-0 Camera. Cuirasses on apparently basaltic bedrock.
MD09-38 MD-CS760010-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn plateFew0-0 Camera. Plate nodule and nodule field.
MD09-38MD-CS760010-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Camera. Plate nodule and nodule field.
MD09-40CC MD-PS760116-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Occurence of polymetallic nodules in the core catcher of the piston corer.
MD09-40CCMD-PS760116-20.0000.000.00SurfaceMn crustSeveralFragmentRock0-0 Occurence of rock fragments in the core catcher of the piston corer.
MD09-40B MD-DR760015-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral2.0 cmCalcareous ooze and red clayBrown calcareous ooze and red clay0-0 Spherical nodules, mean size 2 cm.
MD09-41A MD-PS760117-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveralRed clayRed clay with oxides. Biogenous silica and carbonates at the top of the unit.0-0 Mn nodules layer at top.
MD09-41B MD-AT760011-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral2.0 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils and oxides0-0 Mn nodules, spherical, 2.0 cm, 1380 Nod/m2, 12.8 kg/m2.
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-20.1000.080.12BuriedMn noduleSeveral2.0 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils and oxides8-12 Mn nodules, spherical, 2.0 cm, 185 Nod/m2, 1.8 kg/m2.
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-30.2250.200.25BuriedMn noduleSeveral2.5 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils and oxides20-25 Mn nodules, spherical, 2.5 cm, 220 Nod/m2, 4.7 kg/m2.
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-40.3250.300.35BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmClayed calcareous oozeBrown clayed carbonaceous ooze with nannofossils and oxides30-35 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.5 cm, 50 Nod/m2, 2.5 kg/m2
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-50.5000.500.50BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.5 cmClayed oozeBrown clayed ooze with oxides and phillipsite. Siliciclastic more abundant near the bottom50-50 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.5 cm, 10 Nod/m2, 0.5 kg/m2
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-60.5900.580.60BuriedMn noduleSeveral2.6 cmClayed oozeBrown clayed ooze with oxides and phillipsite. Siliciclastic more abundant near the bottom58-60 Mn nodules, spherical, 2.6 cm, 30 Nod/m2, 0.5 kg/m2
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-70.6750.650.70BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.0 cmClayed oozeBrown clayed ooze with oxides and phillipsite. Siliciclastic more abundant near the bottom65-70 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.0 cm, 65 Nod/m2, 1.9 kg/m2
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-80.7350.720.75BuriedMn noduleSeveral3.3 cmClayed oozeBrown clayed ooze with oxides and phillipsite. Siliciclastic more abundant near the bottom72-75 Mn nodules, spherical, 3.3 cm, 40 Nod/m2, 1.9 kg/m2
MD09-41BMD-AT760011-90.8600.860.86BuriedMn noduleSeveral2.9 cmClayed oozeBrown clayed ooze with oxides and phillipsite. Siliciclastic more abundant near the bottom86-86 Mn nodules, spherical, 2.9 cm, 344 Nod/m2, 11.1 kg/m2
MD09-41C MD-CS760011-10.0000.000.00SurfaceMn noduleSeveral0-0 Camera. Field with globular nodules.