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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Fischer, Cornelius; Finkeldei, Sarah; Brandt, Felix; Bosbach, Dirk; Lüttge, Andreas (2015): Pore depth evolution of a pyrochlore pellet [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Fischer, C et al. (2015): Direct Measurement of Surface Dissolution Rates in Potential Nuclear Waste Forms: The Example of Pyrochlore. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(32), 17857-17865,

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The long-term stability of ceramic materials that are considered as potential nuclear waste forms is governed by heterogeneous surface reactivity. Thus, instead of a mean rate, the identification of one or more dominant contributors to the overall dissolution rate is the key to predict the stability of waste forms quantitatively. Direct surface measurements by vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) and their analysis via material flux maps and resulting dissolution rate spectra provide data about dominant rate contributors and their variability over time. Using pyrochlore (Nd2Zr2O7) pellet dissolution under acidic conditions as an example, we demonstrate the identification and quantification of dissolution rate contributors, based on VSI data and rate spectrum analysis. Heterogeneous surface alteration of pyrochlore varies by a factor of about 5 and additional material loss by chemo-mechanical grain pull-out within the uppermost grain layer. We identified four different rate contributors that are responsible for the observed dissolution rate range of single grains. Our new concept offers the opportunity to increase our mechanistic understanding and to predict quantitatively the alteration of ceramic waste forms.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Time in hoursTimehFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)reaction time
2HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 3
3HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 3, difference
4HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 2
5HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 2, difference
6HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 1
7HeighthµmFischer, CorneliusVertical scanning interferometry (VSI)pores 1, difference
24 data points

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