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Boike, Julia; Grau, Thomas; Heim, Birgit; Günther, Frank; Langer, Moritz; Muster, Sina; Gouttevin, Isabelle; Lange, Stephan (2015): Trends of MODIS land surface temperature trend from 2000 to 2011, Yakutia, Siberia [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Boike, J et al. (2016): Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000–2011: Wetting, drying, and fires. Global and Planetary Change, 139, 116-127,

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Published: 2015-11-23DOI registered: 2015-12-21

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Wan, Zhengming: MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG, Version 5 (MOD11C3) [dataset]. Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC),
Latitude: 63.000000 * Longitude: 125.500000
Central_Yakutia * Latitude: 63.000000 * Longitude: 125.500000 * Location: Sakha Republic, Russia * Comment: position describes the center of area
For the land surface temperature trend analyses we used the MOD11C3 MODIS LST product configured on a 0.05° latitude/longitude MODIS Climate Model Grid (CMG) raster, which is a monthly composited average representing clear-sky LST values in °C. The monthly LSTs were analyzed over the 11 year interval from May 2000 to April 2011. Linear trend calculations for the 11 year interval were performed separately for each bi-monthly mean value in each grid cell, using the least squares method. We decided to use two-monthly intervals since the timing of thawing and freezing vary from year to year and do not necessarily occur over just one month in the year, or in the same month each year. We used a student t-test to calculate the significance of each trend, based on the assumption that there was no relationship between the date and the trend (null hypothesis). Similarly, we also calculated the trend of the mean annual LSTs.
Data is provided as ascii-files with geographic coordinates added (WGS84). contains three maps (ascii-files) 'LST_Grad_Year_Day', 'LST_Grad_Year_Night', 'LST_Grad_Year_Mean' with the calculated yearly trends for the period from 2001 to 2011 for just the day, just the night and the mean (of day and night) values. Corresponding 'LST_t_p_Day', 'LST_t_p_Night', 'LST_t_p_Mean' contain the statistical p-values from the t-tests. contains six maps 'grad_mar_apr', 'grad_may_jun', 'grad_jul_aug', 'grad_sep_oct', 'grad_nov_dec', 'grad_jan_feb' who show the calculated LST trends of the corresponding two month intervals over the 11 year time interval. The corresponding six maps 't_p_mar_apr', 't_p_may_jun', 't_p_jul_aug', 't_p_sep_oct', 't_p_nov_dec', 't_p_jan_feb' contain the p-values from the statistical t-test that belong to the bimonthly LST trends. contains the isolines (as ESRI shapefile) from the t-test of the bimonthly trends of April/May and September/October for 75%, 90%, 95% and 97.5% confidence intervals.
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