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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Schüller, Myriam; Ebbe, Brigitte; Wägele, Johann-Wolfgang (2009): (Table 2) Number of individuals, number of species and life forms of Polychaeta families in EBS-samples from the ANDEEP-III campaign (ANT-XXII/3) to the Southern Ocean/Weddell Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schüller, M et al. (2009): Community structure and diversity of polychaetes (Annelida) in the deep Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean) and adjacent basins. Marine Biodiversity, 39(2), 95-108,

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Number of species unknown for Cirratulidae, Orbiniidae, and Spionidae.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1FamilyFamilySchüller, Myriam
2Number of individualsInd No#Schüller, Myriam
3Number of speciesSpec No#Schüller, Myriam
4Life formLife formSchüller, Myriamb burrowing, p pelagic, t tube-dwelling suspension feeders, v vagile
181 data points

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