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Diaz, Frédéric; Youssara, Faissal (2015): Abundance and of mesozooplanktopn in the Gulf of Lion during MOOGLI 1 and 3 in 1998 and 1999 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The MOOGLI dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected in 1998-1999 in the Gulf of Lion (North Western Mediterranean Sea). Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column.
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 36949: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes
Median Latitude: 42.882144 * Median Longitude: 4.340072 * South-bound Latitude: 42.215800 * West-bound Longitude: 3.332000 * North-bound Latitude: 43.332000 * East-bound Longitude: 5.132800
Date/Time Start: 1998-03-14T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-01-20T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 100 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 100 m
MOOGLI1-mesozoo-01 (MOOGLI1-stationA) * Latitude: 42.664000 * Longitude: 5.132800 * Date/Time: 1998-03-14T08:00:00 * Location: Western Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: MOOGLI1 * Basis: L Atalante * Method/Device: WP-2 towed closing plankton net (WP2) * Comment: WP-2 net: Vertical tows of a WP-2 net, with a mouth diameter of 57 cm, mesh size 80 and 200 µm.Tows were performed from bottom to surface with a speed of 1 m/s.Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution.Subsampling was done with the motoda-box technique.
MOOGLI1-mesozoo-02 (MOOGLI1-stationB) * Latitude: 42.913000 * Longitude: 5.132800 * Date/Time: 1998-03-27T20:00:00 * Location: Western Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: MOOGLI1 * Basis: L Atalante * Method/Device: WP-2 towed closing plankton net (WP2) * Comment: WP-2 net: Vertical tows of a WP-2 net, with a mouth diameter of 57 cm, mesh size 200 µm.Tows were performed from bottom to surface with a speed of 1 m/s.Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution.Subsampling was done with the motoda-box technique.
MOOGLI1-mesozoo-03 (MOOGLI1-stationC) * Latitude: 43.066400 * Longitude: 5.132800 * Date/Time: 1998-03-14T13:15:00 * Location: Western Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: MOOGLI1 * Basis: L Atalante * Method/Device: WP-2 towed closing plankton net (WP2) * Comment: WP-2 net: Vertical tows of a WP-2 net, with a mouth diameter of 57 cm, mesh size 80 and 200 µm.Tows were performed from bottom to surface with a speed of 1 m/s.Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution.Subsampling was done with the motoda-box technique.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventDiaz, Frédéric
2Optional event labelEvent 2Diaz, Frédéric
3Date/Time of eventDate/TimeDiaz, Frédéric
4Latitude of eventLatitudeDiaz, Frédéric
5Longitude of eventLongitudeDiaz, Frédéric
6Depth, top/minDepth topmDiaz, Frédéric
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmDiaz, Frédéric
8DEPTH, waterDepth watermDiaz, FrédéricGeocode
9Clausocalanus arcuicornisC. arcuicornis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
10Clausocalanus furcatusC. furcatus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
11Neocalanus gracilisN. gracilis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
12Calanus tenuicornisC. tenuicornis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
13Nannocalanus minorN. minor#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
14Calanus helgolandicusC. helgolandicus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
15Pleuromamma gracilisP. gracilis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
16Pleuromamma abdominalisP. abdominalis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
17Centropages typicusC. typicus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
18Oithona similisO. similis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
19Oithona setigeraO. setigera#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
20Oithona nanaO. nana#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
21Oncaea mediterraneaO. mediterranea#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
22Oncaea dentipesO. dentipes#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
23Oncaea venustaO. venusta#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
24Corycaeus flaccusC. flaccus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
25Corycaeus furciferC. furcifer#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
26Corycaeus typicusC. typicus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
27Corycella rostrataC. rostrata#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
28Euchaeta marinaE. marina#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
29Euchaeta acutaE. acuta#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
30Euchirella rostrataE. rostrata#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
31Euchirella messinensisE. messinensis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
32Candacia bipinnataC. bipinnata#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
33Candacia longimanaC. longimana#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
34Clytemnestra scutellataC. scutellata#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
35Microsetella norvegicaM. norvegica#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
36Lucicutia flavicornisL. flavicornis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
37Haloptilus longicornisH. longicornis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
38Calocalanus pavoCalocalanus pavo#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
39Calocalanus contractusC. contractus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
40Heterorhabdus papilligerH. papilliger#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
41Temora styliferaT. stylifera#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
42Euterpina acutifronsE. acutifrons#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
43Scolecithricella dentataS. dentata#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
44Acartia clausiA. clausi#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
45Paracalanus nanusP. nanus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
46Paracalanus parvusP. parvus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
47Ctenocalanus vanusC. vanus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
48Parapontella brevicornisP. brevicornis#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
49Euaetideus giesbrechtiE. giesbrechti#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
50Eucalanus elongatusE. elongatus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
51Podon polyphemoidesP. polyphemoides#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
52Conchoecia spp.Conchoecia spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
53Oikopleura spp.Oikopleura spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
54Fritillaria spp.Fritillaria spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
55Lensia spp.Lensia spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
56Rathkea spp.Rathkea spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
57Sagitta spp.Sagitta spp.#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
58BalanusBalanus#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
59GastropodaGastrop#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
60BivalviaBivalvia#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
61OphiuroideaOphiuroidea#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
62EchinodermataEchinod#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
63AsteroideaAsteroidea#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
64Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
65Crustacea, naupliiCrustacea naup#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
66MetanaupliusMetanauplius#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
67ProtozoaProtozoa#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
68MesozooplanktonMesozoopl#/m3Diaz, Frédéricafter Rose (1933)
2908 data points

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