Fischer, Andrea; Span, Norbert; Kuhn, Michael; Helfricht, Kay; Stocker-Waldhuber, Martin; Seiser, Bernd; Massimo, Marius; Butschek, Michael (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness in Austria [dataset publication series]. Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, PANGAEA,
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Glacier thickness is an important factor in the course of glacier retreat in a warming climate. Thiese study data presents the results (point data) of GPR surveys on 66 Austrian mountain glaciers carried out between 1995 and 2014. The glacier areas range from 0.001 to 18.4 km**2, and their ice thickness has been surveyed with an average density of 36 points/km**2 . The glacier areas and surface elevations refer to the second Austrian glacier inventory (mapped between 1996 and 2002). According to the glacier state recorded in the second glacier inventory, the 64 glaciers cover an area of 223.3±3.6 km**3. Maps of glacier thickness have been calculated by Fischer and Kuhn (2013) with a mean thickness of 50±3 m and contain an glacier volume of 11.9±1.1 km**3. The mean maximum ice thickness is 119±5 m.
The ice thickness measurements have been carried out with the transmitter of Narod and Clarke (1994) combined with restively loaded dipole antennas (Wu and King, 1965; Rose and Vickers, 1974) at central wavelengths of 6.5 (30 m antenna length) and 4.0 MHz (50 m antenna length). The signal was recorded trace by trace with an oscilloscope. 168 m/µs as used by Haeberli et al. (1982), Bauder (2001), and Narod and Clarke (1994), the signal velocity in air is assumed to be 300 m/µs.
Details on the method can be are found in Fischer and Kuhn (2013), as well as Span et al. (2005) and Fischer et al. (2007).
Related to:
Fischer, Andrea; Kuhn, Michael (2013): Ground-penetrating radar measurements of 64 Austrian glaciers between 1995 and 2010. Annals of Glaciology, 54(64), 179-188,
Fischer, Andrea; Span, Norbert; Kuhn, Michael; Massimo, Marius; Butschek, Michael (2007): Radarmessungen der Eisdicke Österreichischer Gletscher. Band II: Messungen 1999 bis 2006. In: Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 39, 142 pp
Kuhn, Michael; Fischer, Andrea (2012): Preliminary ice volumes of 64 Austrian glaciers based on ground penetrating radar measurements from 1995 to 2006. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 43/44, 129-177,
Span, Norbert; Fischer, Andrea; Kuhn, Michael; Massimo, Marius; Butschek, Michael (2005): Radarmessungen der Eisdicke österreichischer Gletscher, Band I: Messungen 1995 bis 1998. In: Österreichische Beiträge zur Meteorologie und Geophysik, 33, 146 pp
Other version:
Point GPR measurements of ice thickness in Austria, in ArcGIS format. hdl:10013/epic.45991.d001
Further details:
Bauder, Andreas (2001): Bestimmung der Massenbilanz von Gletschern mit Fernerkundungsmethoden und Fliessmodellierungen. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie der ETH Zürich, 169, 171 pp
Haeberli, Wilfried; Waächter, H P; Schmid, W; Sidler, C (1982): Erste Erfahrungen mit dem US Geological Survey Monopuls Radioecholot im Firn, Eis und Permafrost der Schweizer Alpen. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie ETH Zürich, Arbeitsheft, 6, 1-23
Narod, B Barry; Clarke, Garry KC (1994): Miniature high-power impulse transmitter for radio-echo sounding. Journal of Glaciology, 40(134), 190-194,
Median Latitude: 46.998292 * Median Longitude: 11.387374 * South-bound Latitude: 46.767271 * West-bound Longitude: 9.691380 * North-bound Latitude: 47.493234 * East-bound Longitude: 13.643410
Date/Time Start: 1995-09-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2010-09-01T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
62 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Alpeinerferner in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Bachfallenferner in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Bockkogelferner E in 2008.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Bockkogelferner W in 2008.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Brandner Gletscher in 2005.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Brunnenkogelferner in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Daunkogelferner in 1995.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Fernauferner in 1999.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Gaissbergferner in 1999.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Gaisskarferner in 1995.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Gefrorene-Wand-Kees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Gepatschferner in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Griesskogelferner in 2008.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Grinnerferner in 1996.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Grosser-Riepen-Kees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Gurgler Ferner in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Hallstaetter Gletscher in 2009.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Hochalmkees in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Hochjochferner in 1997.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Hornkees in 1999.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Jamtalferner in 2005.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Karlesferner in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Kesselwandferner in 1995.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Langtaler Ferner in 2005.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Lisenser Ferner in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Lisenser Ferner_Berglas in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Marzellferner in 2002.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Mittelbergferner in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Mullwitzkees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Mullwitzkees in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Niederjochferner in 2002.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Nillkees in 2006.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Obersulzbachkees in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Ochsentaler Gletscher in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Oedenwinkelkees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Oestlicher Wannetferner in 2010.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Pasterzenkees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Rainerkees in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Rettenbachferner in 2007.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Rotmoosferner in 2006.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schalfferner in 2002.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schaufelferner in 1997.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schladminger Gletscher in 2007.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schlatenkees in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schmiedinger Kees in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schwarzensteinkees in 1999.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Schwarzmilzferner in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Sexegertenferner in 2010.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Sonnblickkees in 1998.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Sulzenauferner in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Sulztalferner in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Taschachferner E in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Tiefenbachferner in 2007.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Umbalkees in 2003.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Untersulzbachkees in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Vermunt Gletscher in 2000.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Vernagtferner in 1999.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Viltragenkees in 2010.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Vorderer Oelgrubenferner in 2010.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Waxeggkees in 2001.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Weisseeferner in 1996.
- Fischer, A; Span, N; Kuhn, M et al. (2015): Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) point measurements of ice thickness on Windacherferner in 2005.