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Weißbach, Stefanie; Wegner, Anna; Opel, Thomas; Oerter, Hans; Vinther, Bo Møllesøe; Kipfstuhl, Sepp (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of the ice cores from the North Greenland Traverse [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Weißbach, S et al. (2016): Spatial and temporal oxygen isotope variability in northern Greenland – implications for a new climate record over the past millennium. Climate of the Past, 12(2), 171-188,

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We present for the first time all 12 d18O records obtained from ice cores drilled in the framework of the North Greenland Traverse (NGT) between 1993 and 1995 in northern Greenland. The cores cover an area of 680 km × 317 km, 10 % of the Greenland ice sheet. Depending on core length (100-175 m) and accumulation rate (90-200 kg/m**2/a) the single records reflect an isotope-temperature history over the last 500-1100 years.
Lowest d18O mean values occur north of the summit and east of the main divide as a consequence of Greenland's topography. In general, ice cores drilled on the main ice divide show different results than those drilled east of the main ice divide that might be influenced by secondary regional moisture sources.
A stack of all NGT records and the NGRIP record is presented with improved signal-to-noise ratio. Compared to single records, this stack represents the mean d18O signal for northern Greenland that is interpreted as proxy for temperature. Our northern Greenland d18O stack indicates distinctly enriched d18O values during medieval times, about AD 1420 ± 20 and from AD 1870 onwards. The period between AD 1420 and AD 1850 has depleted d18O values compared to the average for the entire millennium and represents the Little Ice Age. The d18O values of the 20th century are comparable to the medieval period but are lower than that about AD 1420.
Glaciology @ AWI (AWI_Glac)
Median Latitude: 77.015707 * Median Longitude: -42.126071 * South-bound Latitude: 73.940200 * West-bound Longitude: -49.216700 * North-bound Latitude: 80.000000 * East-bound Longitude: -36.397800
Date/Time Start: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-01-01T00:00:00
15 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core B27/B28 from the North Greenland Traverse.
  2. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): NG-stack, a temperature proxy for northern Greenland.
  3. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt03C93.2 (B16) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  4. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt06C93.2 (B17) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  5. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt14C93.2 (B18) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  6. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt19C93.2 (B19) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  7. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt23C94.2 (B20) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  8. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt27C94.2 (B21) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  9. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt30C94.2 (B22) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  10. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt33C94.2 (B23) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  11. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt37C95.2 (B26) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  12. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt39C95.2 (B27) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  13. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt39C95.3 (B28) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  14. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt42C95.2 (B29) from the North Greenland Traverse.
  15. Weißbach, S; Wegner, A; Opel, T et al. (2016): Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt45C95.2 (B30) from the North Greenland Traverse.