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Revelle, Roger (1944): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from seventh cruise of the Carnegie (1928-1929) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Revelle, R (1944): Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific Ocean by the Carnegie on its seventh cruise. In: Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the CARNEGIE during 1928-1929 under Command of Captain J. P. Ault, Oceanography. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington D.C., USA, 180 pp,

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Published: 1944 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2015-10-01Last updated: 2023-08-28

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The Carnegie, on its seventh cruise and last cruise, collected seventy-five samples of deep-sea deposits in the southeastern and the north Pacific. This report contains an account of the general character of the deep-sea samples collected and of the distribution of the various deposit types, together with the results of chemical, mechanical, X-ray, and other types of analyses. As indicated in the text, many of the analyses were carried out in whole or in part by other investigators.
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Further details:
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: 4.314947 * Median Longitude: -133.269316 * South-bound Latitude: -39.850000 * West-bound Longitude: 145.433000 * North-bound Latitude: 37.667000 * East-bound Longitude: -82.267000
Date/Time Start: 1928-11-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1929-11-06T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
CARN7-37 (CARN_Revelle_10)  * Latitude: 5.983000 * Longitude: -82.933000 * Date/Time: 1928-11-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3324.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: CARN-Cruise7 * Basis: Carnegie * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
CARN7-40 (CARN_Revelle_11)  * Latitude: -1.533000 * Longitude: -82.267000 * Date/Time: 1928-11-08T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1344.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: CARN-Cruise7 * Basis: Carnegie * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
CARN7-46 (CARN_Revelle_15)  * Latitude: -9.100000 * Longitude: -108.333000 * Date/Time: 1928-11-21T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2905.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: CARN-Cruise7 * Basis: Carnegie * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventRevelle, Roger
Sample IDSample IDRevelle, Roger
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmRevelle, RogerGeocode
PositionPositionRevelle, RogerVisual description
Deposit typeDeposit typeRevelle, Roger
Quantity of depositQuantityRevelle, Roger
SizeSizeRevelle, Roger
Substrate typeSubstrateRevelle, Roger
Sediment typeSedimentRevelle, Roger
10 CommentCommentRevelle, Roger
11 DescriptionDescriptionRevelle, Roger
151 data points


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Sample ID

Depth sed [m]


Deposit type




CARN7-37 CARN7-37-10In sedimentMn grainManyGreen mudGreen (coprolitic) mud. Contains over 5 per cent organic matter with nearly 2 per cent MnO2, and relatively high ZrO2.Very common manganese grains
CARN7-40 CARN7-40-10In sedimentFe-Mn concretionSeveral0.05 to 0.8 cmVolcanic gravelConsists principally of angular fragments of altered volcanic material and iron concretions greater than 0.5 and less than 8 mm in diameter
CARN7-46 CARN7-46-10SurfaceMn coatingSeveral1.0 cmRock; altered volcanicGlobigerina oozeVolcanic globigerina oozeContains angular cinder of altered basic volcanic rock and 1 cm in longest diameter coated with manganese
CARN7-49 CARN7-49-10In sedimentMn grainManySmallGlobigerina oozeFerruginous (volcanic) globigerina oozeSand grades consist largely of unbroken pelagic foraminifera, together with manganese grains and small volcanic glass shards whereas silt grade contains very abundant small manganese and iron hydroxide grains.
CARN7-59 CARN7-59-10In sedimentMn grainManyGlobigerina oozeFerruginous globigerina ooze. Very high in manganese, iron, and phosphateContains relatively more benthonic foraminifera than others. Most of pelagic foraminifera are broken. Numerous manganese grains are present in sand grades,
CARN7-61 CARN7-61-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralGlobigerina oozeContains abundant irregularly shaped manganese grains.
CARN7-61CARN7-61-20BuriedMn noduleSeveralUp to 0.6 cmGlobigerina oozeContains nodules up to 6 mm in largest diameter.
CARN7-87 CARN7-87-10SurfaceMn coatingSeveralCemented foraminifera; fragmentsRed clayCalcareous red clayWell-formed, ovoid-shaped pellets of fine material, usually containing fragments of foraminiferal shells and sometimes cemented together by a coating of manganese
CARN7-115 CARN7-115-10SurfaceMn nodule21.0 cmCore; palagonite spherulite or volcanic glassRadiolarian oozeVolcanic radiolarian oozeContains 2 manganese-palagonite nodules of 1 cm. The section is spherulitic alteration of colorless isotropic volcanic glass in the center to reddish-orange palagonite near the surface. Plate XIII - Fig. 2. Page 180
CARN7-134 CARN7-134-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralRed clayFine-grainedSmall, fine-grained sample with basic glass and manganese grains
CARN7-137 CARN7-137-10In sedimentFe-Mn grainSeveral0.1 cmRed claySand grades are very small in amountRound manganese-iron grains of sand size are also present.
CARN7-138 CARN7-138-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralRed clayVery small, fine-grained sampleRed clay. Very small, fine-grained sample with basic glass and manganese grains
CARN7-142 CARN7-142-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralRed clayContains large amounts of siliceous organisms. Inorganic constituents of sand grades include pumice (in grains ranging up to 3 mm in diameter) with manganese grains.
CARN7-147 CARN7-147-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralRed clayContains angular manganese grains
CARN7-147CARN7-147-20In sedimentMn coatingSeveral0.2 cmGrains; volcanic ashRed clayConsists of opaque angular grains of volcanic ash (less than 2 mm in longest diameter) coated with manganese
CARN7-149 CARN7-149-10In sedimentMn grainManyRed claySand grades contain radiolaria, sponge spicules, and fish teeth in addition to abundant manganese grains
CARN7-151 CARN7-151-10SurfaceMn noduleSeveralRadiolarian oozeAccording to Piggott the manganese nodule occurring in this sample contains alternating rings of clay and manganese dioxide but no nucleus of other material. It was not received in La Jolla. Illustrated in Plate I. Page 193
CARN7-156 CARN7-156-10In sedimentMn grainFewGlobigerina oozeSiliceous globigerina oozeSand grades consist almost entirely of remains of foraminifera with radiolaria and other calcareous and siliceous organisms. Fish teeth and a few manganese grains are also present.
CARN7-157 CARN7-157-10In sedimentMn grainSeveralGlobigerina oozeSiliceous globigerina oozeMany species of calcareous and arenaceous benthonic foraminifera. Inorganic constituents of sand size include manganese grains
CARN7-150 CARN7-150-11SurfaceMn crust21.0 cmFragment; volcanicRed clayTwo cinders of volcanic rock coated with manganese. Average diameter approximately 1 cm
CARN7-86 CARN7-86-11SurfaceMn noduleSeveral1.0 cmGlobigerina oozeManganese nodules up to 1 cm in diameter partly covered with small unbroken shells of pelagic foraminifera