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Gubanova, Alexandra; Altukhov, Dennis; Prusova, I Yu (2015): Abundance of mesozooplankton during the long-tern mesozooplankton analysis in Sevastopol Bay from 1976 to 2003 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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The present dataset includes results of analysis of 227 zooplankton samples taken in and off the Sevastopol Bay in the Black Sea in 1976, 1979-1980, 1989-1990, 1995-1996 and 2002-2003. Exact coordinates for stations 1, 4, 5 and 6 are unknown and were calculated using Google-earth program. Data on Ctenophora Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata are not included. Juday net: Vertical tows of a Juday net, with mouth area 0.1 m**2, mesh size 150µm. Tows were performed at layers. Towing speed: about 0.5 m/s. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. The collected material was analysed using the method of portions (Yashnov, 1939). Samples were brought to volume of 50 - 100 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 1 ml of sample was taken by calibrated Stempel-pipette. This operation was produced twice. If divergence between two examined subsamples was more than 30% one more subsample was examined. Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32 part of sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Bogorov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Number of organisms per sample was calculated as simple average of two subsamples meanings multiplied on subsample volume. Total abundance of mesozooplankton was calculated as sum of taxon-specific abundances and total abundance of Copepods was calculated as sum of copepods taxon-specific abundances.
Related to:
Gubanova, Alexandra; Polikarpov, I G; Saburova, M; Prusova, I Yu (2002): Long-term dynamics of mesozooplankton by the example of the copepoda community in Sevastopol Bay (1976-1996). Oceanology, 42, 512-520
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 36949: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes
Median Latitude: 44.624247 * Median Longitude: 33.497445 * South-bound Latitude: 44.604230 * West-bound Longitude: 33.320680 * North-bound Latitude: 44.652000 * East-bound Longitude: 33.573970
Date/Time Start: 1976-01-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-11-26T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 4.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 5.0 m
Sevastopol_Bay_19760114_2 (Station 2) * Latitude: 44.624620 * Longitude: 33.512920 * Date/Time: 1976-01-14T00:00:00 * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Juday net (JUDAY)
Sevastopol_Bay_19760128_2 (Station 2) * Latitude: 44.624620 * Longitude: 33.512920 * Date/Time: 1976-01-28T00:00:00 * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Juday net (JUDAY)
Sevastopol_Bay_19760211_2 (Station 2) * Latitude: 44.624620 * Longitude: 33.512920 * Date/Time: 1976-02-11T00:00:00 * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Juday net (JUDAY)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventTeaca, Adrian
2Date/Time of eventDate/TimeTeaca, Adrian
3Latitude of eventLatitudeTeaca, Adrian
4Longitude of eventLongitudeTeaca, Adrian
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermTeaca, AdrianGeocode
6Depth, top/minDepth topmTeaca, Adrian
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmTeaca, Adrian
8Sample IDSample IDTeaca, Adrian
9Sample commentSample commentTeaca, Adrian
10MesozooplanktonMesozoopl#/m3Teaca, AdrianCalculated
11CopepodaCopepoda#/m3Teaca, AdrianCalculated
12AcartiaAcartia#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
13Ascidiacea, larvaeAscidiacea larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
14Aurelia auritaA. aurita#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
15Bivalvia, larvaeBivalvia larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
16Branchiostoma lanceolatumB. lanceolatum#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
17Bryozoa, larvaeBryozoa larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
18Calanus euxinusC. euxinus#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
19Centropages ponticusC. ponticus#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
20Cirripedia, naupliiCirripedia naup#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
21Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
22CtenophoraCtenophora#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
23Decapoda, larvaeDecapoda larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
24Evadne spiniferaE. spinifera#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
25Gastropoda, larvaeGastrop larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
26HarpacticoidaHarpacticoida#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
27HydrozoaHydrozoa#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
28IsopodaIsopoda#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
29Labidocera brunescensL. brunescens#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
30NemataNemata#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
31Noctiluca scintillansN. scintillans#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
32Oikopleura dioicaO. dioica#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
33Oithona nanaO. nana#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
34Oithona similisO. similis#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
35OstracodaOstrac#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
36Paracalanus parvusP. parvus#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
37Acartia latisetosaA. latisetosa#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
38Parasagitta setosaP. setosa#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
39Penilia avirostrisP. avirostris#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
40Pleopis polyphemoidesP. polyphemoides#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
41Pleurobrachia pileusP. pileus#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
42Polychaeta, larvaePolychaete larv#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
43Pseudevadne tergestinaP. tergestina#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
44Pseudocalanus elongatusP. elongatus#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
45Sarsia tubulosaS. tubulosa#/m3Teaca, AdrianCounting
8914 data points

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