Ellwood, Michael J; Hunter, Keith A (2000): (Table 2) Zn/Si ratios of surface sediments [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.848219, In supplement to: Ellwood, MJ; Hunter, KA (2000): Variations in the Zn/Si record over the Last Interglacial Glacial Transition. Paleoceanography, 15(5), 506-514, https://doi.org/10.1029/1999PA000470
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Published: 2000 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2015-08-14
Median Latitude: -51.437500 * Median Longitude: 1.353000 * South-bound Latitude: -54.790000 * West-bound Longitude: -4.930000 * North-bound Latitude: -45.090000 * East-bound Longitude: 9.150000
Date/Time Start: 1970-12-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1971-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.400 m
RC13-252 * Latitude: -45.090000 * Longitude: 9.150000 * Date/Time: 1970-12-14T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4523.0 m * Recovery: 12.33 m * Campaign: RC13 * Basis: Robert Conrad * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
RC13-259 * Latitude: -53.880000 * Longitude: -4.930000 * Date/Time: 1970-12-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1754.0 m * Recovery: 17.54 m * Campaign: RC13 * Basis: Robert Conrad * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
Sample of RC13-271 separated and cleande by Aldo Shemesh (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Ellwood, Michael J | |||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | Ellwood, Michael J | |||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | Ellwood, Michael J | |||
4 | Elevation of event | Elevation | m | Ellwood, Michael J | ||
5 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Ellwood, Michael J | Geocode | |
6 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Ellwood, Michael J | ||
7 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Ellwood, Michael J | ||
8 | Zinc/Silicon ratio | Zn/Si | µmol/mol | Ellwood, Michael J | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | |
9 | Zinc/Silicon ratio, standard deviation | Zn/Si std dev | ± | Ellwood, Michael J | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Variations in the measurement for aliquots taken during hours 2, 3, and 5 during the alkaline dissolution process |
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8 data points