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Ferrari, Maud C O; Manassa, Rachel; Dixson, Danielle L; Munday, Philip L; McCormick, Mark I; Meekan, Mark; Sihler, H; Chivers, Douglas P (2012): Effects of ocean acidification on learning in coral reef fishes [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Ferrari, MCO et al. (2012): Effects of ocean acidification on learning in coral reef fishes. PLoS ONE, 7(2), e31478,

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Ocean acidification has the potential to cause dramatic changes in marine ecosystems. Larval damselfish exposed to concentrations of CO2 predicted to occur in the mid- to late-century show maladaptive responses to predator cues. However, there is considerable variation both within and between species in CO2 effects, whereby some individuals are unaffected at particular CO2 concentrations while others show maladaptive responses to predator odour. Our goal was to test whether learning via chemical or visual information would be impaired by ocean acidification and ultimately, whether learning can mitigate the effects of ocean acidification by restoring the appropriate responses of prey to predators. Using two highly efficient and widespread mechanisms for predator learning, we compared the behaviour of pre-settlement damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis that were exposed to 440 µatm CO2 (current day levels) or 850 µatm CO2, a concentration predicted to occur in the ocean before the end of this century. We found that, regardless of the method of learning, damselfish exposed to elevated CO2 failed to learn to respond appropriately to a common predator, the dottyback, Pseudochromis fuscus. To determine whether the lack of response was due to a failure in learning or rather a short-term shift in trade-offs preventing the fish from displaying overt antipredator responses, we conditioned 440 or 700 µatm-CO2 fish to learn to recognize a dottyback as a predator using injured conspecific cues, as in Experiment 1. When tested one day post-conditioning, CO2 exposed fish failed to respond to predator odour. When tested 5 days post-conditioning, CO2 exposed fish still failed to show an antipredator response to the dottyback odour, despite the fact that both control and CO2-treated fish responded to a general risk cue (injured conspecific cues). These results indicate that exposure to CO2 may alter the cognitive ability of juvenile fish and render learning ineffective.
Animalia; Behaviour; Chordata; Coast and continental shelf; Containers and aquaria (20-1000 L or < 1 m**2); Laboratory experiment; Nekton; Pelagos; Pomacentrus amboinensis; Single species; South Pacific; Tropical
Further details:
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Epitalon, Jean-Marie; Lavigne, Héloïse (2015): seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.0.6.
Latitude: -14.666670 * Longitude: 145.466670
Lizard_Island_OA * Latitude: -14.666670 * Longitude: 145.466670 * Method/Device: Experiment (EXP)
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2015) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI). The date of carbonate chemistry calculation is 2015-07-09.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
FigureFigFerrari, Maud C O
SpeciesSpeciesFerrari, Maud C O
TreatmentTreatFerrari, Maud C O
GroupGroupFerrari, Maud C O
Experimental treatmentExp treatFerrari, Maud C O
ChangeChangeFerrari, Maud C Ochange in number of feeding strikes
Change, standard errorChange std e±Ferrari, Maud C Ochange in number of feeding strikes
ChangeChangeFerrari, Maud C Ochange in line crosses
Change, standard errorChange std e±Ferrari, Maud C Ochange in line crosses
10 ChangeChangeFerrari, Maud C Ochange in area use
11 Change, standard errorChange std e±Ferrari, Maud C Ochange in area use
12 pHpHFerrari, Maud C OPotentiometricNBS scale
13 pH, standard errorpH std e±Ferrari, Maud C OPotentiometricNBS scale
14 Temperature, waterTemp°CFerrari, Maud C O
15 Temperature, water, standard errorT std e±Ferrari, Maud C O
16 SalinitySalFerrari, Maud C O
17 Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgFerrari, Maud C OPotentiometric titration
18 Alkalinity, total, standard errorAT std e±Ferrari, Maud C OPotentiometric titration
19 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmFerrari, Maud C OCalculated using CO2SYS
20 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air), standard errorpCO2water_SST_wet std e±Ferrari, Maud C OCalculated using CO2SYS
21 Carbonate system computation flagCSC flagYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
22 pHpHYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)total scale
23 Carbon dioxideCO2µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
24 Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)fCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
25 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
26 Bicarbonate ion[HCO3]-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
27 Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
28 Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
29 Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
30 Calcite saturation stateOmega CalYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
780 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:





Exp treat

(change in number of feeding s...)

Change std e [±]
(change in number of feeding s...)

(change in line crosses)

Change std e [±]
(change in line crosses)
(change in area use)
Change std e [±]
(change in area use)
(NBS scale, Potentiometric)
pH std e [±]
(NBS scale, Potentiometric)
Temp [°C]
T std e [±]
AT [µmol/kg]
(Potentiometric titration)
AT std e [±]
(Potentiometric titration)
pCO2water_SST_wet [µatm]
(Calculated using CO2SYS)
pCO2water_SST_wet std e [±]
(Calculated using CO2SYS)
CSC flag
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
(total scale, Calculated using...)
CO2 [µmol/kg]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
fCO2water_SST_wet [µatm]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
pCO2water_SST_wet [µatm]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
[HCO3]- [µmol/kg]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
[CO3]2- [µmol/kg]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
DIC [µmol/kg]
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
Omega Arg
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
Omega Cal
(Calculated using seacarb afte...)
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to waterpseudo-conditioning-7.52943.6503-0.76472.85630.17650.29998.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odourpseudo-conditioning-8.43753.4785-6.37502.5591-0.43750.42798.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to waterpseudo-conditioning-0.37502.3645-3.31252.8295-0.12500.17977.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to predator odourpseudo-conditioning-1.87503.7426-1.56252.19650.25000.11187.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to watertrue conditioning3.12503.2376-5.00002.8737-0.06250.21358.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-61.43753.9019-44.87505.1469-2.68750.29898.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to watertrue conditioning-4.62503.1317-2.87502.31640.18750.10087.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-2.18755.2083-1.12504.74150.18750.22767.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to waternaive tutor-2.18752.2698-6.12503.4640-0.12500.17978.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odournaive tutor-0.81251.8957-4.87502.5131-0.06250.11068.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to waternaive tutor-4.00003.6844-7.18754.1374-0.25000.26617.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to predator odournaive tutor-10.25004.3622-8.93753.9099-0.43750.25777.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to waterexperienced tutor-0.81251.3485-2.18751.10010.18750.13608.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odourexperienced tutor-45.87505.1936-29.68754.3691-2.00000.25828.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to waterexperienced tutor-1.50002.24351.68753.0492-0.06250.17007.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
1, 2Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=850 µatmexposed to predator odourexperienced tutor-5.00003.0373-1.43753.12250.18750.20857.890.0627.740.99352261.2314.92879.95140.64267.7523.25875.94878.651942.98129.632095.862.093.14
3Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to watertrue conditioning-2.65001.95381.65001.41290.35000.18178.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
3Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-31.39133.6571-19.86963.1706-1.56520.27288.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
3Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=700 µatmexposed to watertrue conditioning-2.85712.06132.47622.39410.28570.18447.970.0627.590.97352259.8711.55718.37110.82267.8318.84707.23709.431889.21150.832058.882.423.65
3Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=700 µatmexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-8.80004.2044-9.35004.7866-0.15000.31017.970.0627.590.97352259.8711.55718.37110.82267.8318.84707.23709.431889.21150.832058.882.423.65
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to watertrue conditioning-5.25003.0504-1.83333.3299-0.08330.19308.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-69.91677.9929-37.33335.5641-2.75000.42868.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)Controlexposed to injured conspecific cuestrue conditioning-56.08336.5081-39.33334.2128-2.58330.57028.150.0427.660.98352269.6615.01440.5344.46268.0111.51432.86434.201748.65211.751971.913.405.12
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=700 µatmexposed to watertrue conditioning-7.16674.3412-5.08335.23600.08330.25997.970.0627.590.97352259.8711.55718.37110.82267.8318.84707.23709.431889.21150.832058.882.423.65
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=700 µatmexposed to predator odourtrue conditioning-13.20004.4360-13.33333.4082-0.60000.34917.970.0627.590.97352259.8711.55718.37110.82267.8318.84707.23709.431889.21150.832058.882.423.65
4Pomacentrus amboinensis (fish)pCO2=700 µatmexposed to injured conspecific cuestrue conditioning-59.75005.7933-28.83335.1696-1.50000.28877.970.0627.590.97352259.8711.55718.37110.82267.8318.84707.23709.431889.21150.832058.882.423.65