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Hodapp, Dorothee; Hillebrand, Helmut (2015): Macrozoobenthos community composition data from the tidal flats south of the backbarrier island Norderney, Lütetsburger plate, June 2013 [dataset]. Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany, PANGAEA,

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Median Latitude: 53.682075 * Median Longitude: 7.275981 * South-bound Latitude: 53.673080 * West-bound Longitude: 7.255780 * North-bound Latitude: 53.693980 * East-bound Longitude: 7.315130
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
Norderney_ARE0 * Latitude: 53.674850 * Longitude: 7.256050
Norderney_ARE00 * Latitude: 53.675250 * Longitude: 7.255780
Norderney_ARE1 * Latitude: 53.674350 * Longitude: 7.256500
Macrozoobenthos community composition data from the tidal flats south of the backbarrier island Norderney (Lütetsburger plate, June 2013). Data was collected along transects on 3 transition zones between habitat types. Transitions between habitat types were identified by means of remote sensing images.
MU - transition from sandy flat to Mytilus edulis mussel bed
ARE - gradual transition from more sandy to more muddy sediment
UE - abrupt transition between sediment types
Sediment from 3 sampling cylinders (area: 181.46 cm2, depth: 30cm) was sieved (mesh width: 1mm) at each sampling location.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventHodapp, Dorothee
2Latitude of eventLatitudeHodapp, Dorothee
3Longitude of eventLongitudeHodapp, Dorothee
4DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmHodapp, DorotheeGeocode
5Eteone longaE. longa#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
6Hediste diversicolorH. diversicolor#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
7Anaitides mucosaA. mucosa#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
8Nephthys hombergiiN. hombergii#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
9Scoloplos armigerS. armiger#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
10Pygospio elegansP. elegans#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
11Tharyx killariensisT. killariensis#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
12Capitella capitataC. capitata#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
13Heteromastus filiformisH. filiformis#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
14Arenicola marina, juvenileA. marina juv#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
15Lanice conchilegaL. conchilega#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
16Neanthes succineaN. succinea#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
17Neanthes virensN. virens#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
18Bylgides sarsiB. sarsi#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
19Ampharete acutifronsA. acutifrons#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
20Marenzelleria wireniM. wireni#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
21Peloscolex benedeniP. benedeni#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
22Tubificoides heterochaetusT. heterochaetus#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
23Corophium arenariumC. arenarium#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
24Carcinus maenas, juvenileC. maenas juv#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
25Crangon crangonC. crangon#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
26Gammarus locustaG. locusta#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
27Gammarus zaddachiG. zaddachi#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
28Urothoe poseidonisU. poseidonis#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
29Nemertini indeterminataNemertini indet#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
30Cerastoderma eduleC. edule#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction<=5mm
31Cerastoderma eduleC. edule#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction6-10mm
32Cerastoderma eduleC. edule#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction>10mm
33Mya arenariaM. arenaria#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
34Macoma balthicaM. balthica#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction<=3mm
35Macoma balthicaM. balthica#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction4-6mm
36Macoma balthicaM. balthica#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction>6mm
37Mytilus edulis, broodM. edulis brood#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
38Mytilus edulis, juvenileM. edulis juv#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
39Hydrobia ulvaeH. ulvae#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
40Balanus improvisusB. improvisus#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
41Arenicola marinaA. marina#Hodapp, DorotheeCounting >1000 µm fraction
555 data points

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