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James, Kelsey; Lewison, Rebecca; Dillingham, Peter; Curtis, Alexandra; Moore, Jeffrey (2015): Literature review of elasmobranch bycatch and retention rate [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: James, K et al. (2015): Drivers of retention and discards of elasmobranch non-target catch. Environmental Conservation, 43(01), 3-12,

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To address growing concern over the effects of fisheries non-target catch on elasmobranchs worldwide, the accurate reporting of elasmobranch catch is essential. This requires data on a combination of measures, including reported landings, retained and discarded non-target catch, and post-discard survival. Identification of the factors influencing discard vs. retention is needed to improve catch estimates and to determine wasteful fishing practices. To do this we compared retention rates of elasmobranch non-target catch in a broad subset of fisheries throughout the world by taxon, fishing country, and gear. A regression tree and random forest analysis indicated that taxon was the most important determinant of retention in this dataset, but all three factors together explained 59% of the variance. Estimates of total elasmobranch removals were calculated by dividing the FAO global elasmobranch landings by average retention rates and suggest that total elasmobranch removals may exceed FAO reported landings by as much as 400%. This analysis is the first effort to directly characterize global drivers of discards for elasmobranch non-target catch. Our results highlight the importance of accurate quantification of retention and discard rates to improve assessments of the potential impacts of fisheries on these species.
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Further details:
Elasmobranch bycatch database (2015). hdl:10013/epic.45316.d001 (complete database, for literature and abbreviations see lookup table)
Lookup table for elasmobranch database (2015). hdl:10013/epic.45316.d002
Median Latitude: 21.721672 * Median Longitude: -11.417492 * South-bound Latitude: -46.000000 * West-bound Longitude: -156.000000 * North-bound Latitude: 75.000000 * East-bound Longitude: 170.000000
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
3IdentificationIDJames, Kelseyof bycatch data
4Reference/sourceReferenceJames, Kelsey
5Date/time startDate/time startJames, Kelsey
6Date/time endDate/time endJames, Kelsey
7Number of yearsYearsaJames, Kelsey
8GenusGenusJames, Kelsey
9SpeciesSpeciesJames, Kelsey
10GroupGroupJames, Kelsey
11Species, common nameSpecies commonJames, Kelsey
12CountryCountryJames, Kelsey
13GearGearJames, Kelsey
14Ocean and sea regionOS regionJames, Kelsey
15Number of individualsInd No#James, Kelseytotal bycatch
16Number of individualsInd No#James, Kelseyretained
17Number of individualsInd No#James, Kelseydiscarded
18Retention, fractionRetentionJames, Kelsey
4775 data points

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