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Expedition 347 Scientists (2015): Description of lithologic section units of IODP Hole 347-M0064B [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Andrén, Thomas; Jørgensen, Bo Barker; Cotterill, Carol; Expedition 347 Scientists (2015): Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment. Proceedings of the IODP, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program,
Further details:
Latitude: 55.721400 * Longitude: 15.226433
Date/Time Start: 2013-10-21T16:35:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-10-21T18:35:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.10 m
347-M0064B (BSB-5B) * Latitude: 55.721400 * Longitude: 15.226433 * Date/Time Start: 2013-10-21T16:35:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-10-21T18:35:00 * Elevation: -59.8 m * IGSN: IBCR0347EHF1001 * Recovery: 7.14 m * Location: Baltic Sea, Hanoe Bay * Campaign: Exp347 (Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment) * Basis: Greatship Manisha * Comment: Drilling Depth Method (DSF): tag sea floor; Core Depth Method (CSF): let overlap if long. 5 cores, 10.2m drilled
Geocode = CSF-A [m].
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 347 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, compositeDepth compmcdExpedition 347 Scientists
Rock typeRockExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 347 ScientistsGrain size nomenclature after Shepard (1954)
PercentagePerc%Expedition 347 ScientistsEstimated
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
StructureStructureExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
10 MineralsMineralsExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
11 ClastsClastsExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
12 Bedding/bandingBedding/bandingExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
13 Core disturbanceDisturbanceExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
14 BioturbationBioturbationExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
15 Color code HLS-systemColor HLSExpedition 347 ScientistsMunsell Color System (1994)
16 Grain size descriptionGrain size descrExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
17 Sorting descriptionSort descrExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual description
18 Clast shapeClast shapeExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual descriptionroundness
19 Clast shapeClast shapeExpedition 347 ScientistsVisual descriptionsphericity
144 data points


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Sample label
(DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation)

(Visual description)

Depth sed [m]

Depth comp [mcd]

(Visual description)

Main lith
(Grain size nomenclature after...)

Perc [%]

(Visual description)

(Visual description)
(Visual description)
(Visual description)
(Visual description)
(Visual description)
(Visual description)
Color HLS
(Munsell Color System (1994))
Grain size descr
(Visual description)
Sort descr
(Visual description)
Clast shape
(roundness, Visual description)
Clast shape
(sphericity, Visual description)
347-M0064B-1-1,010.004.914253Siliciclastic sedimentClayBrown, clay, heavily disturbed, very well sorted.Highly7,5YR 5/3Very well sorted
347-M0064B-1-2,011.506.414253Siliciclastic sedimentClayBrown - gray, clay, weak lamination by color, brown lamina in cm scale, gray lamina mm scale, very well sorted, moderately disturbed.LaminationParallel beddedModerately7,5Y 5/3Very well sorted
347-M0064B-1-3,012.707.614253Siliciclastic sedimentClayBrown - gray clay, weak lamination by color, brown lamina cm scale, gray mm scale, very well sorted, moderately disturbed, soft sediment deformation lower boundary.LaminationParallel laminatedModerately7,5Y 5/3Very well sorted
347-M0064B-1-3,2422.947.854253Siliciclastic sedimentClayGrayish brown, clay, laminated by color, cm scale lamina, very well sorted, moderately disturbed.LaminationParallel laminatedModerately2,5Y 5/2Very well sorted
347-M0064B-1-4,013.148.054253Siliciclastic sedimentClay90Glacial clay, no varves visible in CC sample, some organic material. OSP: grayish brown, clay, laminated by color, cm scale, lamina, very well sorted, moderately disturbed.Homogeneous; laminationUnidentified mineralsMassiveSlightly10YR 5/2ClayVery well sorted
347-M0064B-2-1,013.308.214253Siliciclastic sedimentSilty clayGray brown clay, well sorted, water logged, no clear structure in upper 40cm but well developed varves below. mm-scale fining upwards seq. with sharp silt bottom fining up to clay on mm-scales, over cm-scale spacings.Lamination; fining upwardsParallel laminatedSoupyAbsent bioturbation7.5yr 4/1ClayWell sorted
347-M0064B-2-2,014.809.714253Siliciclastic sedimentGravelly sandWaterlogged sand-silt, poorly sorted in uppermost 50cm- supporting med to granule sized sands and opaques below this large cm-scale clasts of various maturities and source with increasing clast support towards the base.Unknown lithoclast; metamorphic rock; crystalline rock; sedimentary rock; chertMassiveSoupyAbsent bioturbation7.5YR 4/1Fine gravelPoorly sorted
347-M0064B-2-3,016.0911.004253Siliciclastic sedimentGravelly sandGray brown, sand-silt-clay supporting diamict. Poorly sorted with clasts varying from mm to cm-scales poly mict.(muddy, clast-rich diamict) more sand -silt dominated in lower 5cm.DiamicticMetamorphic rock; crystalline rock; sedimentary rock; chertMassiveSoupy7.5YR 4/1Poorly sorted
347-M0064B-2-4,016.5511.464253Siliciclastic sedimentClayey sandSome gravel occurs, redeposited forams.HomogeneousUnidentified mineralsMassiveSlightly10Y 4/1Fine sandWell sorted
347-M0064B-3-1,016.6011.514253Siliciclastic sedimentFine gravelGray, gravel, mx. clast 2cm, subangular to angular, cubic and bladed, crystallin, palaeozoic limestone, quartz, sandstone, moderately sorted, heavily disturbed.HomogeneousMassiveHighly2,5Y 4/1Moderately well sortedsub-angularlow sphericity
347-M0064B-3-2,016.9211.834253Siliciclastic sedimentSandNone. OSP: Light brownish gray, sand with common clasts, medium to coarse sand, max. clast 1cm, subangular to angular, cubic and bladed, crystallin, sandstone, sorted, washed.Grain-supported; homogeneousUnidentified mineralsMassiveSlightly2.5Y 4/2Medium sandWell sorted
347-M0064B-5-1,0110.1010.100000Siliciclastic sedimentFine gravelGray, Gravel, max clast 2cm, sandstone, subangular to angular, cubic, and bladed, crystallin, palaeozoic limestone, sandstone, washed.Soupy2,5Y 4/1Well sortedsub-angularlow sphericity