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Weissling, Blake P; Ackley, Stephen F (2011): (Table 1) Summary statistics of in situ sea-ice characteristics of Ice Station Belgica sites Fabra, Patria/Liège and Brussels in October 2007 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Weissling, BP; Ackley, SF (2011): Antarctic sea-ice altimetry: scale and resolution effects on derived ice thickness distribution. Annals of Glaciology, 52(57), 225-232,

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Three ice type regimes at Ice Station Belgica (ISB), during the 2007 International Polar Year SIMBA (Sea Ice Mass Balance in Antarctica) expedition, were characterized and assessed for elevation, snow depth, ice freeboard and thickness. Analyses of the probability distribution functions showed great potential for satellite-based altimetry for estimating ice thickness. In question is the required altimeter sampling density for reasonably accurate estimation of snow surface elevation given inherent spatial averaging. This study assesses an effort to determine the number of laser altimeter 'hits' of the ISB floe, as a representative Antarctic floe of mixed first- and multi-year ice types, for the purpose of statistically recreating the in situ-determined ice-thickness and snow depth distribution based on the fractional coverage of each ice type. Estimates of the fractional coverage and spatial distribution of the ice types, referred to as ice 'towns', for the 5 km**2 floe were assessed by in situ mapping and photo-visual documentation. Simulated ICESat altimeter tracks, with spot size ~70 m and spacing ~170 m, sampled the floe's towns, generating a buoyancy-derived ice thickness distribution. 115 altimeter hits were required to statistically recreate the regional thickness mean and distribution for a three-town assemblage of mixed first- and multi-year ice, and 85 hits for a two-town assemblage of first-year ice only: equivalent to 19.5 and 14.5 km respectively of continuous altimeter track over a floe region of similar structure. Results have significant implications toward model development of sea-ice sampling performance of the ICESat laser altimeter record as well as maximizing sampling characteristics of satellite/airborne laser and radar altimetry missions for sea-ice thickness.
Related to:
Weissling, Blake P; Lewis, Michael J; Ackley, Stephen F (2011): Sea ice characteristics at Ice Station Belgica sites Brussels, Patria and Fabra in october 2007, Bellinghausen Sea [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: -70.200900 * Median Longitude: -93.645600 * South-bound Latitude: -70.410600 * West-bound Longitude: -94.459100 * North-bound Latitude: -69.904700 * East-bound Longitude: -92.496500
Date/Time Start: 2007-10-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2007-10-01T00:00:00
SIMBA_Brussels * Latitude: -70.287400 * Longitude: -94.459100 * Date/Time: 2007-10-01T00:00:00 * Location: Bellingshausen Sea * Campaign: NBP0709 (SIMBA) * Basis: Nathaniel B. Palmer * Method/Device: Ice station (ICE)
SIMBA_Fabra * Latitude: -70.410600 * Longitude: -93.981200 * Date/Time: 2007-10-01T00:00:00 * Location: Bellingshausen Sea * Campaign: NBP0709 (SIMBA) * Basis: Nathaniel B. Palmer * Method/Device: Ice station (ICE)
SIMBA_Patria * Latitude: -69.904700 * Longitude: -92.496500 * Date/Time: 2007-10-01T00:00:00 * Location: Bellingshausen Sea * Campaign: NBP0709 (SIMBA) * Basis: Nathaniel B. Palmer * Method/Device: Ice station (ICE)
Ice freeboard was assessed and derived from an elevation survey. Data extracted in the frame of a joint ICSTI/PANGAEA IPY effort, see
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2SiteSiteWeissling, Blake P
4Sample amount, subsetN subset#Weissling, Blake Psurface elevation
5Surface elevationSurf elevmWeissling, Blake Pmean
6Standard deviationStd dev±Weissling, Blake Psurface elevation
7Sample amount, subsetN subset#Weissling, Blake Psnow thickness
8Snow thicknessSnow thickmWeissling, Blake Pmean
9Snow thickness, standard deviationSnow thick std dev±Weissling, Blake P
10Sample amount, subsetN subset#Weissling, Blake Pfreeboard
11FreeboardFreeboardmWeissling, Blake Pof ice, mean
12Standard deviationStd dev±Weissling, Blake Pfreeboard
13Sample amount, subsetN subset#Weissling, Blake Pdrilled ice thickness
14Sea ice thicknessEsEsmWeissling, Blake Pdrilled, mean
15Standard deviationStd dev±Weissling, Blake Pdrilled ice thickness
39 data points

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