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Yamaura, Yuichi (2015): (Appendix S12) Bird species detected in young larch plantations of Tokachi district, 2011 [dataset]. Division of Environmental Resources, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Yamaura, Yuichi; Connor, Edward F; Royle, J Andrew; Itoh, Katsuo; Sato, Kiyoshi; Taki, Hisatomo; Mishima, Yoshio (2016): Estimating species - area relationships by modeling abundance and frequency subject to incomplete sampling. Ecology and Evolution, 6(14), 4836-4848,

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Latitude: 42.900000 * Longitude: 143.700000
Date/Time Start: 2011-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-01-01T00:00:00
Tokachi_Distr * Latitude: 42.900000 * Longitude: 143.700000 * Date/Time: 2011-01-01T00:00:00 * Location: Japan * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
Please note, that forest species were not included in the analysis, and number of detected territories are therefore not shown.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Species, common nameSpecies commonYamaura, Yuichi
SpeciesSpeciesYamaura, Yuichi
CommentCommentYamaura, Yuichispecies observed yes/no
IdentificationIDYamaura, Yuichi
NumberNoYamaura, Yuichiof detected territories during this study
141 data points


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Species common




Black-faced buntingEmberiza spodocephalayes145
Great spotted woodpeckerDendrocopos majoryes (forest species)
Brown thrushTurdus chrysolausyes (forest species)
WryneckJynx torquillayes (forest species)
Japanese grosbeakEophona personatayes (forest species)
Bush warblerCettia diphoneyes (forest species)
Grey's grasshopper warblerLocustella fasciolatayes22
Pale-legged willow warblerPhylloscopus tenellipesyes (forest species)
Hazel grouseTetrastes bonasiayes (forest species)
Long-tailed titAegithalos caudatusyes (forest species)
Latham's snipeGallinago hardwickiiyes312
Blue-and-white flycatcherCynaptila cynamelanayes (forest species)
Eurasian jayGarrulus glandariusyes (forest species)
Common cuckooCuculus canorusyes41
Oriental greenfinchCarduelis sinicayes513
Rufous turtle doveStreptopelia orientalisyes (forest species)
Brown creeperCerhia familiarisyes (forest species)
Japanese pygmy woodpeckerDendrocopos kizukiyes (forest species)
Asian brown flycatcherMuscicapa dauuricayes (forest species)
NuthatchSitta europaeayes (forest species)
Great titParus majoryes (forest species)
HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustesyes (forest species)
Eastern crowned warblerPhylloscopus coronatusyes (forest species)
Oriental cuckooCuculus saturatusyes (forest species)
Cinnamon sparrowPasser rutilansyes (forest species)
Siberian rubythroatLuscinia calliopeyes61
StonechatSaxicola torquatayes727
Marsh titParus palustrisyes (forest species)
Carrion crowCorvus coroneyes (forest species)
Coal titParus ateryes (forest species)
Brown-eared bulbulHypsipetes amaurotisyes (forest species)
Olive-backed pipitAnthus hodgsoniyes822
Long-tailed rosefinchUragus sibiricusyes91
Chestnut-eared buntingEmberiza fucatayes101
Siberian meadow buntingEmberiza cioidesyes1119
SiskinCarduelis spinusyes (forest species)
Arctic warblerPhylloscopus borealisyes (forest species)
Bull-headed shrikeLanius bucephalusyes126
Short-tailed bush warblerUrosphena squameicepsyes (forest species)