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Müller, Thomas J; Waniek, Joanna J (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276 from 1980 to 2011 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2014-10-14DOI registered: 2014-11-11

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This report is thought as a user's guide containing back ground information of the 31 years long physical data record from mooring site KIEL276 in the Madeira Abyssal Plain, nominal location 33°N, 022°W at 5285 m water depth. It comprises meta and physical data for all 28 individual moorings deployed from 1980 to 2011, processing methods, and steps for the physical data, namely current speed and direction, and temperature collected at significant depths all over the water column. Spikes are removed, and data are checked for consistency and quality. Some corrections were applied as compared to earlier versions, in particular to instrument depths; however, these corrections do not affect scientific results published earlier in the literature. Nevertheless, for the reason of future consistency we recommend to use the present data and meta data set for further analysis.
Related to:
Müller, Thomas J; Waniek, Joanna J (2013): KIEL276 Time Series Data from Moored Current Meters Madeira Abyssal Plain 33°N, 22°W, 5285 m water depth March 1980 – April 2011 Background Information and Data Compilation. GEOMAR Report, 65 pp,
Median Latitude: 33.036700 * Median Longitude: -21.955971 * South-bound Latitude: 32.818330 * West-bound Longitude: -22.136160 * North-bound Latitude: 33.194500 * East-bound Longitude: -21.833330
Date/Time Start: 1980-04-01T01:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-04-20T22:00:00
27 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-0.
  2. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-01.
  3. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-02.
  4. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-03.
  5. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-04.
  6. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-05.
  7. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-06.
  8. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-07.
  9. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-08.
  10. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-09.
  11. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-10.
  12. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-11.
  13. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-12.
  14. Müller, TJ; Waniek, JJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-13.
  15. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-14.
  16. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-15.
  17. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-16.
  18. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-17.
  19. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-18.
  20. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-19.
  21. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-21.
  22. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-22.
  23. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-23.
  24. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-24.
  25. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-25.
  26. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-26.
  27. Waniek, JJ; Müller, TJ (2014): Physical oceanography from moored current meter of Mooring Kiel276-27.