Zabel, Matthias (2014): ED-X-ray fluorescence measurements of sediment core GeoB3911-3 [dataset]. MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University Bremen, PANGAEA,
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Published: 2014-07-21 • DOI registered: 2021-12-01
Latitude: -4.613333 * Longitude: -36.640000
Date/Time Start: 1996-03-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-03-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.05 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 6.75 m
GeoB3911-3 * Latitude: -4.613333 * Longitude: -36.640000 * Date/Time: 1996-03-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: -828.0 m * Recovery: 7 m * Location: Northeast Brasilian Margin * Campaign: M34/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Kiel type) (SL) * Comment: CC: gray clay, forams
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
204 data points
1 Depth sed [m] | 2 Mg2+ [mg/kg] | 3 Al [mg/kg] | 4 Si [mg/kg] | 5 TS [mg/kg] | 6 K [mg/kg] | 7 Ca2+ [mg/kg] | 8 Ti [mg/kg] | 9 Mn [mg/kg] | 10 Fe [mg/kg] | 11 Sr [mg/kg] | 12 Zr [mg/kg] | 13 Rb [mg/kg] |
0.05 | 10996 | 30974 | 61812 | 2627 | 7493 | 233673 | 1515 | 168 | 18269 | 2246 | 128 | 44 |
0.35 | 9772 | 29051 | 58698 | 2145 | 6722 | 253596 | 1383 | 104 | 11364 | 2501 | 103 | 41 |
0.75 | 10886 | 41170 | 71706 | 2709 | 7387 | 217220 | 1998 | 116 | 16029 | 2232 | 99 | 43 |
1.05 | 12306 | 57155 | 98971 | 3555 | 10413 | 163448 | 2769 | 174 | 23068 | 1609 | 126 | 59 |
1.55 | 13975 | 64917 | 125102 | 3721 | 15161 | 121162 | 3433 | 330 | 28777 | 1023 | 179 | 93 |
2.35 | 9544 | 91413 | 207334 | 3535 | 18851 | 39026 | 4619 | 302 | 47488 | 413 | 109 | 129 |
2.75 | 10255 | 83304 | 214189 | 3935 | 19663 | 38882 | 4417 | 362 | 45178 | 405 | 118 | 123 |
3.45 | 10165 | 81404 | 213400 | 5056 | 20766 | 31841 | 4398 | 386 | 46434 | 350 | 129 | 118 |
3.95 | 6685 | 64787 | 151764 | 7581 | 16110 | 17411 | 4054 | 313 | 40268 | 231 | 132 | 105 |
4.45 | 15756 | 88554 | 151744 | 4315 | 21354 | 69754 | 5574 | 376 | 51830 | 580 | 150 | 157 |
4.75 | 10374 | 85261 | 168105 | 3587 | 19130 | 23057 | 5536 | 345 | 49627 | 245 | 144 | 129 |
5.35 | 10588 | 72724 | 167931 | 9640 | 18837 | 26624 | 4639 | 295 | 42794 | 267 | 174 | 101 |
5.75 | 9782 | 77203 | 181351 | 4400 | 19497 | 13762 | 4591 | 290 | 37853 | 170 | 173 | 112 |
5.95 | 10043 | 75095 | 173469 | 8228 | 18991 | 13495 | 4452 | 274 | 45243 | 170 | 149 | 110 |
6.35 | 10235 | 84064 | 174575 | 6676 | 19888 | 7900 | 4814 | 284 | 52289 | 128 | 122 | 139 |
6.55 | 10481 | 87851 | 174997 | 3579 | 21413 | 7879 | 5111 | 338 | 55250 | 127 | 129 | 151 |
6.75 | 11733 | 91156 | 215767 | 1102 | 24302 | 46343 | 5532 | 379 | 56307 | 458 | 140 | 155 |