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Orthmann, Bettina (2014): Tree seedlings counts of seven dominant vegetation types at the end of rainy seasons in the Aguima Catchment, Benin [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Orthmann, B (2014): Tree saplings and seedlings counts of seven dominant vegetation types at the end of rainy seasons in the Aguima Catchment, Benin [dataset publication series]. Institut für Biodiversitätsforschung der Universität Rostock, PANGAEA,

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Global Change and the Hydrological Cycle (GLOWA)
Median Latitude: 9.132058 * Median Longitude: 1.909263 * South-bound Latitude: 9.123460 * West-bound Longitude: 1.901200 * North-bound Latitude: 9.143160 * East-bound Longitude: 1.917490
Date/Time Start: 2001-10-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-10-15T00:00:00
Aguima_Catchment * Latitude Start: 9.143200 * Longitude Start: 1.901200 * Latitude End: 9.123000 * Longitude End: 1.917500 * Location: Benin, West Africa * Campaign: IMPETUS
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
IdentificationIDOrthmann, BettinaPlot number
Vegetation typeVegetation typeOrthmann, Bettina
UTM Easting, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM eastmOrthmann, Bettina
UTM Northing, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM northmOrthmann, Bettina
UTM Zone, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM ZoneOrthmann, Bettina
Acacia sp., seedlingsAcacia sp. seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
10 Afrormosia laxiflora, seedlingsA. laxiflora seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Benth.) Harms
11 Afzelia africana, seedlingsA. africana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingSmith ex Pers.
12 Albizia malacophylla, seedlingsA. malacophylla seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(A. Rich.) Walp.
13 Annona senegalensis, seedlingsA. senegalensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingPers.
14 Anogeissus leiocarpus, seedlingsA. leiocarpus seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(DC.) Guill. & Perr.
15 Bombax costatum, seedlingsB. costatum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingPellegr. & Vuillet
16 Bridelia ferruginea, seedlingsB. ferruginea seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingBenth.
17 Butyrospermum paradoxum, seedlingsB. paradoxum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Gaertn. f.) Hepper
18 Burkea africana, seedlingsB. africana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingHook.
19 Canthium sp., seedlingsCanthium sp. seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
20 Crossopteryx febrifuga, seedlingsC. febrifuga seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Afzel. ex G. Don) Benth.
21 Combretum collinum, seedlingsC. collinum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingFresen.
22 Combretum, seedlingsCombretum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
23 Cussonia arborea, seedlingsC. arborea seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingHochst. ex A. Rich.
24 Diospyros mespiliformis, seedlingsD. mespiliformis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingHochst. ex A. DC.
25 Daniellia oliveri, seedlingsD. oliveri seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel
26 Detarium microcarpum, seedlingsD. microcarpum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingGuill. & Perr.
27 Entada africana, seedlingsE. africana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingGuill. & Perr.
28 Ficus capensis, seedlingsF. capensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingThunb.
29 Gardenia sokotensis, seedlingsG. sokotensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingHutch.
30 Hymenocardia acida, seedlingsH. acida seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingTul.
31 Isoberlinia doka, seedlingsI. doka seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingCraib & Stapf
32 Khaya senegalensis, seedlingsK. senegalensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Desv.) A. Juss.
33 Lannea acida, seedlingsL. acida seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingA. Rich.
34 Lonchocarpus sericeus, seedlingsL. sericeus seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Poir.) H. B. & K.
35 Lophira lanceolata, seedlingsL. lanceolata seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingVan Tiegh. ex Keay
36 Margaritaria discoidea, seedlingsM. discoidea seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Baill.) Webster
37 Maranthes polyandra, seedlingsM. polyandra seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Benth.) Prance
38 Monotes kerstingii, seedlingsM. kerstingii seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingGilg
39 Nauclea latifolia, seedlingsN. latifolia seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingSm.
40 Ostryoderris stuhlmannii, seedlingsO. stuhlmannii seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Taub.) Dunn ex Harms
41 Parinari curatellifolia, seedlingsP. curatellifolia seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingPlanch. ex Benth.
42 Parkia biglobosa, seedlingsP. biglobosa seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don f.
43 Pavetta crassipes, seedlingsP. crassipes seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingK. Schum.
44 Piliostigma thonningii, seedlingsP. thonningii seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Schumach.) Milne- Redh.
45 Prosopis africana, seedlingsP. africana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Guill. & Perr.) Taub.
46 Pseudocedrela kotschyi, seedlingsP. kotschyi seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Schweinf.) Harms
47 Pterocarpus erinaceus, seedlingsP. erinaceus seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingPoir.
48 Pteleopsis suberosa, seedlingsP. suberosa seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingEngl. & Diels
49 Stereospermum kunthianum, seedlingsS. kunthianum seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingCham.
50 Strychnos sp., seedlingsStrychnos sp. seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
51 Spermacoce verticillata, seedlingsS. verticillata seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingL.
52 Swartzia madagascariensis, seedlingsS. madagascariensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingDesv.
53 Syzygium guineense, seedlingsS. guineense seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting(Willd.) DC.
54 Terminalia avicennioides, seedlingsT. avicennioides seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingGuill. & Perr.
55 Terminalia macroptera, seedlingsT. macroptera seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingGuill. & Perr.
56 Trichilia emetica, seedlingsT. emetica seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingVahl
57 Uapaca togoensis, seedlingsU. togoensis seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingPax
58 Uvaria chamae, seedlingsU. chamae seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingP. Beauv.
59 Vitex doniana, seedlingsV. doniana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingSweet
60 Ximenia americana, seedlingsX. americana seeds#/haOrthmann, BettinaCountingL.
61 Number of individuals per areaInd per area#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
62 Number of species per areaSpecies per area#/haOrthmann, BettinaCounting
8024 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:


Vegetation type




UTM east [m]

UTM north [m]

UTM Zone

Acacia sp. seeds [#/ha]
A. laxiflora seeds [#/ha]
A. africana seeds [#/ha]
A. malacophylla seeds [#/ha]
A. senegalensis seeds [#/ha]
A. leiocarpus seeds [#/ha]
B. costatum seeds [#/ha]
B. ferruginea seeds [#/ha]
B. paradoxum seeds [#/ha]
B. africana seeds [#/ha]
Canthium sp. seeds [#/ha]
C. febrifuga seeds [#/ha]
C. collinum seeds [#/ha]
Combretum seeds [#/ha]
C. arborea seeds [#/ha]
D. mespiliformis seeds [#/ha]
D. oliveri seeds [#/ha]
D. microcarpum seeds [#/ha]
E. africana seeds [#/ha]
F. capensis seeds [#/ha]
G. sokotensis seeds [#/ha]
H. acida seeds [#/ha]
I. doka seeds [#/ha]
K. senegalensis seeds [#/ha]
L. acida seeds [#/ha]
L. sericeus seeds [#/ha]
L. lanceolata seeds [#/ha]
M. discoidea seeds [#/ha]
M. polyandra seeds [#/ha]
M. kerstingii seeds [#/ha]
N. latifolia seeds [#/ha]
O. stuhlmannii seeds [#/ha]
P. curatellifolia seeds [#/ha]
P. biglobosa seeds [#/ha]
P. crassipes seeds [#/ha]
P. thonningii seeds [#/ha]
P. africana seeds [#/ha]
P. kotschyi seeds [#/ha]
P. erinaceus seeds [#/ha]
P. suberosa seeds [#/ha]
S. kunthianum seeds [#/ha]
Strychnos sp. seeds [#/ha]
S. verticillata seeds [#/ha]
S. madagascariensis seeds [#/ha]
S. guineense seeds [#/ha]
T. avicennioides seeds [#/ha]
T. macroptera seeds [#/ha]
T. emetica seeds [#/ha]
U. togoensis seeds [#/ha]
U. chamae seeds [#/ha]
V. doniana seeds [#/ha]
X. americana seeds [#/ha]
Ind per area [#/ha]
Species per area [#/ha]
R12SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.130081.91225380477100941431 P0.
R14SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.129441.90760379966100934431 P0.
R15SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.127421.90583379771100912231 P0.
R17SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.137021.90697379899101018331 P0.
R18SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.137391.90657379855101022431 P0.
R29SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2001-109.140411.90120379266101055931 P0.
R01SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2001-109.129651.91113380354100936631 P0.
R07SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2001-109.135801.90798380010101004831 P0.
R13SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2001-109.130521.91338380602100946231 P0.
R11ST - Tree savanna2001-109.124761.90960380184100882631 P0.
R27ST - Tree savanna2001-109.135491.90421379595101001531 P0.
R35ST - Tree savanna2001-109.131901.90869380087100961631 P0.
R02SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.129251.91150380394100932231 P0.000.00133.330.
R05SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.133691.91593380883100981231 P0.000.00133.330.
R08SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.129071.90943380167100930331 P0.000.00266.670.00266.670.000.00133.33533.330.
R16SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.126761.90654379849100904831 P0.
R19SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.138931.90755379964101039431 P0.
R22SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.137911.90897380119101028031 P0.000.000.00133.330.00133.33133.330.00533.33133.330.00133.33133.331200.000.00133.33933.33133.330.000.00666.670.00533.330.
R23SW - Savanna woodland2001-109.130071.90512379694100941531 P0.00133.33533.330.00400.000.000.00133.331866.670.000.000.00133.330.00133.330.
R03WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.134551.91153380400100990831 P0.000.00133.330.
R04WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.135181.91515380798100997631 P0.
R06WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.134661.91076380315100992131 P0.
R10WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.123461.90879380095100868331 P0.
R21WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.138671.91017380251101036431 P0.00133.33266.670.
R32WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.127791.91393380661100916031 P0.
R34WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.127291.91749381052100910331 P0.
R39WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2001-109.124981.90760379965100885131 P0.000.000.00133.330.
R09WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2001-109.128261.90855380070100921331 P0.000.00266.670.00133.330.000.00133.33266.670.
R24WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2001-109.131311.90658379854100955131 P0.
R33WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2001-109.129551.91701381000100935331 P0.
R38WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2001-109.125791.90635379827100894131 P0.000.00133.33133.330.000.000.00133.33266.670.00266.670.
R20WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2001-109.137531.91102380345101023831 P0.000.00266.670.00133.332266.670.00266.670.
R25WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2001-109.132231.90614379806100965331 P0.
R30WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2001-109.143161.90342379511101086331 P0.
R12SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.130081.91225380477100941431 P0.
R14SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.129441.90760379966100934431 P0.
R15SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.127421.90583379771100912231 P0.
R17SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.137021.90697379899101018331 P0.
R18SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.137391.90657379855101022431 P0.
R29SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2002-109.140411.90120379266101055931 P0.
R01SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2002-109.129651.91113380354100936631 P0.
R07SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2002-109.135801.90798380010101004831 P0.
R13SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2002-109.130521.91338380602100946231 P0.
R11ST - Tree savanna2002-109.124761.90960380184100882631 P0.
R27ST - Tree savanna2002-109.135491.90421379595101001531 P0.
R35ST - Tree savanna2002-109.131901.90869380087100961631 P0.
R02SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.129251.91150380394100932231 P0.
R05SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.133691.91593380883100981231 P0.
R08SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.129071.90943380167100930331 P0.
R16SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.126761.90654379849100904831 P0.
R19SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.138931.90755379964101039431 P0.
R22SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.137911.90897380119101028031 P0.
R23SW - Savanna woodland2002-109.130071.90512379694100941531 P0.
R03WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.134551.91153380400100990831 P0.
R04WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.135181.91515380798100997631 P0.
R06WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.134661.91076380315100992131 P0.
R10WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.123461.90879380095100868331 P0.
R21WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.138671.91017380251101036431 P0.
R32WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.127791.91393380661100916031 P0.
R34WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.127291.91749381052100910331 P0.
R39WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2002-109.124981.90760379965100885131 P0.
R09WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2002-109.128261.90855380070100921331 P0.
R24WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2002-109.131311.90658379854100955131 P0.
R33WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2002-109.129551.91701381000100935331 P0.
R38WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2002-109.125791.90635379827100894131 P0.000.000.00133.330.000.000.00133.330.
R20WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2002-109.137531.91102380345101023831 P0.
R25WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2002-109.132231.90614379806100965331 P0.
R30WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2002-109.143161.90342379511101086331 P0.
R12SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.130081.91225380477100941431 P0.
R14SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.129441.90760379966100934431 P0.
R15SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.127421.90583379771100912231 P0.
R17SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.137021.90697379899101018331 P0.
R18SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.137391.90657379855101022431 P0.
R29SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2003-109.140411.90120379266101055931 P0.
R01SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2003-109.129651.91113380354100936631 P0.
R07SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2003-109.135801.90798380010101004831 P0.
R13SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2003-109.130521.91338380602100946231 P0.
R11ST - Tree savanna2003-109.124761.90960380184100882631 P0.
R27ST - Tree savanna2003-109.135491.90421379595101001531 P0.
R35ST - Tree savanna2003-109.131901.90869380087100961631 P0.
R02SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.129251.91150380394100932231 P0.
R05SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.133691.91593380883100981231 P0.
R08SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.129071.90943380167100930331 P0.
R16SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.126761.90654379849100904831 P0.
R19SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.138931.90755379964101039431 P0.
R22SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.137911.90897380119101028031 P0.
R23SW - Savanna woodland2003-109.130071.90512379694100941531 P0.
R03WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.134551.91153380400100990831 P0.
R04WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.135181.91515380798100997631 P0.
R06WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.134661.91076380315100992131 P0.
R10WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.123461.90879380095100868331 P0.
R21WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.138671.91017380251101036431 P0.
R32WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.127791.91393380661100916031 P0.
R34WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.127291.91749381052100910331 P0.
R39WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2003-109.124981.90760379965100885131 P0.
R09WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2003-109.128261.90855380070100921331 P0.
R24WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2003-109.131311.90658379854100955131 P0.
R33WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2003-109.129551.91701381000100935331 P0.
R38WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2003-109.125791.90635379827100894131 P0.
R20WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2003-109.137531.91102380345101023831 P0.
R25WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2003-109.132231.90614379806100965331 P0.
R30WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2003-109.143161.90342379511101086331 P0.
R12SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.130081.91225380477100941431 P0.
R14SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.129441.90760379966100934431 P0.
R15SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.127421.90583379771100912231 P0.
R17SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.137021.90697379899101018331 P0.
R18SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.137391.90657379855101022431 P0.
R29SB - Savanna (Bas fond)2004-109.140411.90120379266101055931 P0.
R01SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2004-109.129651.91113380354100936631 P0.
R07SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2004-109.135801.90798380010101004831 P0.
R13SM - Savanna (Margin Bas fond)2004-109.130521.91338380602100946231 P0.
R11ST - Tree savanna2004-109.124761.90960380184100882631 P0.
R27ST - Tree savanna2004-109.135491.90421379595101001531 P0.000.00133.330.000.00133.330.
R35ST - Tree savanna2004-109.131901.90869380087100961631 P0.
R02SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.129251.91150380394100932231 P0.
R05SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.133691.91593380883100981231 P0.
R08SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.129071.90943380167100930331 P0.
R16SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.126761.90654379849100904831 P0.
R19SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.138931.90755379964101039431 P0.
R22SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.137911.90897380119101028031 P0.
R23SW - Savanna woodland2004-109.130071.90512379694100941531 P0.
R03WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.134551.91153380400100990831 P0.
R04WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.135181.91515380798100997631 P0.
R06WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.134661.91076380315100992131 P0.
R10WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.123461.90879380095100868331 P0.
R21WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.138671.91017380251101036431 P0.
R32WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.127791.91393380661100916031 P0.
R34WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.127291.91749381052100910331 P0.
R39WI - Woodland dominated by Isoberlinia doka2004-109.124981.90760379965100885131 P0.
R09WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2004-109.128261.90855380070100921331 P0.
R24WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2004-109.131311.90658379854100955131 P0.
R33WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2004-109.129551.91701381000100935331 P0.
R38WU - Woodland dominated by Uapaca togoensis2004-109.125791.90635379827100894131 P0.
R20WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2004-109.137531.91102380345101023831 P0.
R25WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2004-109.132231.90614379806100965331 P0.
R30WA - Woodland dominated by Anogeissus leiocarpus2004-109.143161.90342379511101086331 P0.