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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Felis, Thomas; McGregor, Helen V; Linsley, Braddock K; Tudhope, Alexander W; Gagan, Michael K; Suzuki, Atsushi; Inoue, Mayuri; Thomas, Alexander L; Esat, Tezer M; Thompson, William G; Tiwari, Manish; Potts, Donald C; Mudelsee, Manfred; Yokoyama, Yusuke; Webster, Jody M (2014): (Supplementary Table 2) Coral element/Ca and stable isotope data, U-Th ages, and XRD results [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Felis, T et al. (2014): Intensification of the meridional temperature gradient in the Great Barrier Reef following the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Communications, 5, 4102,

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Median Latitude: -18.424034 * Median Longitude: 149.302622 * South-bound Latitude: -23.400000 * West-bound Longitude: 145.800000 * North-bound Latitude: -5.200000 * East-bound Longitude: 151.900000
Date/Time Start: 2010-02-14T08:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2010-04-03T02:05:00
Minimum Elevation: -108.6 m * Maximum Elevation: -0.5 m
325-M0031A (HYD_01Csite6) * Latitude: -19.678950 * Longitude: 150.239610 * Date/Time: 2010-02-14T08:30:00 * Elevation Start: -92.0 m * Elevation End: -90.1 m * Penetration: 43 m * Recovery: 5.68 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
325-M0033A (HYD_01CSite6) * Latitude: -19.678830 * Longitude: 150.239850 * Date/Time: 2010-02-17T14:45:00 * Elevation Start: -91.5 m * Elevation End: -91.3 m * Penetration: 32.8 m * Recovery: 13.41 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
325-M0035A (HYD_01CSite11) * Latitude: -19.672630 * Longitude: 150.243830 * Date/Time: 2010-02-27T20:34:00 * Elevation Start: -105.3 m * Elevation End: -100.1 m * Penetration: 29.9 m * Recovery: 12.23 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
* Sample ID Palaeo can be slightly different to the corresponding Sample ID Dating (Supplementary Table 1), as the dating sample in some cases is a subsample of a larger coral section that was sampled for palaeoclimate.
** U-Th ages are reported as kyr before the present relative to AD 1950.
*** U-Th age represents the mean of 2 datings, the error given here is the range of the two datings.
**** Results of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
The coral reference material JCp-1 was used to correct for inter-laboratory offsets. The JCp-1 reference compositions used in this study are 8.781 mmol mol**-1 for Sr/Ca, -4.75 per mil for d18O, 4.252 mmol mol**-1 for Mg/Ca, and -1.58 per mil for d13C.
The corals are massive and robust/branching Isopora palifera/cuneata colonies.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2SiteSiteFelis, Thomas
3Sample code/labelSample labelFelis, ThomasSample ID Palaeo*
4Age, datedAge datedka BPFelis, ThomasU-Th Age [kyr BP]**
5Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Felis, Thomas2SD
6CommentCommentFelis, Thomas
7Strontium/Calcium ratioSr/Cammol/molFelis, ThomasCoral
8Standard deviationStd dev±Felis, Thomas1SD
9NumberNoFelis, Thomas
10δ18O, skeletal carbonateδ18O skel carb‰ PDBFelis, ThomasCoral, per mil VPDB
11Standard deviationStd dev±Felis, Thomas1SD
12NumberNoFelis, Thomas
13δ18O, skeletal carbonateδ18O skel carb‰ PDBFelis, ThomasCoral d18Ocorr, ice volume corr., per mil
14Standard deviationStd dev±Felis, Thomas1SD
15NumberNoFelis, Thomas
16Magnesium/Calcium ratioMg/Cammol/molFelis, ThomasCoral
17Standard deviationStd dev±Felis, Thomas1SD
18NumberNoFelis, Thomas
19δ13C, skeletal carbonateδ13C skel carb‰ PDBFelis, ThomasCoral, per mil VPDB
20Standard deviationStd dev±Felis, Thomas1SD
21NumberNoFelis, Thomas
22Sample commentSample commentFelis, ThomasMicrosampling
23AragoniteArg%Felis, Thomas****
739 data points

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