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Wenzel, Manfred; Schröter, Jens (2014): Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) decomposition of the reconstructed monthly sea level anomaly fields from 1901-09 to 2008-05 with link to NetCDF file [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Wenzel, Manfred; Schröter, Jens (2014): Global and regional sea level change during the 20th century. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119(11), 7493-7508,
This data set contains the EOF decomposition of the reconstructed monthly sea level anomaly (SLA) fields from 1901-09 to 2008-05. The decomposition consists of the global mean sea level anomaly (GMSLA), 12 Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF's) estimated from filtered altimetry data (source: CSIRO sea level web page, and the corresponding monthly Principal Components (PC's). The stored GMSLA and PC's are reconstructed using data from 178 tide gauges (see Wenzel and Schröter,2014, for details) considering nine different sets of constraints. The method of reconstruction as well as the constraints are described in Wenzel and Schröter (2014). NOTE: there is no annual cycle in the reconstructed timeseries! The GMSLA is stored as part of the PC and EOF arrays with pcnum=0.
The monthly sea level anomaly (SLA) fields can finally be composed from the PC's and the EOF's by matrix multiplication:
SLA(time,lat,lon) = PC(time,pcnum). EOF(pcnum,lat,lon) as outlined in Wenzel and Schröter (2014).
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