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Franzese, Allison M; Hemming, Sidney R; Goldstein, Steven L (2009): Strontium isotopes, ages and carbonate content of sediments from the Agulhas Current [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Franzese, AM et al. (2009): Use of strontium isotopes in detrital sediments to constrain the glacial position of the Agulhas Retroflection. Paleoceanography, 24(2), PA2217,

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Published: 2009 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2014-05-20

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The Agulhas Leakage represents a significant portion of the warm, surface return flow of the global overturning circulation and thus may be an important feedback in the ocean climate system. Models indicate that reduced leakage could be caused by a stronger Agulhas Current and/or a more upstream (eastward) Agulhas Retroflection, while a weaker Agulhas Current would result in a more westward retroflection and increased leakage. However, data for the Last Glacial Maximum support both a weaker Agulhas Current and less leakage, implying a possible displacement of the retroflection. We present new 87Sr/86Sr results for modern sediments within this region, confirming that the modern pathway of the Agulhas Current, Retroflection, and Leakage can be traced by terrigenous sediment provenance using Sr isotopes. New 87Sr/86Sr data from sediments deposited during the Last Glacial Maximum suggest that the glacial Agulhas Current and Retroflection followed nearly their modern trajectory. The provenance data appear to rule out both a stronger Agulhas Current and a more upstream Agulhas Retroflection. We conclude that the reduced glacial leakage was caused by the weakened Agulhas Current, with no significant change in the retroflection position. This is inconsistent with the model predictions and thus emphasizes the need for further work in this region.
Median Latitude: -35.923795 * Median Longitude: 19.530028 * South-bound Latitude: -45.730000 * West-bound Longitude: -14.280000 * North-bound Latitude: -8.767000 * East-bound Longitude: 33.450000
Date/Time Start: 1958-03-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-01-08T00:00:00
27 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS 1) Age determination and calendar years for sediment cores from the Agulhas current.
  2. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS 2) Age determination for sediment cores from the Agulhas current.
  3. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS 4) Age determination for various material of sediment cores from the Agulhas current.
  4. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS05) Measured or extrapolated ages of core tops older than 5000 years of sediment cores from the Agulhas current.
  5. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS 3) Measured or extrapolated ages of the core top, the depth of the 20 ka (LGM) horizon, and the average sedimentation rate between them for sediment cores from the Agulhas current.
  6. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table 1) Strontium isotopes of Holocene and LGM sediments.
  7. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S01) Carbonate content of sediment core RC11-84.
  8. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS06) Lithic grains of sediment core RC11-84.
  9. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S02) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core RC11-84.
  10. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S03) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core RC11-86.
  11. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS07) Lithic grains of sediment core RC11-87.
  12. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S04) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core RC11-87.
  13. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS08) Carbonate content of sediment core RC17-55.
  14. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS09) Carbonate content of sediment core RC17-55.
  15. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S05) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core RC17-69.
  16. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS10) Age model tie points for sediment core V14-65.
  17. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S06) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V14-65.
  18. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S07) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V18-184.
  19. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S08) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V19-224.
  20. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS11) Carbonate content of sediment core V19-225.
  21. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S09) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V20-201.
  22. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS12) Carbonate content of sediment core V22-175.
  23. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS13) Carbonate content of sediment core V22-175.
  24. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S10) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V24-216.
  25. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S11) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V29-94.
  26. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table TS14) Carbonate and opal content of sediment core V34-153.
  27. Franzese, AM; Hemming, SR; Goldstein, SL (2009): (Table S12) Magnetic susceptibility for sediment core V34-157.