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Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Aparicio-Gonzalez, Alberto; Balbín, Rosa; Alonso, Juan Carlos; Amengual, Bartomeu; Jansa, Javier; Garcia, Maria Carmen; Moya, Francina; Serra, Mariano; Vargas-Yanez, Manolo (2014): Physical oceanography on standard levels during Vizconde de Eza cruise TUNIBAL_0602 [dataset]. Balearic Center of the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Aparicio-Gonzalez, Alberto; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Balbín, Rosa; Alonso, Juan Carlos; Amengual, Bartomeu; Jansa, Javier; Garcia, Maria Carmen; Moya, Francina; Serra, Mariano; Vargas-Yanez, Manolo (2015): IBAMar DATABASE: 4 decades of oceanographic sampling on the Western Mediterranean Sea. Data Science Journal, 13, 172-191,

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Balbín, Rosa; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Flexas, Mar M; Reglero, P; Vélez-Velchí, P; González-Pola, C; Rodríguez, J M; García, A; Alemany, Francisco (2014): Interannual variability of the early summer circulation around the Balearic Islands: Driving factors and potential effects on the marine ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems, 138, 70-81,
Median Latitude: 39.139561 * Median Longitude: 2.689077 * South-bound Latitude: 37.997800 * West-bound Longitude: 0.778300 * North-bound Latitude: 40.335000 * East-bound Longitude: 4.916000
Date/Time Start: 2002-06-07T07:02:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-06-30T08:49:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 4.96 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 643.95 m
TUNIBAL_0602_614 * Latitude: 40.331800 * Longitude: 2.517800 * Date/Time: 2002-06-07T22:11:00 * Elevation: -1804.0 m * Location: Balear Sea * Campaign: TUNIBAL_0602 * Basis: Vizconde de Eza * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
TUNIBAL_0602_616 * Latitude: 40.335000 * Longitude: 2.741000 * Date/Time: 2002-06-07T19:58:00 * Elevation: -1812.0 m * Location: Balear Sea * Campaign: TUNIBAL_0602 * Basis: Vizconde de Eza * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
TUNIBAL_0602_618 * Latitude: 40.331000 * Longitude: 2.956300 * Date/Time: 2002-06-07T07:02:00 * Elevation: -1743.0 m * Location: Balear Sea * Campaign: TUNIBAL_0602 * Basis: Vizconde de Eza * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
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