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Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2014): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 338-C0022B [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2013): NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 17, 1-12,
Latitude: 33.218050 * Longitude: 136.724440
Date/Time Start: 2012-12-29T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 410.0 m
338-C0022B * Latitude: 33.218050 * Longitude: 136.724440 * Date/Time: 2012-12-29T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2674.0 m * Penetration: 419.5 m * Recovery: 305.5 m * Location: Nankai Trough * Campaign: Exp338 (NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 2) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 41 cores; 345 m Interval cored; 88.6 % recovered
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 338 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 338 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 338 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 338 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 338 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 338 ScientistsVisual descriptionSedimentological comment on Core
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 338 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Time StampTime StampExpedition 338 ScientistsOf sedimentological comment
291 data points


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Depth sed [m]

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([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...)

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(Sample bottom, DSDP/ODP/IODP ...)

Depth bot [m]
([m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (...)

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([m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (...)

Main lith
(Sedimentological comment on C...)

Main lith
(Continued, Visual description)

Time Stamp
(Of sedimentological comment)
338-C0022B-1H-1,,30.57.0107.000Silty clay with intense bioturbation. Sections 1, 2 and 3 where not split and therefore were described based solely on the CT image.2013-01-01T02:26:32
338-C0022B-2H-1,0.019.519.5338-C0022B-2H-CC,31.529.65529.000Dark greenish gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish mottling and banding.2013-01-02T00:34:05
338-C0022B-3H-1,,32.039.45038.500Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation, greenish mottling and banding. Dark gray fine sand is the minor lithology .Possible soft sediment deformation is observed in Section 8, where patches of sand seem to have been mixed and greenish bands are not horizontal.2013-01-02T01:08:05
338-C0022B-4H-1,0.038.538.5338-C0022B-4H-CC,35.048.54048.000Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish mottles. Small pyrite-filled burrows appear throughout (seen on CT image).2013-01-02T01:11:32
338-C0022B-5H-1,,35.058.29057.500Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish mottling and banding.2013-01-02T02:32:00
338-C0022B-6H-1,0.057.557.5338-C0022B-6H-CC,40.067.66067.000Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish mottling.2013-01-02T02:34:27
338-C0022B-7H-1,,50.077.43576.500Olive gray silty clay with scattered blobs of ash, thin ash layers and thin layers of silty sand. CT image shows that the degree of bioturbation is lower than in previous cores.2013-01-02T05:06:13
338-C0022B-8H-1,0.076.576.5338-C0022B-8H-CC,35.085.42584.500Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish bands and mottles. The first observed structures in this site appear in this core (deformation bands and small normal faults).2013-01-02T08:25:37
338-C0022B-9T-1,0.084.584.5338-C0022B-9T-CC,30.089.92089.500Heavily bioturbated silty clay with some thin fining upward sequences (fine sand to silty clay). Occasionally you can find pumice scattering.2013-01-02T11:25:04
338-C0022B-10T-1,0.089.589.5338-C0022B-10T-CC,25.094.97094.500Medium to heavily bioturbated silty clay. Several small fining upward sequences (fine sand to silty clay) are present. There is also one ash layer.2013-01-02T11:40:58
338-C0022B-11T-1,0.094.594.5338-C0022B-11T-CC,19.595.55595.555Dark olive gray sitly clay with dark gray fine sand as the minor lithology.2013-01-10T01:56:57
338-C0022B-12X-1,0.099.599.5338-C0022B-12X-CC,36.0107.225104.500Greenish gray silty clay. There are no structures visible, the sediment is very homogenous due to intens bioturbation. There are some very rare small ash patches or black, fine sand patches.2013-01-02T16:15:56
338-C0022B-13X-1,0.0104.5104.5338-C0022B-13X-CC,20.5111.595109.500Dark olive gray silty clay. Structureless. Bioturbation seems to diminish in the lower sections of the core.2013-01-02T23:10:37
338-C0022B-14X-1,0.0109.5109.5338-C0022B-14X-CC,35.5118.920114.500Dark olive gray silty clay. Core drilliing disturbance (spiraled) is very intense through the core.2013-01-03T05:04:46
338-C0022B-15X-1,0.0114.5114.5338-C0022B-15X-CC,30.0123.620123.620Heavily drilling-disturbed dark olive gray silty clay. Greenish mottling appears in Section 5 and below.2013-01-04T01:34:07
338-C0022B-16X-1,0.0124.0124.0338-C0022B-16X-CC,44.0132.400132.400Dark olive gray silty clay. Heavy drilling disturbance throughout. An ash layer appears at the top of Section 5.2013-01-04T00:35:24
338-C0022B-17X-1,0.0133.5133.5338-C0022B-17X-CC,59.0142.720142.720Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish mottling. Drilling disturbance (mostly biscuiting) is intense throughout the whole core.2013-01-04T02:01:28
338-C0022B-18X-1,0.0143.0143.0338-C0022B-18X-CC,50.0148.455148.455Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. Drilling disturbance is intense. An ash layer is recognized in section 2.2013-01-04T02:29:05
338-C0022B-19X-1,0.0152.5152.5338-C0022B-19X-CC,71.5156.840156.840Dark olive gray slightly bioturbated (most clearly seen in CT images) silty clay. A thick ash layer appears in section 4. Drilling disturbance, mostly in the form of biscuits, is present throughout the whole core.2013-01-04T04:29:13
338-C0022B-20X-1,0.0190.5190.5338-C0022B-20X-CC,80.5200.265200.000Olive gray silty clay. Drilling disturbance in the form of biscuiting is observed throughout the whole core. The intact rock fragments in Sections 7, 8 and 9 show greenish banding and mottling, and evidence of bioturbation (the inchnotaxa Chondrites was identified).2013-01-04T05:08:43
338-C0022B-21X-1,0.0200.0200.0338-C0022B-21X-CC,28.5209.330209.330Olive gray silty clay, which has suffers from severe drilling disturbance (many biscuits and infiltration of drilling slurry). On the larger biscuits some burrowing and chondrites can be observed.In section 2 there is an ash layer with a tuffaceous mud above it.2013-01-04T06:19:10
338-C0022B-22X-1,0.0209.5209.5338-C0022B-22X-CC,36.0211.200211.200Olive gray silty clay, strongly disturbed by drilling (mostly biscuiting). Four small fining upward sequences were observed.2013-01-04T06:28:21
338-C0022B-23X-1,0.0219.0219.0338-C0022B-23X-CC,43.0229.135228.500Olive gray silty clay. Drilling disturbance, mostly in the form of biscuiting and infiltered drilling slurry, is severe throughout the core.2013-01-04T08:28:54
338-C0022B-24X-1,0.0266.5266.5338-C0022B-24X-CC,36.0275.900275.900Olive gray silty clay. Still lots of drilling disturbance (mostly biscuiting). There are traces of bioturbation in the shape of burrows and chondrites.In the bottom halve of the core are lots of thin fining upward sequences, in which the sandy base often has wavy or planar bedding.2013-01-04T11:56:31
338-C0022B-25X-1,0.0276.0276.0338-C0022B-25X-CC,20.5277.115277.115Dark olive gray silty clay. Havy drilling disturbance (biscuiting).2013-01-05T00:15:37
338-C0022B-26X-1,0.0285.5285.5338-C0022B-26X-CC,35.5292.080290.500Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. Drilling disturbance is intense, mostly in the form of biscuits.2013-01-05T01:07:26
338-C0022B-27X-1,0.0290.5290.5338-C0022B-27X-CC,25.5295.590295.500Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation and greenish banding. Many fining upward intervals were recognized. Drilling disturbance in the form of biscuiting is intense.2013-01-05T01:34:44
338-C0022B-28X-1,0.0295.5295.5338-C0022B-28X-CC,19.0301.285300.500Olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. Greenish banding and discrete burrows are minor local features throughout the core. Intense drilling disturbance in the form of biscuiting.2013-01-05T02:01:51
338-C0022B-29X-1,0.0300.5300.5338-C0022B-29X-CC,40.0305.445305.445Dark olive gray silty clay. Intense drilling disturbance in the form of biscuiting.2013-01-10T01:30:57
338-C0022B-30X-1,0.0305.5305.5338-C0022B-30X-CC,25.0314.255314.255Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. The ichnotaxa Chondrites and Zoophycos were recognized. Drilling disturbance in the form of biscuiting is intense.2013-01-05T07:57:33
338-C0022B-31X-1,0.0315.0315.0338-C0022B-31X-CC,59.5324.975324.500Olive gray silty clay with minor to medium bioturbation, sometimes Chondrites were observed. Several small fining upward sequences are present.2013-01-10T01:31:56
338-C0022B-32X-1,0.0324.5324.5338-C0022B-32X-CC,41.0326.340326.340Very strong drilling disturbance, the sediment has been turned into a breccia.2013-01-05T16:00:22
338-C0022B-33X-1,0.0334.0334.0338-C0022B-33X-CC,34.5343.005343.005Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. Chondrites, other discrete burrows, and greenish color bands appear scattered throughout the core.2013-01-05T23:55:12
338-C0022B-34X-1,0.0343.5343.5338-C0022B-34X-CC,25.5352.525352.525Dark greenish gray silty clay with bioturbation. Chondrites and greenish banding and mottling are scattered through the core. Drilling disturbance is intense, mosly in the form of biscuiting.2013-01-06T02:07:26
338-C0022B-35X-1,0.0353.0353.0338-C0022B-35X-CC,71.0363.280362.500Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. Chondrites and greenish mottling and banding appear scattered throughout the core. Drilling disturbance is intense, mostly in the form of biscuiting.2013-01-06T03:00:07
338-C0022B-36X-1,0.0362.5362.5338-C0022B-36X-CC,38.5370.230370.230Dark olive gray silty clay. Evidence of slight bioturbation can be seen through the whole core, more clearly in the CT images. Drilling disturbance in the form of drilling breccia and biscuits is intense.2013-01-06T04:33:08
338-C0022B-37X-1,0.0372.0372.0338-C0022B-37X-CC,41.0374.700374.700Dark olive gray silty clay. Drilling disturbance, moslty in the form of biscuiting, is intense.2013-01-06T04:47:32
338-C0022B-38X-1,0.0381.5381.5338-C0022B-38X-CC,42.5391.490391.000Dark olive gray silty clay with bioturbation. In this core, the first mud-clast clast-supported conglomerate appears (Sections 2, 4 and 5). Clasts are polymictic, generally rounded and many of them have burrows. The matrix is silty.2013-01-06T06:15:50
338-C0022B-39X-1,0.0391.0391.0338-C0022B-39X-CC,50.0399.225399.225Olive gray silty clay with medium bioturbation (some zoophycos) with greenish colour banding and plenty of sand scattering (mostly ash). Several small fining upward sequences with a sand base are present.2013-01-06T06:52:47
338-C0022B-40X-1,0.0400.5400.5338-C0022B-40X-CC,40.0406.855406.855Dark olive gray silty clay with minor bioturbation (discrete burrows, chondrites and zoophycos). Several sand intervals are present, although they are poorly preserverd due to drilling disturbance.2013-01-06T13:42:04
338-C0022B-41X-1,0.0410.0410.0338-C0022B-41X-CC,39.0415.900415.900Dark olive gray silty clay, feels very gritty. Many sand layers, some of them are part of fining upward sequences, but that is often hard to distinguish due to the drilling disturbance. Only minor bioturbation (some zoophycos).2013-01-06T14:10:18