Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2014): Headspace-gas measurements from IODP Hole 338-C0002K [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2014-03-05 • DOI registered: 2015-04-15
Related to:
Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2013): NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 17, 1-12,
Latitude: 33.300100 * Longitude: 136.636830
Date/Time Start: 2012-12-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-20T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 202.885 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 277.280 m
338-C0002K * Latitude: 33.300100 * Longitude: 136.636830 * Date/Time: 2012-12-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1937.5 m * Penetration: 286.5 m * Recovery: 60.29 m * Location: Nankai Trough * Campaign: Exp338 (NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 2) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 11 cores; 86.5 m Interval cored; 69.7 % recovered
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Expedition 338 Scientists | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | Sample top | |
2 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
3 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Expedition 338 Scientists | [m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor) | |
4 | Sample code/label 2 | Sample label 2 | Expedition 338 Scientists | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | Sample bottom | |
5 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Expedition 338 Scientists | [m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor) | |
6 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Expedition 338 Scientists | [m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor) | |
7 | Sample volume | Samp vol | cm3 | Expedition 338 Scientists | ||
8 | Sample comment | Sample comment | Expedition 338 Scientists | |||
9 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | Of sampling | ||
10 | Ethane | C2H6 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
11 | Ethene | C2H4 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
12 | Methane | CH4 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
13 | Propane | C3H8 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
14 | Propene | C3H6 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
15 | Isobutane | i-C4H10 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
16 | n-Butane | n-C4H10 | relative units | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | |
17 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | GC FID registration | ||
18 | δ13C, methane | δ13C CH4 | ‰ PDB | Expedition 338 Scientists | Methane carbon isotope analyzer (MCIA) | |
19 | Comment | Comment | Expedition 338 Scientists | Of measurement | ||
20 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas analysis registration | ||
21 | Methane | CH4 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
22 | Ethene | C2H4 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
23 | Ethane | C2H6 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
24 | Propene | C3H6 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
25 | Propane | C3H8 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
26 | Isobutane | i-C4H10 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
27 | n-Butane | n-C4H10 | ppmv | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
28 | δ13C, methane | δ13C CH4 | ‰ PDB | Expedition 338 Scientists | Methane carbon isotope analyzer (MCIA) | NaOH analysis, see reference (methods) |
29 | Comment | Comment | Expedition 338 Scientists | On NaOH measurement | ||
30 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | NaOH registration |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
307 data points
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- Moore, G; Kanagawa, K; Strasser, M et al. (2014): Void gas measurements from IODP Hole 338-C0002K.
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