Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2014): Liquid chemistry from IODP Hole 338-C0002L [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2013): NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 17, 1-12,
Latitude: 33.299950 * Longitude: 136.637000
Date/Time Start: 2012-12-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-24T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 334.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 448.000 m
338-C0002L * Latitude: 33.299950 * Longitude: 136.637000 * Date/Time Start: 2012-12-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-24T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1937.5 m * Penetration: 505 m * Recovery: 186.4 m * Location: Nankai Trough * Campaign: Exp338 (NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 2) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 24 cores; 228 m Interval cored; 81.8 % recovered
Geocode = [m CSF-A]
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Expedition 338 Scientists | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | ||
2 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
3 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Expedition 338 Scientists | [m CSF-B] | |
4 | Refractive index | Ref ind | Expedition 338 Scientists | Refractometer | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry | |
5 | pH | pH | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry | |
6 | Alkalinity, total | AT | mmol(eq)/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
7 | Chlorinity | cl | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration potentiometric | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
8 | Phosphate | [PO4]3- | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ultra-violet and visible spectrometry | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
9 | Ammonium | [NH4]+ | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ultra-violet and visible spectrometry | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
10 | Bromine | Br | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
11 | Sulfate | [SO4]2- | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
12 | Sodium | Na | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
13 | Potassium | K | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
14 | Magnesium | Mg | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
15 | Calcium | Ca | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
16 | Boron | B | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
17 | Barium | Ba | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
18 | Iron | Fe | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
19 | Lithium | Li | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
20 | Manganese | Mn | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
21 | Silicon | Si | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
22 | Strontium | Sr | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
23 | Vanadium | V | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
24 | Copper | Cu | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
25 | Zinc | Zn | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
26 | Rubidium | Rb | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
27 | Molybdenum | Mo | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
28 | Caesium | Cs | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
29 | Lead | Pb | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
30 | Uranium | U | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry |
31 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | Gas hydrate liquid chemistry registration | ||
32 | Refractive index | Ref ind | Expedition 338 Scientists | Refractometer | Liquid from core liner chemistry | |
33 | pH | pH | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration | Liquid from core liner chemistry | |
34 | Alkalinity, total | AT | mmol(eq)/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
35 | Chlorinity | cl | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Titration potentiometric | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
36 | Phosphate | [PO4]3- | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ultra-violet and visible spectrometry | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
37 | Ammonium | [NH4]+ | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ultra-violet and visible spectrometry | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
38 | Bromine | Br | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
39 | Sulfate | [SO4]2- | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
40 | Sodium | Na | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
41 | Potassium | K | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
42 | Magnesium | Mg | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
43 | Calcium | Ca | mmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Ion-exchange-chromatography | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
44 | Boron | B | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
45 | Barium | Ba | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
46 | Iron | Fe | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
47 | Lithium | Li | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
48 | Manganese | Mn | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
49 | Silicon | Si | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
50 | Strontium | Sr | µmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscope (ICP-AES) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
51 | Vanadium | V | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
52 | Copper | Cu | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
53 | Zinc | Zn | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
54 | Rubidium | Rb | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
55 | Molybdenum | Mo | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
56 | Caesium | Cs | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
57 | Lead | Pb | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
58 | Uranium | U | nmol/l | Expedition 338 Scientists | Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | Liquid from core liner chemistry |
59 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 338 Scientists | Liquid from core liner chemistry registration |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
120 data points
1 Sample label (DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation) | 2 Depth sed [m] | 3 Depth top [m] ([m CSF-B]) | 4 Ref ind (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 5 pH (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 6 AT [mmol(eq)/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 7 cl [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 8 [PO4]3- [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 9 [NH4]+ [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 10 Br [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 11 [SO4]2- [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 12 Na [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 13 K [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 14 Mg [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 15 Ca [mmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 16 B [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 17 Ba [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 18 Fe [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 19 Li [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 20 Mn [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 21 Si [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 22 Sr [µmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 23 V [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 24 Cu [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 25 Zn [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 26 Rb [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 27 Mo [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 28 Cs [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 29 Pb [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 30 U [nmol/l] (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry,...) | 31 Time Stamp (Gas hydrate liquid chemistry ...) | 32 Ref ind (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 33 pH (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 34 AT [mmol(eq)/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 35 cl [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 36 [PO4]3- [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 37 [NH4]+ [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 38 Br [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 39 [SO4]2- [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 40 Na [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 41 K [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 42 Mg [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 43 Ca [mmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 44 B [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 45 Ba [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 46 Fe [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 47 Li [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 48 Mn [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 49 Si [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 50 Sr [µmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 51 V [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 52 Cu [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 53 Zn [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 54 Rb [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 55 Mo [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 56 Cs [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 57 Pb [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 58 U [nmol/l] (Liquid from core liner chemis...) | 59 Time Stamp (Liquid from core liner chemis...) |
338-C0002L-7X-1,0.0 | 334.000 | 334.000 | 1.33927 | 7.68 | 3.928 | 543.8791867 | 7.797395573 | 2.088272370 | 0.888157984 | 25.37725177 | 476.8244788 | 9.571498017 | 51.02271164 | 10.21132054 | 379.4389755 | 6.911135102 | 0.808818958 | 44.15197990 | 1.244336887 | 147.5865356 | 83.04551074 | 76.63350794 | 20.84467799 | 84.79946893 | 1129.526364 | 330.5894419 | 2.376932277 | 1.287526062 | 15.135498740 | 2013-01-10T08:48:43 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
338-C0002L-10X-8,24.0 | 368.925 | 368.925 | 1.33684 | 7.95 | 12.274 | 325.820162 | 10.72051025 | 7.328608398 | 0.549558309 | 10.06108395 | 300.8949459 | 6.118704005 | 18.88906709 | 3.980105242 | 193.8273024 | 3.76615342 | 0.664936049 | 37.5552072 | 1.590481762 | 416.6119515 | 38.91266003 | 55.81767054 | 1715.607194 | 655.1674912 | 888.9517277 | 323.6954902 | 6.684711826 | 4.357107118 | 12.45569588 | 2013-01-11T05:39:45 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
338-C0002L-18X-1,0.0 | 438.500 | 438.500 | 1.33921 | 7.55 | 3.915 | 533.9351269 | 0.000000000 | 3.605224633 | 0.825975651 | 25.26433425 | 468.3570188 | 9.864436013 | 48.14408929 | 10.20256230 | 344.2026370 | 4.040720361 | 0.711694119 | 50.49295135 | 4.545948238 | 394.4975255 | 76.53490482 | 28.39614987 | 15.16200085 | 75.60247499 | 1342.348887 | 1020.0840740 | 5.119559922 | 0.000000000 | 9.998144741 | 2013-01-10T08:48:43 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
338-C0002L-19X-1,0.0 | 448.000 | 448.000 | 1.33925 | 7.65 | 3.126 | 539.6174468 | 0.000000000 | 1.883387347 | 0.827582206 | 26.08415757 | 467.9237098 | 9.961579388 | 50.56009661 | 10.45162719 | 366.0320651 | 3.771126777 | 0.568045741 | 44.02921598 | 3.778455255 | 154.1038418 | 83.05640496 | 30.76974323 | 11.18215936 | 132.75600660 | 1190.655712 | 982.1328308 | 3.178044831 | 0.542129855 | 16.049448200 | 2013-01-10T08:48:43 |