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Korte, Christoph; Hesselbo, Stephen P (2011): (Table S1) Carbon and oxygen isotope values, and Mn and Sr concentrations of Early Jurassic sediments [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Korte, C; Hesselbo, SP (2011): Shallow marine carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental records indicate icehouse-greenhouse cycles during the Early Jurassic. Paleoceanography, 26(4), PA4219,

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For much of the Mesozoic record there has been an inconclusive debate on the possible global significance of isotopic proxies for environmental change and of sequence stratigraphic depositional sequences. We present a carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental record for part of the Early Jurassic based on marine benthic and nektobenthic molluscs and brachiopods from the shallow marine succession of the Cleveland Basin, UK. The invertebrate isotope record is supplemented with carbon isotope data from fossil wood, which samples atmospheric carbon. New data elucidate two major global carbon isotope events, a negative excursion of ~2 per mil at the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian boundary, and a positive excursion of ~2 per mil in the Late Pliensbachian. The Sinemurian–Pliensbachian boundary event is similar to the slightly younger Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event and is characterized by deposition of relatively deepwater organic-rich shale. The Late Pliensbachian strata by contrast are characterized by shallow marine deposition. Oxygen isotope data imply cooling locally for both events. However, because deeper water conditions characterize the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian boundary in the Cleveland Basin the temperature drop is likely of local significance; in contrast a cool Late Pliensbachian shallow seafloor agrees with previous inference of partial icehouse conditions. Both the large-scale, long-term and small-scale, short-duration isotopic cycles occurred in concert with relative sea level changes documented previously from sequence stratigraphy. Isotope events and the sea level cycles are concluded to reflect processes of global significance, supporting the idea of an Early Jurassic in which cyclic swings from icehouse to greenhouse and super greenhouse conditions occurred at timescales from 1 to 10 Ma.
Median Latitude: 54.483470 * Median Longitude: -0.643750 * South-bound Latitude: 54.406940 * West-bound Longitude: -0.790000 * North-bound Latitude: 54.560000 * East-bound Longitude: -0.497500
Minimum SECTION, height: -45.95 m * Maximum SECTION, height: 166.48 m
Robin_Hood_Bay (Wine_Haven) * Latitude: 54.406940 * Longitude: -0.497500 * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
Staithes * Latitude: 54.560000 * Longitude: -0.790000 * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP) * Comment: position estimated
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2SECTION, heightSectionmGeocode
3Sample code/labelSample labelKorte, Christoph
4Ageprofile Datum DescriptionAgeprof dat desKorte, Christophsubzone
5MaterialMaterialKorte, Christoph
6δ13C, skeletal carbonateδ13C skel carb‰ PDBKorte, Christoph
7δ18O, skeletal carbonateδ18O skel carb‰ PDBKorte, Christoph
8LaboratoryLabKorte, Christoph
9δ13C, woodδ13C wood‰ PDBKorte, Christoph
10TreatmentTreatKorte, ChristophNitric acid teratment
11ManganeseMnmg/kgKorte, Christoph
12StrontiumSrmg/kgKorte, Christoph
3741 data points

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