Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2014): Core liner chemistry from IODP Hole 338-C0002H [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Moore, Gregory; Kanagawa, Kyuichi; Strasser, Michael; Dugan, Brandon; Maeda, Lena; Toczko, Sean; Expedition 338 Scientists (2013): NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 17, 1-12,
Latitude: 33.300420 * Longitude: 136.636920
Date/Time Start: 2012-12-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-10T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1100.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1110.5 m
338-C0002H * Latitude: 33.300420 * Longitude: 136.636920 * Date/Time: 2012-12-10T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1936.5 m * Penetration: 1120 m * Recovery: 3.91 m * Location: Nankai Trough * Campaign: Exp338 (NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 2) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 2 cores; 19 m Interval cored; 20.6 % recovered
Geocode = [m CSF-A]
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
60 data points
1 Sample label | 2 Depth sed [m] | 3 Depth top [m] | 4 Ref ind | 5 pH | 6 AT [mmol(eq)/l] | 7 cl [mmol/l] | 8 [PO4]3- [µmol/l] | 9 [NH4]+ [mmol/l] | 10 Br [mmol/l] | 11 [SO4]2- [mmol/l] | 12 Na [mmol/l] | 13 K [mmol/l] | 14 Mg [mmol/l] | 15 Ca [mmol/l] | 16 B [µmol/l] | 17 Ba [µmol/l] | 18 Fe [µmol/l] | 19 Li [µmol/l] | 20 Mn [µmol/l] | 21 Si [µmol/l] | 22 Sr [µmol/l] | 23 V [nmol/l] | 24 Cu [nmol/l] | 25 Zn [nmol/l] | 26 Rb [nmol/l] | 27 Mo [nmol/l] | 28 Cs [nmol/l] | 29 Pb [nmol/l] | 30 U [nmol/l] | 31 Time Stamp |
338-C0002H-1R-1,0.0 | 1100.5 | 1100.5 | 1.33927 | 7.84 | 2.133 | 545.4574868 | 0 | 0.466817675 | 0.844123156 | 25.66648288 | 464.3302905 | 7.271305264 | 48.27801767 | 14.21408524 | 395.4643906 | 4.850459337 | 0.516474771 | 62.09866693 | 6.447452089 | 80.86395914 | 81.12040609 | 25.66186305 | 93.35642981 | 106.72346360 | 1089.988885 | 212.2028559 | 6.915522353 | 0 | 12.16786482 | 2012-12-17T05:26:04 |
338-C0002H-2R-1,0.0 | 1110.5 | 1110.5 | 1.33937 | 7.89 | 2.532 | 551.8487865 | 0 | 0.134692886 | 0.827816460 | 26.72109716 | 473.8566244 | 9.351105305 | 52.13133858 | 11.97602856 | 399.9256982 | 2.147655882 | 0.503041306 | 49.44180530 | 2.825163015 | 43.65390127 | 82.51239236 | 30.21196050 | 18.13729924 | 92.40431298 | 1202.483404 | 222.8725419 | 5.514604132 | 0 | 13.44390361 | 2012-12-17T05:26:04 |