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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Matishov, Gennady G; Zuyev, Aleksey N; Golubev, Valery A; Adrov, Nikolai M; Timofeev, Sergey F; Karamusko, O; Pavlova, L; Fadyakin, O; Buzan, A; Braunstein, A; Moiseev, Denis; Smolyar, I; Locarnini, Ricardo A; Tatusko, R; Boyer, Timothy P; Levitus, Sydney (2004): Original source of the "Climatic Atlas of the Arctic Seas 2004: Part I. Database of the Barents, Kara, Laptev, and White Seas - Oceanography and Marine Biology" [dataset]. WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, NOAA/NODC E/OC5, PANGAEA,

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Matishov, Gennady G; Zuyev, Aleksey N; Golubev, Valery A; Adrov, Nikolai M; Timofeev, Sergey F; Karamusko, O; Pavlova, L; Fadyakin, O; Buzan, A; Braunstein, A; Moiseev, Denis; Smolyar, I; Locarnini, Ricardo A; Tatusko, R; Boyer, Timothy P; Levitus, Sydney (2004): Climatic Atlas of the Arctic Seas 2004: Part I. Database of the Barents, Kara, Laptev, and White Seas - Oceanography and Marine Biology (in english). World Data Center for Oceanography, SilverSpring, Internationl Ocean Atlas and Information Series, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 58, 9, 226 pp, hdl:10013/epic.42541.d001
This Atlas and associated data are being distributed internationally without restriction via DVD-ROM (see "Download dataset") in accordance with the principles of the World Data Center system of the International Council of Scientific Unions and the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. DVD content was transferred to PANGAEA in 2013 as image file (iso format).
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