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Kleinefeld, Bärbel (2002): Table C.10+11+12: Microprobe analysis of plagioclase and K-feldspar from sample no. 1563 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2002-12-04DOI registered: 2005-03-07

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Related to:
Kleinefeld, Bärbel (2003): The charnockite-anorthosite suite of rocks exposed in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: a study on fluid-rock interactions, and post-entrapment change of metamorphic fluid inclusions (Die charnockitischen und anorthositischen Gesteinsserien im zentralen Dronning Maud Land: Fluid-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen und die Veränderung metamorpher Fluid-Einschlüsse nach ihrer Bildung). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 436, 130 pp,
Latitude: -71.451667 * Longitude: 12.510000
Minimum Elevation: 1240.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 1240.0 m
GeoMaud95/96_1563 * Latitude: -71.451667 * Longitude: 12.510000 * Elevation: 1240.0 m * Location: Storsåta * Campaign: GeoMaud95/96 * Basis: Sampling on land * Method/Device: Geological sample (GEOS) * Comment: granitic grt-gneiss/colour: light
Number of ions on the basis of 8 O; oxides given in weight percentage
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelKleinefeld, Bärbel
2Silicon dioxideSiO2%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
3Titanium dioxideTiO2%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
4Aluminium oxideAl2O3%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
5Chromium(III) oxideCr2O3%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
6Iron oxide, FeOFeO%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
7Iron oxide, Fe2O3Fe2O3%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
8Magnesium oxideMgO%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
9Manganese oxideMnO%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
10Calcium oxideCaO%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
11Sodium oxideNa2O%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
12Potassium oxideK2O%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
13SumSum%Kleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
14SiliconSi# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
15Aluminium (IV)Al(IV)# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
16AluminiumAl# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
17TitaniumTi# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
18ChromiumCr# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
19Iron 2+Fe2+# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
20Iron 3+Fe3+# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
21MagnesiumMg# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
22ManganeseMn# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
23CalciumCa# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
24SodiumNa# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
25PotassiumK# of ionsKleinefeld, BärbelElectron microprobe (EMP)
26AlbiteAb%Kleinefeld, Bärbel
27AnorthiteAn%Kleinefeld, Bärbel
28KalifeldsparKfs%Kleinefeld, Bärbel
896 data points

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