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Chen, Wenwen; Mohtadi, Mahyar; Schefuß, Enno; Mollenhauer, Gesine (2014): Organic-geochemical proxies (UK'37 and TEXH86) records in surface sediments of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Chen, W et al. (2014): Organic-geochemical proxies of sea surface temperature in surface sediments of the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 88, 17-29,

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Published: 2014-04-24DOI registered: 2014-05-22

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In this study we reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) using two lipid-based biomarker proxies (alkenone unsaturation index UK'37 and TEX86 index based on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers) in 36 surface sediment samples from the Indonesian continental margin off west Sumatra and south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Comparison of measured temperatures (World Ocean Atlas 09) to reconstructed temperatures suggests that SST-UK'37 reflects the SE monsoon SST in the upwelling area south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands, whereas Temp-TEXH86 estimates are up to 2°C lower than SST-UK'37. This offset is possibly related to either one or a combination of two factors: i) the depth habitats of the source organisms; ii) different seasonal production and/ or seasonality of export associated with phytoplankton blooming triggered by primary productivity. In the non-upwelling area off west Sumatra, the alkenone-based SSTs are cooler than measured temperatures during the entire year, likely due to the reduced sensitivity of the UK'37 proxy beyond 28°C. However, reconstructed temperatures based on TEXH86 are consistent with mean annual SST, implying that the Temp-TEXH86 reflects the mean annual SST in the non-upwelling area of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean.
Median Latitude: -4.745234 * Median Longitude: 105.518550 * South-bound Latitude: -9.729167 * West-bound Longitude: 96.660333 * North-bound Latitude: 1.678500 * East-bound Longitude: 121.002525
Date/Time Start: 2005-08-06T04:29:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-09-07T11:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
GeoB10008-4 * Latitude: -0.954833 * Longitude: 98.259833 * Date/Time: 2005-08-06T04:29:00 * Elevation: -934.0 m * Campaign: SO184/1 (PABESIA) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: 6/6 4/4
GeoB10010-1 * Latitude: -1.178167 * Longitude: 97.981500 * Date/Time: 2005-08-06T11:14:00 * Elevation: -2937.0 m * Campaign: SO184/1 (PABESIA) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: 6/6 4/4
GeoB10014-1 * Latitude: 1.678500 * Longitude: 96.981000 * Date/Time: 2005-08-08T01:30:00 * Elevation: -1158.0 m * Campaign: SO184/1 (PABESIA) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC) * Comment: 6/6 4/4
DEPTH, sediment/rock = 0 - 1 cm
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
6Alkenone per unit sediment massAlkenone/sedµg/gChen, WenwenConc. Alkenone (C37)
7Alkenone, per unit mass total organic carbonAlkenone/TOCµg/gChen, WenwenConc. Alkenone (C37)
8Alkenone, unsaturation index UK'37UK'37Chen, Wenwen
9Sea surface temperature, annual meanSST (1-12)°CChen, WenwenCalculated from UK37 (Conte et al., 2006)SST-UK'37
10Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethersGDGTsµg/gChen, WenwenConc. GDGTs
11Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, per unit mass total organic carbonGDGTs/TOCµg/gChen, WenwenConc. GDGTs
12Tetraether index of 86 carbon atomsTEX86Chen, Wenwen
13Temperature, water, interpolatedTemp interp°CChen, WenwenCalculated from TEX86 (Kim et al., 2010)TEXH86
14Branched and isoprenoid tetraether indexBITChen, Wenwen
15n-Alkane C24C24ng/gChen, Wenwen
16n-Alkane C25C25ng/gChen, Wenwen
17n-Alkane C26C26ng/gChen, Wenwen
18n-Alkane C27C27ng/gChen, Wenwen
19n-Alkane C28C28ng/gChen, Wenwen
20n-Alkane C29C29ng/gChen, Wenwen
21n-Alkane C30C30ng/gChen, Wenwen
22n-Alkane C31C31ng/gChen, Wenwen
23n-Alkane C32C32ng/gChen, Wenwen
24n-Alkane C33C33ng/gChen, Wenwen
25n-Alkane C34C34ng/gChen, Wenwen
26n-Alkane C35C35ng/gChen, Wenwen
27Carbon Preference IndexCPIChen, Wenwen
28Average chain lengthACLChen, Wenwen
29n-Alkane, C31/C29 ratioC31/C29Chen, Wenwen
30Sum n-alkanes C29-C33C29-C33ng/gChen, Wenwen
878 data points

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