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Clausnitzer, Viola (2013): Dragonflies in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 0.291000 * Longitude: 34.856000
Kakamega_Forest * Latitude: 0.291000 * Longitude: 34.856000 * Location: Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya
A total of 72 dragonfly species, representing 42 % of Kenya's dragonfly fauna, has been recorded from Kakamega Forest. They represent by the families Aeshnidae (7 spp.), Calopterygidae (2 spp.), Chlorocyphidae (4 spp.), Coenagrionidae (11 spp.), Corduliidae (2 spp.), Gomphidae (10 spp.), Lestidae (2 spp.), Libellulidae (33 spp.), and Protoneuridae (1 sp.). Three of these are based on literature records only (Phyllomacromia kimminsi, Neurogomphus pinheyi, and Paragomphus alluaudi). The habitat preference and affiliation with other African regions is listed for all species. The dragonfly fauna of the Kakamega Forest is impoverished compared to more western Guineo-Congolian rain forest areas. Twenty species are of national importance for Kenya, since they are only found at this site within the country.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
FamilyFamilyClausnitzer, Viola
Scientific nameScientific nameClausnitzer, Viola
HabitatHabitatClausnitzer, Viola
ReproductionReproductionClausnitzer, Viola
DistributionDistrClausnitzer, Viola
360 data points


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Ord No


Scientific name



1AeshnidaeAeshna rileyi (Calvert, 1892)secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
2AeshnidaeAnaciaeshna triangulifera McLachlan, 1896secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
3AeshnidaeAnax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1836)open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
4AeshnidaeAnax imperator Leach, 1815open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
5AeshnidaeAnax speratus Hagen, 1867Forest,  secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
6AeshnidaeGynacantha bullata Karsch, 1891ForestpoolGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only
7AeshnidaeAeshna e. ellioti Kirby, 1896secondary forest, bushpool, river, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
8CalopterygidaePhaon iridipennis (Burmeister, 1839)open habitat, secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
9CalopterygidaeUmma saphirina Förster, 1916Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
10ChlorocyphidaeChlorocypha tenuis Longfield, 1936Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo
11ChlorocyphidaePlatycypha caligata (Selys, 1853)secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
12ChlorocyphidaePlatycypha lacustris (Förster, 1914)Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
13ChlorocyphidaeChlorocypha curta Hagen in Selys, 1853Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
14CoenagrionidaePseudagrion kersteni (Gerstäcker, 1869)secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
15CoenagrionidaePseudagrion kibalense Longfield, 1959Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
16CoenagrionidaePseudagrion melanicterum Selys, 1876Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
17CoenagrionidaeAfricallagma elongatum (Martin, 1907)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
18CoenagrionidaePseudagrion spernatum Selys, 1881secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
19CoenagrionidaeAfricallagma glaucum (Burmeister, 1839)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
20CoenagrionidaeAfricallagma pseudelongatum (Longfield, 1936)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poollocalized records only, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
21CoenagrionidaeAfricallagma subtile (Ris, 1921)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
22CoenagrionidaeCeriagrion glabrum (Burmeister, 1839)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
23CoenagrionidaeProischnura subfurcata (Selys, 1876)secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
24CoenagrionidaePseudagrion hageni Karsch, 1893Forest, secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
25CorduliidaePhyllomacromia kimminsi (Fraser, 1954)unknownunknownwidespread at least in eastern Africa
26CorduliidaePhyllomacromia sylvatica Fraser, 1954Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia
27GomphidaeNotogomphus leroyi (Schouteden, 1934)Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo
28GomphidaeNotogomphus dorsalis Selys, 1858secondary forest, bushriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
29GomphidaeNotogomphus lecythus Campion, 1923secondary forest, bushriver, streamlocalized records only, Ethiopia, Kenya
30GomphidaeNotogomphus lujai (Schouteden, 1934)Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
31GomphidaeOnychogomphus styx Pinhey, 1961Forestriver, streamlocalized records only, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
32GomphidaeParagomphus alluaudi (Martin, 1915)unknownunknownlocalized records only, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia
33GomphidaeParagomphus viridior Pinhey, 1961Forest, secondary forest, bushriver, streamlocalized records only, Kenya, Uganda
34GomphidaeIctinogomphus ferox (Rambur, 1842)open habitatriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
35GomphidaeMicrogomphus cf. schoutedeni Fraser, 1949Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only
36GomphidaeNeurogomphus pinheyi Cammaerts, 1968unknownunknownlocalized records only
37LestidaeLestes dissimulans Fraser, 1955open habitatswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
38LestidaeLestes virgatus Burmeister (1839)Forest, secondary forest, bushswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
39LibellulidaeTrithemis arteriosa (Burmeister, 1939)open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
40LibellulidaeOrthetrum trinacria (Selys, 1841)open habitat, secondary forest, bushriver, stream, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
41LibellulidaeOrthetrum abbotti Calvert, 1892open habitat, secondary forest, bushswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
42LibellulidaeAtoconeura eudoxia (Kirby, 1909)Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda
43LibellulidaeTrithemis furva Karsch, 1899open habitat, secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
44LibellulidaePalpopleura deceptor (Calvert, 1899)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
45LibellulidaeOrthetrum brachiale (Beauvois, 1817)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
46LibellulidaeCrocothemis sanguinolenta (Burmeister, 1839)open habitat, secondary forest, bushriver, stream, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
47LibellulidaeTrithemis stictica (Burmeister, 1839)Forest, secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
48LibellulidaePalpopleura lucia (Drury, 1773)open habitat, secondary forest, bushswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
49LibellulidaeOrthetrum caffrum (Burmeister, 1839)secondary forest, bushswamp, river, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
50LibellulidaeCrocothemis erythraea (Brullé, 1832)open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
51LibellulidaeUrothemis edwardsii (Selys, 1849)open habitatPool, swampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
52LibellulidaePalpopleura portia (Drury, 1773)open habitatswamp, poolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
53LibellulidaeOrthetrum camerunense Gambles, 1959secondary forest, bushswamp, river, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
54LibellulidaeHadrothemis camarensis (Kirby, 1889)ForestphytotelmataGuineo-Congolian forest
55LibellulidaeZygonyx natalensis (Martin, 1900)secondary forest, bushm open habitatriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
56LibellulidaePantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798)open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
57LibellulidaeOrthetrum chrysostigma (Burmeister, 1839)open habitatpool, swampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
58LibellulidaeHemistigma albipunctum (Rambur, 1842)secondary forest, bush, open habitatpool, swampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
59LibellulidaeZygonyx torridus (Kirby, 1889)secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
60LibellulidaeTetrathemis corduliformis Longfield, 1936Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
61LibellulidaeOrthetrum guineense Ris, 1910secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
62LibellulidaeMicromacromia camerunica Karsch, 1890Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest
63LibellulidaeTetrathemis polleni (Selys, 1869)secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
64LibellulidaeOrthetrum julia Kirby, 1900Forest, secondary forest, bushriver, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
65LibellulidaeNesciothemis farinosa (Förster, 1898)secondary forest, bush, open habitatpool, river, streamwidespread at least in eastern Africa
66LibellulidaeTholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798)secondary forest, bushpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
67LibellulidaeOrthetrum kollmannspergeri Buchholz, 1959open habitatswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
68LibellulidaeNotiothemis jonesi Ris, 1919Forestpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
69LibellulidaeTramea basilaris (Beauvois, 1817)open habitatpoolwidespread at least in eastern Africa
70LibellulidaeOrthetrum microstigma Ris, 1911Forestswampwidespread at least in eastern Africa
71LibellulidaeNotiothemis robertsi Fraser, 1944ForestpoolGuineo-Congolian forest
72ProtoneuridaeChlorocnemis pauli Longfield, 1936Forestriver, streamGuineo-Congolian forest, localized records only Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo