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Roy, Suzanne; Thibault, Delphine (2002): Pigment data of P12 (1996-05-29) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Roy, Suzanne; Thibault, Delphine (2000): IOS pigment data in NE Pacific. JGOFS Canada Data Sets 1989-1998, CD-ROM Version 1.0 Dec. 2000, Marine Environmental Data Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, readme.htm
Latitude: 48.970000 * Longitude: -130.666667
Date/Time Start: 1996-05-29T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-05-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 10 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 886 m
P12 * Latitude: 48.970000 * Longitude: -130.666667 * Elevation: -3260.0 m * Campaign: Line_P * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
3Sample methodSample methodRoy, Suzanne
4Chlorophyll aChl apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
5Chlorophyll aChl apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
6Chlorophyll bChl bpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
7Chlorophyll c3Chl c3pmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
8Chlorophyll c2Chl c2pmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
9Chlorophyll a allomersChl a allompmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
10Chlorophyllide aChlide apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
11Chlorophyllide a, derivativeChlide a derivpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
12Pheophorbide a2Phide a2pmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
13Pheophorbide a3Phide a3pmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
14Pheophorbide a4Phide a4pmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
15Pheophytin aPhytin apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
16Pheophytin bPhytin bpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
17Pyropheophytin aPyrophytin apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
18Pyropheophorbide aPyrophide apmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
19FucoxanthinFucopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
2019-ButanoyloxyfucoxanthinBut-fucopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
2119-HexanoyloxyfucoxanthinHex-fucopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
22PeridininPeridpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
23DiadinoxanthinDiadinopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
24LuteinLutpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
25ZeaxanthinZeapmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
26beta-Carotene, beta,beta-Carotenebb-Carpmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
27ViolaxanthinViolapmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
28DiatoxanthinDiatopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
29AlloxanthinAllopmol/lRoy, SuzanneJGOFS methods
270 data points

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