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Fujii, Naoyuki; Notsu, Kenjii; Onuma, Naoki (1981): (Table 1) Sr isotopes and chemical composition of DSDP Hole 61-462A basalts [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Fujii, N et al. (1981): Chemical compositions and Sr isotopes of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 basalts. In: Larson, RL; Schlanger, SO; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 61, 697-700,

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Published: 1981 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2013-10-30

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Sixteen elemental abundances and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the Nauru Basin basalt (Cores 75 to 90: sub-bottom depths 950 m to 1050 m) from Hole 462A have been determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The result indicates that the basalt is a new type of oceanic tholeiite, elementally similar to normal mid-oceanic ridge basalts and isotopically similar to oceanic island-type basalts.
Latitude: 7.241700 * Longitude: 165.031700
Date/Time Start: 1978-06-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1978-06-09T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -5177.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -5177.0 m
61-462A * Latitude: 7.241700 * Longitude: 165.031700 * Date/Time: 1978-06-09T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5177.0 m * Penetration: 1068.5 m * Recovery: 344 m * Campaign: Leg61 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 90 cores; 619.5 m cored; 14.5 m drilled; 55.5 % recovery
Empty cells = no data.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelFujii, NaoyukiDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
CommentCommentFujii, Naoyuki
AluminiumAlmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
BariumBamg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
CalciumCamg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
IronFemg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
PotassiumKmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
LithiumLimg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
MagnesiumMg2+mg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
10 ManganeseMnmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
11 SodiumNamg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
12 PhosphorusPmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
13 ScandiumScmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
14 StrontiumSrmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
15 StrontiumSrmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiIsotope dilution mass spectrometry
16 TitaniumTimg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
17 VanadiumVmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
18 YttriumYmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiICAP-AES, Inductively coupled argon plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy
19 RubidiumRbmg/kgFujii, NaoyukiIsotope dilution mass spectrometry
20 Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrFujii, NaoyukiMass spectrometer VG Micromass 30GSTwo standard deviations are less than 0.00005 for each sample
311 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:

Sample label
(DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation)


Al [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

Ba [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

Ca [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

Fe [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

K [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

Li [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)

Mg2+ [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Mn [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Na [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
P [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Sc [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Sr [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Sr [mg/kg]
(Isotope dilution mass spectro...)
Ti [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
V [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Y [mg/kg]
(ICAP-AES, Inductively coupled...)
Rb [mg/kg]
(Isotope dilution mass spectro...)
(Two standard deviations are l...)
61-462A-28-122-24Upper sill76200228010098100900739400163018700855481189450393350.70377
61-462A-30-4,82-84Upper sill722002676600965002900640400167018500858481071078920380342.750.70388
61-462A-30-6,85-87Upper sill734002177300967002100739100167018300834471099170378350.70382
61-462A-75-2,25-28Lower sill7630011874008480050034640014401710069245935980300220.70366
61-462A-75-5,115-118Lower sill7600010867008650050044600015301680069545926090310240.70371
61-462A-77-1,25-28Lower sill7630010876008550030034610014101750069046956090310240.70358
61-462A-77-3,16-19Lower sill765009870008400040044700013701730071246956130310240.70370
61-462A-79-5,38-41Lower sill7860012889008680050034570014901750072546976140310240.70380
61-462A-81-2,73-76Lower sill7470014817009430060044030015601810073646987180350290.70366
61-462A-84-3,22-25Lower sill7380012803009530050044080015701730075246981017250350290.460.70362
61-462A-84-4,7-10Lower sill784009818008260050034330014601850068547956890360240.70365
61-462A-84-6,20-23Lower sill7470010806009520050054240015701800078046957140350280.70403
61-462A-85-2,36-39Lower sill7290010823009120040044480015501760011147936900350260.70366
61-462A-87-1,84-87Lower sill748006826009240040044300015801780074346956820340270.70367
61-462A-88-2,67-70Lower sill736001580600949006005421001550178007694695717035028
61-462A-89-3,122-125Lower sill767007845009710040044170018001860077648997380360300.70366
61-462A-90-4,92-95Lower sill764001082500945004004415001470190008004897657420360300.140.70372