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Hein, James R; Vallier, Tracy L; Allan, Mary Ann (1981): (Table 4) Diagenetic characteristics of radiolarians and foraminifers at DSDP Leg 62 Holes [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Hein, JR et al. (1981): Chert petrology and geochemistry, Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62. In: Thiede, J; Vallier, TL; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 62, 711-748,

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Median Latitude: 31.800633 * Median Longitude: 175.937433 * South-bound Latitude: 21.350200 * West-bound Longitude: 173.888800 * North-bound Latitude: 39.860700 * East-bound Longitude: 179.255700
Date/Time Start: 1978-08-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1978-08-28T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -4637.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -2525.0 m
62-463  * Latitude: 21.350200 * Longitude: 174.667800 * Date/Time: 1978-08-02T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2525.0 m * Penetration: 822.5 m * Recovery: 305.5 m * Location: North Pacific/SEAMOUNT * Campaign: Leg62 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 92 cores; 820.5 m cored; 0 m drilled; 37.2 % recovery
62-464  * Latitude: 39.860700 * Longitude: 173.888800 * Date/Time: 1978-08-17T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4637.0 m * Penetration: 308.5 m * Recovery: 77.6 m * Location: North Pacific/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg62 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 34 cores; 308.5 m cored; 0 m drilled; 25.2 % recovery
62-466  * Latitude: 34.191000 * Longitude: 179.255700 * Date/Time: 1978-08-28T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2665.0 m * Penetration: 312 m * Recovery: 105.1 m * Location: North Pacific/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg62 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 33 cores; 302.5 m cored; 9.5 m drilled; 34.7 % recovery
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Empty cells and - mean no data.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Latitude of eventLatitude
Longitude of eventLongitude
Elevation of eventElevationm
Sample code/labelSample labelHein, James RDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
HostHostHein, James RRock
Mineral assemblageMin assemblHein, James Rsee reference(s)Radiolarian tests
Mineral assemblageMin assemblHein, James Rsee reference(s)Radiolarian filling
CommentCommentHein, James RRadiolarians
10 Mineral assemblageMin assemblHein, James Rsee reference(s)Foraminifer tests
11 Mineral assemblageMin assemblHein, James Rsee reference(s)Foraminifer filling
12 CommentCommentHein, James RForaminifers
320 data points


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Elevation [m]

Sample label
(DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation)


Min assembl
(Radiolarian tests, see refere...)

Min assembl
(Radiolarian filling, see refe...)

Min assembl
(Foraminifer tests, see refere...)
Min assembl
(Foraminifer filling, see refe...)
62-464 39.8607173.8888-463762-464-6-6,36Brown chertQuartz (most) opal-A (rare)Quartz----
62-463 21.3502174.6678-252562-463-9-3,50Brown chertCalciteChalcedony, quartz, opal-CT, calcite, zeolite?-Quartz, opal-CT, calcite?Quartz, opal-CT, chalcedony, Fe-oxides, zeolites-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-10-6,77Quartz-opal-CT calcareous porcellaniteQuartz, opal-CT, quartz ghosts in burrow, calciteQuartz and (or) opal-CT and (or) calcite-Recrystallized calcite (most) opal-CTOpal-CT, large calcite grains sediment-filled in burrows-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-13-6,98Siliceous chalk1. Chert burrow: quartz ghosts1. Quartz-chalcedony-1. Chert burrows: quartz ghosts1. Quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-13-6,98-2. Porcellanite: quartz2. Quartz-2. Porcellanite quartz, opal-CT2. Quartz, opal-CT-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-13-6,98-3. Siliceous chalk: calcite, no walls left3. Quartz, opal-CT-3. Siliceous chalk: recrystallized calcite or ghosts3. Quartz, opal-CT (most); one foraminifer had one chamber filled with calcite, one with opal-CT, one with opal-CT and quartz, and one with quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-22-CCBrown chert, quartz porcellanite with siliceous chalk1. Quartz porcellanite: mostly no walls left; quartz, opal-CT1. Opal-CT, quartz, rare calcite-1. Quartz porcellanite: quartz opal-CT, or no walls1. Opal-CT, quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-22-CC-2. Brown chert: mostly no walls left; quartz2. Quartz-replaced opal-CT blades; quartz-2. Brown chert: no walls or quartz2. Quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-25-1,12Brown chertQuartz ghostsPyrite, quartz, clay, opal-CT, chalcedony, hematite zeolites; quartz-replaced coccoliths-Quartz ghosts; hematitePyrite, quartz hematitemagnatite?-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-31-1,27Siliceous chalkQuartzQuartz, opal-CT, quartz-replaced calcite debris-QuartzQuartz, opal-CT-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-31-CCWhite and brown chertQuartzQuartz-QuartzQuartz, opal-CT, quartz-replaced calcite debrisCoccoliths replaced by SiO2
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-33-2,85Brown chertQuartzCoccoliths replaced by SiO2, quartz, opal-CT-Quartz, opal-CTQuartz, opal-CT, SiO2-replaced carbonate debrisCoccoliths replaced by SiO2
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-40-CCGray chert1. Quartz ghosts1. Quartz-QuartzOpal-CT-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-45-CC1. Gray chert2. Quartz2. Microquartz ± opal-CT (most), calcite ± zeolites?-Chalk: calciteCalcite-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-45-CC2. Siliceous chalk3. Opal-A3. Calcite, opal-CT, quartz----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-45-CC3. ChalkQuartz ghostsQuartz----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-49-CCGray chert1. Chalk: quartz1. Calcite ± quartz ± opal-CT-1. Chalk: calcite1. Calcite-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-54-CCSiliceous chalk, chert burrows2. Chert: fragments of cell walls opal-A; quartz ghosts2. Quartz and (or) opal-CT-2. Chert: quartz2. Quartz, opal-CT-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-60-1,301. Chert1. Quartz ghosts1. Microquartz-Siliceous chalk: recrystallized coarse calciteCalcite-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-60-1,302. Siliceous chalk2. Quartz, opal-CT, calcite ghosts2. Quartz, opal-CT, calcite, zeolite?; mostly one large calcite crystal in each----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-60-1,303. Porcellanite3. Quartz ghosts-----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-60-1,82Extensively burrowed siliceous chalkCalciteCalcite--Recrystallized calcite-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-69-1,74Chalk/chert contact1. Chalk1. Microquartz and (or) calcite (rare), quartz replaced opal-CT, chalcedony (rare)-1. Chalk: recrystallized calcite1. Quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-69-1,74-2. Chert: quartz ghosts, calcite (rare)2. Microquartz, chalcedony (rare), pyrite-2. Chert: quartz ghosts (rare)2. Quartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-81-2,3Highly burrowed gray, wavy laminated chert-chalk1. Chert: quartz ghosts, opal-CT or opal-A1. Microquartz-Chalk: recrystallized calciteQuartz-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-81-2,3-2. Chalk: quartz, opal-CT, or opal-A2. Calcite, opal-CT?, pyrite lined, empty----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-81-CCExtensively burrowed, banded white and gray chert and siliceous chalk1. Chert: quartz, opal-CT?1. Quartz, chalcedony-Chert: quartzQuartzCoccoliths replaced by SiO2
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-81-CC-2. Calcareous chert: some quartz2. Calcite and quartz, calcite, microquartz, chalcedony, cryptocrystalline quartz or opal-CT, empty----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-89-1,35Calcareous chert1. Chalk: quartz, opal-CT, or opal-A1. Calcite (1 or 2 large crystals), pyrite, quartz-Chert: quartzQuartz and quartz-replaced opal-CT lepispheres-
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-89-1,35-2. Carbonate burrow: quartz2. Calcite, quartz (rare)----
62-46321.3502174.6678-252562-463-89-1,35-3. Chert: quartz ghosts3. Calcite, quartz, pyrite----
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-11-1,22Laminated porcellanite with quartz veinsPorcellanite: quartz, opal-CTQuartz and chalcedony, quartzreplaced opal-CT lepispheres----
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-11-1,41Orange jasper with quartz veinsQuartz ghostsMicroquartz, hematite----
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-14-1,10Gray chert porcellanite, siliceous chalk1. Chert: quartz ghosts1. Microquartz, pyriteSpicule ghosts---
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-14-1,10-2. Chalk: quartz2. Microquartz, calcite (rare), pyrite (geopedal)----
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-14-1,40Extensively burrowed, pyritized, gray radiolarian chertQuartz ghosts, calcite (rare), quartzreplaced opal-CTMicroquartz, pyrite, clay, quartz-replaced opal-CT----
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-17-CCSiliceous red jasper, extensively burrowed, with white siliceous chalk rimsMicroquartzMicroquartz, chalcedony-Calcite ghostsMicroquartz, calcite-
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-27-1,23JasperQuartzQuartz, opal-CT or quartz-replaced opal-CT, calcite (rare)-QuartzQuartz, opal-CT or quartz-replaced opal-CT lepispheres-
62-46439.8607173.8888-463762-464-29-1,138Dark-brown chert with light - brown chert burrowsQuartz ghosts, calcite (rare)Quartz, magnetite and (or) hematite, chalcedony (rare), opal-CT?Radiolarians slightly flattened and aligned with other grains parallel to burrowsQuartz ghostsQuartz or quartz-replaced opal-CT-
62-466 34.1910179.2557-266562-466-34-1,77Calcareous opal-CT porcellaniteNo cell walls, carbonate-replaced, chalcedony, opal-CT; opal-CTMicroquartz opal-CT-Recrystallized carbonatePyrite, opal-CT, opal-CT and carbonate, carbonate, quartz and (or) opal-CT-