Strasser, Michael; Kölling, Martin; dos Santos Ferreira, Christian; Fink, Hiske G; Fujiwara, Toshiya; Henkel, Susann; Ikehara, Ken; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Kawamura, Kiichiro; Kodaira, Shuichi; Römer, Miriam; Wefer, Gerold; R/V Sonne Cruise SO219A scientists; JAMSTEC Cruise MR12-E01 scientists (2013): Physical properties, pore water geochemistry, 210Pb-dating of sediment cores GeoB16426-1, GeoB16427-1, GeoB16429-1 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Strasser, Michael; Kölling, Martin; dos Santos Ferreira, Christian; Fink, Hiske G; Fujiwara, Toshiya; Henkel, Susann; Ikehara, Ken; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Kawamura, Kiichiro; Kodaira, Shuichi; Römer, Miriam; Wefer, Gerold; JAMSTEC Cruise MR12-E01 scientists; R/V Sonne Cruise SO219A scientists (2013): A slump in the trench: Tracking the impact of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Geology, 41(8), 935-938,
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Published: 2013-09-19 • DOI registered: 2013-10-18
We present differential bathymetry and sediment core data from the Japan Trench, sampled after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki (offshore Japan) earthquake to document that prominent bathymetric and structural changes along the trench axis relate to a large (~27.7 km**2) slump in the trench. Transient geochemical signals in the slump deposit and analysis of diffusive re-equilibration of disturbed SO4**2- profiles over time constrain the triggering of the slump to the 2011 earthquake. We propose a causal link between earthquake slip to the trench and rotational slumping above a subducting horst structure. We conclude that the earthquake-triggered slump is a leading agent for accretion of trench sediments into the forearc and hypothesize that forward growth of the prism and seaward advance of the deformation front by more than 2 km can occur, episodically, during a single-event, large mega-thrust earthquake.
Other version:
Strasser, Michael; Kölling, Martin; dos Santos Ferreira, Christian; Fink, Hiske G; Fujiwara, Toshiya; Henkel, Susann; Ikehara, Ken; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Kawamura, Kiichiro; Kodaira, Shuichi; Römer, Miriam; Wefer, Gerold; R/V Sonne Cruise SO219A scientists; JAMSTEC Cruise MR12-E01 scientists (2013): Data Repository item 2013262. GSA Data Repository,
Median Latitude: 38.073268 * Median Longitude: 143.969537 * South-bound Latitude: 38.066250 * West-bound Longitude: 143.950033 * North-bound Latitude: 38.080550 * East-bound Longitude: 143.982917
Date/Time Start: 2012-03-26T15:13:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-03-27T23:14:00
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
10 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR4) Results from nondestructive gamma spectrometry measuring total, supported and unsupported 210Pb activity of sediment core GeoB16426-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): Fractional porosity of sediment core GeoB16426-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR3) Interstitial porewater geochemistry data of sediment core GeoB16426-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR2) Undrained shear strength from fall cone penetrometer of sediment core GeoB16426-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): Fractional porosity of sediment core GeoB16427-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR3) Interstitial porewater geochemistry data of sediment core GeoB16427-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR2) Undrained shear strength from fall cone penetrometer of sediment core GeoB16427-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): Fractional porosity of sediment core GeoB16429-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR3) Interstitial porewater geochemistry data of sediment core GeoB16429-1.
- Strasser, M; Kölling, M; dos Santos Ferreira, C et al. (2013): (Table DR2) Undrained shear strength from fall cone penetrometer of sediment core GeoB16429-1.