Yasnygina, T A; Malykh, Y u M; Rasskazov, S V; Primina, S P; Zemskaya, T I; Khlystov, O M (2006): (Table 1) Concentrations of minor elements in crude oils and bottom sediments of the Baikal Lake [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.818117
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Yasnygina, T A; Malykh, Y u M; Rasskazov, S V; Primina, S P; Zemskaya, T I; Khlystov, O M (2006): The ICP-MS determination of rare earths and other metals in Baikal crude oil: comparison with crude oils in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2006, 410(5), 672-675, Doklady Earth Sciences, 411(8), 1237-1240, https://doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X06080174
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