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Kang, Ming; Yang, Jianwen (2013): Table 2 Analytical data of the samples by the “Dipole CHIM” at the Yingezhuang gold deposit [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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CHIM method involves extracting metal ions of electromobile forms in either anodes or cathodes, facilitated by a man-made electric field. This paper presents two newly developed CHIM alternatives that are electrified by a low voltage dipole. The firstly improved technique enables cationic ions to be extracted in a single cathode, whereas the secondly improved technique allows both anionic and cationic species to be extracted simultaneously in an anode and in a cathode. Compared with the traditional CHIM methods, the innovative techniques developed in this paper are characterized by simple instrumentation, low cost and easy operation in field, and in particular enables simultaneous extraction of anionic and cationic species of elements, from which more information can be derived with higher extraction efficiency. Field tests at several well-known mine areas in China confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the new techniques in exploring for deeply buried ore bodies.
Related to:
Kang, Ming; Yang, Jianwen (submitted): The CHIM method electrified by a low voltage dipole.
Latitude: 37.227000 * Longitude: 120.347000
Yingezhuang (gold deposit) * Latitude: 37.227000 * Longitude: 120.347000 * Location: China * Method/Device: Geological sample (GEOS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDKang, Ming
2GoldAung/kgKang, Ming
3SilverAgmg/kgKang, Ming
4ArsenicAsmg/kgKang, Ming
5AntimonySbmg/kgKang, Ming
6GoldAung/kgKang, Ming
7SilverAgmg/kgKang, Ming
8ArsenicAsmg/kgKang, Ming
9AntimonySbmg/kgKang, Ming
230 data points

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