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Lyubansky, Vera (2013): Meteorological synoptical observations from station Sede Boqer (2012-06) [dataset]. The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede Boqer, PANGAEA,

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Other version:
Lyubansky, Vera (2013): BSRN Station-to-archive file for station Sede Boqer (2012-06).
Latitude: 30.859720 * Longitude: 34.779440
Date/Time Start: 2012-06-15T06:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-06-30T18:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 500.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 500.0 m
SBO (Sede Boqer) * Latitude: 30.859720 * Longitude: 34.779440 * Date/Time: 2003-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 500.0 m * Location: Israel * Method/Device: Monitoring station (MONS) * Comment: BSRN station no: 43; Surface type: desert rock; Topography type: hilly, rural; Station scientist: Dr. Nurit Agam ( ** Station closed 2012 **
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Total cloud amountNcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
Wind directiondddegLyubansky, VeraAnemometer
Wind speedffm/sLyubansky, VeraAnemometer
Temperature, airTTT°CLyubansky, VeraThermometer
Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CLyubansky, VeraHygrometer (HYGRO)
Present weatherwwcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
Past weather1W1codeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
Past weather2W2codeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
10 Low/middle cloud amountNhcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
11 Low cloudCLcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
12 Middle cloudCMcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
13 High cloudCHcodeLyubansky, VeraVisual observation
14 CodeCodeLyubansky, VeraYYGG9 IIiii Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 3P0P0P0 4PPPP 7wwW1W2 8NhClCmCh 333 8NsChshs 8NsChshs 8NsChshs
181 data points


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2012-06-15T06:000270622.317.415069 00474 02706 10223 20174 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-15T18:000340624.517.615189 00474 03406 10245 20176 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-16T06:000150526.612.216069 00474 01505 10266 20122 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-16T18:000340527.116.116189 00474 03405 10271 20161 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-17T06:0003201029.77.117069 00474 03210 10297 20071 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-17T18:000320727.315.217189 00474 03207 10273 20152 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-18T06:000340722.618.518069 00474 03407 10226 20185 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-18T18:000300725.218.518189 00474 03007 10252 20185 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-19T06:000320623.617.719069 00474 03206 10236 20177 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-19T18:000290623.419.119189 00474 02906 10234 20191 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-20T18:000320724.215.020189 00474 03207 10242 20150 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-21T06:000260726.013.421069 00474 02607 10260 20134 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-21T18:000340824.715.021189 00474 03408 10247 20150 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-22T06:0001501026.615.422069 00474 01510 10266 20154 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-22T18:000320923.417.722189 00474 03209 10234 20177 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-23T06:000160626.214.323069 00474 01606 10262 20143 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-23T18:000320627.810.823189 00474 03206 10278 20108 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-24T06:0002901024.117.824069 00474 02910 10241 20178 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-25T06:000340724.05.825069 00474 03407 10240 20058 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-25T18:000300825.715.025189 00474 03008 10257 20150 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-26T06:000270723.517.926069 00474 02707 10235 20179 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-26T18:000330824.319.326189 00474 03308 10243 20193 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-27T06:006260722.818.4640027069 00474 62607 10228 20184 3//// 4//// 7//// 86400 333 8////
2012-06-27T18:000290724.317.727189 00474 02907 10243 20177 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-28T06:000280723.416.328069 00474 02807 10234 20163 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-28T18:000280625.118.028189 00474 02806 10251 20180 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-29T06:000280623.217.729069 00474 02806 10232 20177 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-30T06:000340624.317.850030069 00474 03406 10243 20178 3//// 4//// 70500 8//// 333 8////
2012-06-30T18:000330725.319.330189 00474 03307 10253 20193 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8////