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Kleinefeld, Bärbel (2002): Table 7.3: Modal compositions of samples from shear zones within the O.-v.-Gruber anorthosite complex [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Kleinefeld, Bärbel (2003): The charnockite-anorthosite suite of rocks exposed in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: a study on fluid-rock interactions, and post-entrapment change of metamorphic fluid inclusions (Die charnockitischen und anorthositischen Gesteinsserien im zentralen Dronning Maud Land: Fluid-Gesteins-Wechselwirkungen und die Veränderung metamorpher Fluid-Einschlüsse nach ihrer Bildung). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 436, 130 pp,
Median Latitude: -71.356111 * Median Longitude: 13.381667 * South-bound Latitude: -71.361667 * West-bound Longitude: 13.291667 * North-bound Latitude: -71.353333 * East-bound Longitude: 13.426667
Minimum Elevation: 700.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 1580.0 m
GeoMaud95/96_1588 * Latitude: -71.353333 * Longitude: 13.426667 * Elevation: 700.0 m * Location: SE Untersee * Campaign: GeoMaud95/96 * Basis: Sampling on land * Method/Device: Geological sample (GEOS) * Comment: mylonitic shear zone (norite)/colour: dark
GeoMaud95/96_1588-1B * Latitude: -71.353333 * Longitude: 13.426667 * Elevation: 700.0 m * Location: SE Untersee * Campaign: GeoMaud95/96 * Basis: Sampling on land * Method/Device: Geological sample (GEOS) * Comment: anorthosite with shear plane (tonalitic)/colour: light
GeoMaud95/96_2119 * Latitude: -71.361667 * Longitude: 13.291667 * Elevation: 1580.0 m * Location: Zimmermannberg * Campaign: GeoMaud95/96 * Basis: Sampling on land * Method/Device: Geological sample (GEOS) * Comment: mylonitic shear zone (norite)/colour: dark
In thinsection 1588-1B modal estimations only refer to the shear plane, not to the whole thinsection as it is a c. 1.0 cm wide sharply defined layer in light-grey anorthosite; composition given in volume %.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5Rock typeRockKleinefeld, Bärbel
6PlagioclasePl%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
7KalifeldsparKfs%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
8QuartzQz%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
9BiotiteBt%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
10MuscoviteMs%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
11GarnetGrt%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
12Hornblende, greenHbl green%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
13OrthopyroxeneOpx%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
14ClinopyroxeneCpx%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
15Opaque mineralsOpaque%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
16ApatiteAp%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
17ZirconZrn%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
18ChloriteChl%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
19CalciteCal%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
20TourmalineTur%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
21TitaniteTtn%Kleinefeld, BärbelPolarisation microscopy
51 data points

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